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New member
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm close to retirement and looking to start a new, less restrictive, life. I have some experience with short-term camping, including the stealthy variety, and find that I enjoy it. Pursuing it full-time has long been a dream of mine, but I'm somewhat intimidated by the challenges and choices. I haven't even decided on a vehicle yet. Thus, I've joined this forum to ask questions, listen and learn from more experienced&nbsp; hands. I look forward to the conversation.<br>
hi and welcome! I'm new around here myself, but not to traveling. Wanderer at heart, I am. If I'm not actually out traveling, I'm at home wishing I was.<BR><BR>I quit thinking that there was any 'perfect' setup...&nbsp; best to just get something &amp; make it work, don't labor on what is ideal. I don't think ideal exists, everything does something different. Some days I love my little trailer. Other days, I want to ditch it &amp; get a flip top tent on a 4X4... easier access to back roads. So I decided, I'll just use what I have for now... <BR><br>&amp; I retired last year, so now am full time broke but much happier. Social Security kicks in next year, if the whole system doesn't crash<br>
<P><FONT size=3>Welcome, porcupine!&nbsp; this is a great place to help you get it all figured out!</FONT></P>
<FONT size=3 face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Welcome, porcupine! </FONT><BR><FONT size=3 face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3 face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">This is a place of great diversity ... of age, needs, resources, lifestyle, and choices.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3 face=Arial></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3 face=Arial>A great place to gather knowledge and formulate your own personal plan, and then to get lots of help in pursuing it.</FONT><BR><FONT size=3 face=Arial></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3 face=Arial>Bob (aka stude53)</FONT><BR>
<font face="Courier">Hi there! Welcome to the group</font><br>

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