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Oct 16, 2018
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I just can't seem to kick the idea of taking off in a van so a little knowledge can't be bad. I'm a 54 y.o. single guy. I have a medical issue keeping me from working ( anxiety ) so I'm looking at an extended trip. I'm a backpacker. But getting older has made me want to explore differently. The budget says a camper van is probably the way to go. Stand by for probably STUPID questions! Thanks in advance!
Longtime backpacker here too. You'll find that after years of carrying everything around on your back, a camper van is like a PALACE.

Hey there, Lamarr! There's only one stoopid question: the one that goes unasked. So that's what all of us are here for, to ask away! Believe me, there are many things that kind of explain themselves, but then there are many that just...don't. I had been on the road already for over 3 years when I joined this forum, and had struggled with many of the everyday challenges of van dwelling. Would have been nice to have a community to simply ask one of the many questions that pop up every day.

Speaking of anxiety, I find that driving and not living in one place helps me a lot. Where others seem to find having a home to be a comfort, to me it's a source of stress that makes my OCD go off the wall. Somehow the simplicity of living tiny, coupled with the ability to just go somewhere new, keeps the anxiety monsters at bay, for me anyway. Hope it does for you too!

The Dire Wolfess
That's my hope. Simplifying down to the point that there's just not much left to stress over.
Welcome Lamarr to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. there are no stupid question, only stupid answers. ask away. highdesertranger
Moxadox said:
Speaking of anxiety, I find that driving and not living in one place helps me a lot.  Where others seem to find having a home to be a comfort, to me it's a source of stress that makes my OCD go off the wall.  Somehow the simplicity of living tiny, coupled with the ability to just go somewhere new, keeps the anxiety monsters at bay, for me anyway.  Hope it does for you too!

The Dire Wolfess
So  True I'm going thru some very stressful times I recently had 2 Full Blown Panic Attacks the last one was an hour ago and my boarder saw me and called 911 I've found the only thing that keeps me somewhat sane is going for a Drive it allows me to think about a Nomadic Life and helps me calm down also this Blog is a great place to learn. Last year I was able to go away for 2 weeks I was so Happy& Thankful to have finally found my place in the world. This life is for me, funny all of us Introverted Stressed Out People ( I.S.O.P.) want to give up there stix & Bricks to sleep in a car! 
This Summer I got away for 2 Days and the Best sleep I've had all year was in an NY State Rest area I got up in the morning and the Boy Scouts were giving away Coffe & Donuts 100 ft away:) That's Living!
Peace & Blessings