Tiny House Ventures
New member

Hi all,
My wife and I built out a 7x18 ft cargo trailer nearly 2 years ago to the day. We sold our condo in Boston and hit the road full-time. It has been quite the adventure and I have to say we learned a lot about ourselves that we never would have if we hadn't taken this leap.
I have documented much of our journey over on our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/@tinyhouseventures
(I hope it is okay that I linked to it, but please let me know if it isn't.)
Before building our trailer, I built out a small Ford transit connect more as a weekend adventure vehicle that we took across country once for a trip to Yellowstone NP, which is how we got the itch to travel full-time.
We will be parting ways with our cargo trailer as we are looking to go to China and eventually do some vanlife/RV travel there. My wife is from Beijing and I had the chance to visit last year, and just fell in love with the idea of adventuring in Asia.
I'll be continuing to document our travels and would love to interact with the group here.