Hello from MA

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New member
Apr 6, 2019
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Hi I'm Scott, I've been reading over this forum for a couple weeks and have already found a ton of great info here, so thanks! I'm in the shopping phase for a van. To put my situation in a sentence; I'm 50 no wife no kids no house and in the process of leaving my business of 20 years, selling most everything I own, buying a van and hitting the road.
Welcome to the CRVL forums, ScottyMac! I'm from MA, as well. I generally spend the summer, there. I'm currently stuck in NV and waiting for a new hip to be installed.

Keep us posted on your progress and watch out for rust while you're shopping!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
brahmon, you better say that with awe and respect! there's a bunch of us on theforum
brahmon said:
absolutely! i used to live in bwahstin!

Where you parked yer caaah'??
Or did you get all the way up to Maine? (Ay-uh!)

Shop for a van in the South, buddy.
MA/CT/NH/ME/VT are the WORST salters/salt water puddle areas.
Makes a huge difference.
Totally worth a trip South for you.
600 miles away there are clean salt free vehicles calling your name.