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New member
Apr 17, 2017
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I've been lurking for a long time, so I better say hello. Hello, I live in BC Idont have  vehicle yet, have to save more. I'm on disability so not the easiest thing to do. And due to certain circumstances I may be looking at homeless if I don't get a vehicle in time. Thank you Bob for creating this site, and the interviews that you (and enigmatic) share on YouTube. Listening to the stories of these women is so inspiring, proof that no matter the current situation or challenges it's indeed possible. I need to put together a list of what to look for and avoid when I do have enough to buy. I'm rather naive and won't have anyone to go with me. Thank you too all that have contributed to this site offering an incredible amount of information and support. I've been disillusioned with society for a very long time. I never have lived a conventional life. Far from it lol but who knew there were so many like minded souls. Perhaps see you on the road someday.
You're definitely not alone. Its an epidemic. I'm in the same boat myself and many others. Wish you the best.

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If you've spent much time in BC you may already know of the assistance given in most parts of the province for the "homeless".

If you have access to wireless, go onto YouTube and look for a guy named "One Awesome Inch" I believe it is, he has lived in Vancouver for a couple years in a couple different vans. He gives some Canadian specific information. There's also "Justincredible" who is a long-term Vancouverite as well as many others who are specific to Canada. 

Type in "van dwelling Canada" to get more Canadian posters vids as opposed to Florida or California...

Also read up in general on the subforums for cooking and electrical. I doubt you'd be going down south unless you have your passport but in general BC is fairly tolerant of van dwelling, just not in absolute downtown Vancouver.
I live in LA county. BC is Baja California?

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Welcome to the CRVL forums Dory! We're here to help any way we can to get you settled into a life on the road so feel free to ask questions.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you for the welcome :) Yes, there are services here, I think you can stay for 30 days if space is available. From there I suppose move on, that's up in the air I'm trying to save what I can perhaps I'll end up finding a cheap enough running vehicle before the apt is lost? I'm playing what if...today is today good reminder I read on here! I still have a couple months. Thanks for the names I'll check them out  :) I've seen some nice Vans worth the trip in Vancouver. I'm about 5 hours away from there.