Thank you all<BR><BR>@dragon-thank you for the blog. i hadn't really found any car blogs <FONT size=1>(mostly vans)</FONT><BR><BR>@Bob- That's a good idea, though that's not to say my bedding is uncomfortable. It's made up of nearly 6-7in for blankets <FONT size=1>(my winter stash, mostly comforters and sleeping bags)</FONT> topped by a 1.5in foam topper, it's far from uncomfortable but i'm spoiled ^^ i'v been sleeping on my 14in memory foam mattress for a while now, there ain't anything so soft or warm as that. I had to put it in storage though.<BR><BR>@xj700-That's just it, it hasn't been a hardship at all really. ...well, 102degrees and no ac was a hardship but by quickly vacating to the beach said hardship was solved XD Just what i need, yet another reason to spend time at the beach <FONT size=1>(like i didn't have enough already ^^<img src="/images/boards/smilies/
wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></FONT> I keep waking up covered in sand even when i'm not spending the night out there, at least that means everything smells like ocean all the time. <BR><BR>As for what car and whats in it. I live in an '03 kia spectra<BR><BR><A href="" target=_blank target=_blank></A><BR><BR><A href="" target=_blank target=_blank></A><BR><BR>In the trunk:<BR>50 qt 5-day Cooler <FONT size=1>(with no ice, had it forever thought it might be useful but have ended up just using it as storage)</FONT><FONT size=2>-1 pot, 1 pan, 1 lid fits both, dish & silver ware for 1, cup, salt, pepper, spices, bread, pb&j, tuna, cereal.</FONT><BR>Blue ben next to the cooler- 2 sets of tools, jumper cables, car fluids, hammer, coping saw, saw<FONT size=1>(wood working tools from platform build)</FONT>, tire patch, fix'a'flat, random crap that was in my truck before i moved in. <BR>Milk crate behind cooler-Mostly cloths, 7 thin girl t's, 3 t-shirts, 2 undershirts, 2 jeans, 1 sweats, 1 work pant. There's an empty space beside the crate where i put my 'delicates'.<BR>2 burner camp stove- in front of the cooler<BR>Running around loose- 1 polaroid camera<FONT size=1>(i keep hoping someone's gonna start making film for it again)</FONT>, 2 diving masks<FONT size=1>(my fave low volume and a wide angle snorkel type),</FONT> 2 snorkels, 1 set of fins, 2 wheel chalks.<BR><BR>Rear seat:<BR>On night stand<FONT size=1>(top of the platform, driver side)-</FONT> large school books, wasp spray, mosquito repellent, sketch book, STP device, tend to toss my pack here.<BR>Under nightstand<FONT size=1>(bout a 4in gap down there)-</FONT> small school books, school & important papers, kindle, sometimes my laptop, box of qt. ziplocks, gallon ziplocks, Blackout curtains/reflectix panels <FONT size=1>(depends on whether the suns up or not)</FONT><BR>On floor behind driver- laundry detergent, fabric softener, 5 qt jug of oil<FONT size=1>(really need to get around to doing that!),</FONT> Bottle for midnight emergency's <FONT size=1>(cause finding an open gas station at 3am can be a pain in this town),</FONT> dirty cloths.<BR><BR>Under sleeping platform<FONT size=1>(passenger side, rear)- </FONT><BR>3 shoe box size locking lid crates<BR>Crate 1- shampoo/conditioner, face scrubbers.<BR>crate 2- alcohol, peroxide, bandages, feminine products, Cotton pads.<BR>crate 3- battery's, battery charger<FONT size=1>(works on both wall sockets and car sockets),</FONT> rarely used charging cords<FONT size=1>(such as for the kindle or the mp3 player)</FONT>, camera, calculator. <FONT size=1>(i'm forgetting some stuff in the boxs but that's the big stuff)</FONT><BR>Running loose<FONT size=1>(but need to get a box for)-</FONT> oatmeal, fruit cups, fruits, poptarts, tins of bungee cords.<BR><BR>Under sleeping platform<FONT size=1>(pass. side, front)-</FONT> 1 pair boots, small tin full of meds<FONT size=1>(aspirin, cough drops, ect..)</FONT>, bag of knitting and tatting supplies.<BR><BR>Driver side floor- skinny water container hold 1 gallon<FONT size=1>(fits right under my legs, don't even touch when driving)</FONT><BR><BR>Glove Box- inverter<FONT size=1>(200 watt, leads are under the dash on the driver side. they'v been hardwired to the battery through the firewall so i just plug the inverter in when i need it. did that 2 years ago),</FONT> flashlight, car related papers, random junk.<BR><BR>Pack- general hygienic supplies, regularly needed chargers <FONT size=1>(laptop, phone, etc..)</FONT>, sometimes laptop, other things rotate as needed.<BR><BR>Items with no specific home<FONT size=1>(floaters)</FONT>- 1 towel, 2 wash cloths, personal books, swin trunks, bikini top, lots of flashlights, bag'o'socks.<BR><BR>I think thats it<BR><BR>