Hey im jake from kcmo

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Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hi I've finally made a account here after creeping for bout a month, great info here! About me: well I just got fired due tobeing late because of daylight savings, I've always loved traveling I have always traveled by means of hitching hiking or train hopping, so the lifestyle is not new to me the concept of living in a vehicle seems much more appealing to me these days, check out www.squattheplanet.com it's a great asite helped me out a lot in my adventures. I've always came back to my moms for the winter and this last summer I ment a girl that I trammped around with for awhile till we housed up at my moms. I have a car a Toyota corrola 04, her and I love the idea on van dwelling but unfortunately have no van we both have lived in the car before and let's just sayit left a little be desired in means of space, it has 220k miles and I'd sa less than fair condition. I also have about 1200 in cash so what do you guys think stick with the car forfull time livin or upgrade to avan I know my car has been taken care of that's why o have hesitation trading it in but what do you guys think? Sorry for the typos I'm on a phone
<br><strong style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;">Welcome aboard, Jake!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>Tough break, losing your job. I'd say hang on to the money U have now, if possible, for an upgrade to a van. If there's any chance of getting another source of income, then save up some more &amp; buy the best vehicle U can possibly swing, cuz you're gonna have to live in it, AND depend on it! JMO, FWIW.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br></strong><strong style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><br></strong>&nbsp;
<p>Hello Jake,<br><br>Sorry to hear about the job loss.&nbsp; It seems companies are demanding more and more and becoming less and less forgiving of little mistakes.&nbsp; With the lousy economy and weakening of unions, the workplace has become pretty hostile.&nbsp; I'm surprised there isn't more workplace violence.<br><br>I was talking to a convenience store manager the other day that said he doesn't give people the traditional write-ups / multiple chances... Make a mistake and not show up and he fires the guy/gal.&nbsp; He bragged how he LOVES to fire people because there are 250+ applications of people wanting to work for him.<br><br>I looked at him and told him that karma is a bit*h and I hope he ends up with working for someone who is just as big an a**hole.&nbsp; He looked shocked.&nbsp; I haven't returned to that station either.&nbsp; (He'll get a LOT of no-calls and no-shows and probably wonder why people keep doing it.. ha ha ha)<br><br>Don't sweat the work thing.&nbsp; I've quit a lot of jobs and told a few bosses where to go.&nbsp; If a boss is a real jerk, I do the "at will" thing where they can fire you with no notice or I can do the same...&nbsp; LOL&nbsp; <br><br>I'd hold on to that money if I were you.&nbsp; You'll pick up some work pretty soon and things will get better.<br>Sit down, relax, and I'll buy the first round of whatever beverages we are enjoying tonight.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>Take care and welcome to the group!</p><p>Brad</p>
and Jake is gone.&nbsp; hit and run for getting users to read the squattheplanet web site?&nbsp; could be viral marketing who knows.