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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2016
Reaction score
Oregon Coast
Hi everyone,  

  Like many before me, I have been lurking around reading and studying everything in this site. I want to first thank Bob Wells for your gift of sharing your experience and knowledge.  I am humbled and so very grateful that you created this site.  Your caring heart shows in every word.  You have built a community and resource that has most definitely given me the courage to make me believe I can do this. AND too all of you that have shared your stories (especially you women road warriors!) ...thank you too!  

 I kinda wrote a novella on my profile so to keep this short---I am currently looking for a van and hope to hit the road this spring or summer.  Until then I am going to keep coming here and educating myself so I can be as prepared as possible.  So tired of living life worrying about the future and if my landlord is going to continue raising my rent higher than the cost of living and I will HAVE to live in my car.  My last increase was 13.5%   This is about taking charge of my own life and living by my own rules.  I just need to get courage to do it.  I can't tell you all again, how much this site and your stories are helping me get there!

 Looking forward to your posts and getting to know you all a little better in the future.

Hello Gigi! I am a solo female and working toward leaving around that time frame as well. Welcome :)
Greetings. Nothing wrong with someone wanting to better themselves in whatever manner they choose.
The path has puddles but it also has dry spots.
Tons of info throughout. Good vibe here.
Gigi! Welcome to the CRVL forums! This is a wonderful choice of lifestyles to get out from under the landlord's thumb.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard the CRVL forums Gigi.
Good to see another future smiling face here.
That's the effect this life has on most people that try it !
Welcome, Gigi!

There are several other Oregonians on this forum who are sure to say hello.

I gave vandwelling a try just as I was about to turn 60, so you are still a "youngun" and should adjust just fine. Expect some hiccups and a few bad days at first, but have faith in yourself to work through those. I spent 7 months out there and mostly alone during my first year. As a writer, I need a lot of alone time for my work but I also needed it to sort out my future and let go of some things in my recent past. So I understand your need for alone time and agree that vandwelling is a great way to get that!

Where do you plan to spend time once you get your van and get it set up? Are you going to be traveling or staying in one vicinity?
hi gigi,   i'm pretty new to this site myself and a big fan of it as well.  i find the  people to be mostly caring and freely giving of their experience.   also from many walks of life which i also see as a good thing...no stepford types here that i can see...........iv'e always found perfection to be rather boring, if it's perfect what can you do with it?  just admire it, it's perfect so one wouldn't need to change it...right?  i like imperfect things &  i do a lot of 'roadside shopping' it amazes me what people throw out  instead of taking a little time to pass things along to some who can use it...whatever it is.  so welcome from a texas j bird and queenie the untrained attack chijuajua !!
Welcome Gigi. And hello from Michigan. Like you I spent a lot of time hidden in the shadows here before officially joining. There is a lot of great info and tips on these pages. Not to mention great people. I have seen quite a few solo females on here. Let their examples and stories ease your anxiety and fears. Courage will follow.
Read your profile, Gigi...."less materials and more gratitude" - Right on!
Will look forward to reading more about your journey. Welcome to the forum!
WriterMs said:
Where do you plan to spend time once you get your van and get it set up?  Are you going to be traveling or staying in one vicinity?

I’m very attracted to dispersed camping.  Want to visit different areas and just experience those.  I plan to do some urban boondocking so that I get some experience in that for those “just in case” times.  So I will do that with intent so I’m not caught “too” off guard.

I really want do some road trips as well.  I’m one of those that would love to say I’ve been to all 50 states and can take my van to 49 of them!  I would love to travel Route 66 slowly; Appalachian Trail,  too much to list!  

I’m blessed in that my son and daughter-in-law fully support me in this journey-- so much so that they have offered to help me with the cost of the van if I need it.  I will always have a “home” to return to with a bedroom that is my own and to make some money to continue van-dwelling and hang with grandchildren who are my heartbeats!  
I will have to checkout your books!  I love the genre.  

Welcome Gigi from another solo female! I am also planning to hit the road about the same time as you. I have to get my van in shape, stay in AZ till my apartment sells, and then off I go. Hopefully, we will meet up some day.

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