Help! 12v plug fix

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Well-known member
May 9, 2020
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So I was replacing a fuse in my mighty kools 12v plug and this microscopic spring flew out and grew legs and ran away so now I'm having a hard time getting a good connection when I plug it in. Anyone know a fix?
Get a magnet and fish for the spring.

See if the spring from a ballpoint pen will substitute. May need to cut it for length.

Splice in a new plug.
go to a REAL hardware/auto parts store and find a substitute spring. short of that get a new plug. highdesertranger
Replace the plug with quality such as Blue Sea
I vote for upgrading the plug, replacing the old one with a marine quality that won't easily corrode and also makes a very firm connection.

Do you know why the fuse blew?
A spring out of a ball point pen might work.
But like HDR said a good hardware store.
I do not favor that style of plug for anything more than a GPS or charging my phone. Too easy for a bad connection. If you can switch to something like maybe Anderson plugs it would be better. They come in different sizes to match the load.

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