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Van Living Forum

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New member
Jul 13, 2017
Reaction score
Im looking forward to being a part of this community. I discovered Bob very recently and love his philosophy and lifestyle. Im just starting to learn about van and truck living so I think I will learn a lot from this forum.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

This is a great starting point to learn from.

Below I have a couple of websites that may interest you as a starting point.
You can fit out a Van (once you have one) fairly quickly with the first site.
It isn't that difficult and it would get you on the road in the nicer weather months.

The second site below it is a Portal of information you may want to spend some time in
as you can learn about what is out there to use and know about.  It can make life on the
road so much more comfortable and convenient.  

Bit. of course,  look through this site and read, read, read !   It will help you to get a feel for
being out there with what is available to you so that you can live a full life.   Perhaps a more
minimalist life,  but with more freedom and liberty for you.
Welcome Martin to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger