Has anyone felt like you had to do it NOW ???

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May 14, 2018
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Pennsylvania, USA
Sometimes I watch the videos, several YouTube authors, and the "message" just hits me between the eyes. I know the time isn't perfect, but I also know I could do it. I guess what I'm saying is I sometimes get real itchy to go nomadic right now and wonder does anyone remember ever feeling that way before you did it ?
Once we made the decision to go, it took over a year before I bugged out in my van and over a year until the house was sold so Hubby could go too. I didn't think it was ever going to happen and the wait was excruciating.

But the wait was worth it.
Still have to sell house and decide what to do with my small business but really mentally ready to go. I feel where you are coming from.

BUT.........I really am overwhelmed with what to do with all my junk........even if I just threw everything I don't need away it would be a huge task.
^^^^ wmyers4u
Try not to be too overwhelmed. I know, better said than done right? But the physically downsizing is an important step on the path to becoming a nomad. At least it was for me. Think about it, if we could just put everything we own in a storage unit the size of our former lives then that would be the easy way and not really dealing with the transition to a different way of living. We would have just hit pause on our old life instead of hitting play on our new life.

What helped me when I was initially downsizing was first to start seeing my belongings for what their real value to me was. I'd walk around my house thinking "yup, that's coming with" & " nope, I'm getting rid of that". I'd also ask myself- Was this something useful that will continue to be useful in my new life? Did I even like it at all? Did I use it? How often? Was it something useful in camping/RVing situations? Was it something of value I could sell? How many toasters does one person need? Lol

I also started in one room at a time. Some rooms took several days to sort through. For me this was because it's emotionally draining work. With every item I chose to give to Goodwill, or the habitat for humanity ReStore, I was choosing my new life over my old one. I had odd connections to my belongings that I did not even realize. It was especially odd to realize that I had boxes and boxes of stuff going to donations that I hadn't thought about for years before I chose to stop storing them in my home and downsize so that me and my stuff could fit into something more travel friendly. I still have a few things for sentimental reasons, but it's only about 1% of what I had before the downsizing.

Please note that I understand, whoever is reading this, that you may not choose to do it the same way I did it. Some people, full timers and part timers, have storage units, and I'm not judging that. For me, I needed to simplify, that's why I drastically downsized. I honestly don't miss anything I threw away, donated, or sold. I am actually going through round 2 of downsizing right now, and I could have comfortably gotten by with owning a whole lot less than I decided to keep in the first downsizing.

So don't get overwhelmed,
Take baby steps.
You got this.


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One thing I did that helped tremendously was to notify my neighbors that I was downsizing so they could come cherry-pick what they might want. I took whatever I was offered for whatever item and when nothing was offered, I handed it over, anyway. Some of my husband's tools were exchanged for yard and or handiwork. I donated all new items to Goodwill. All other items, I hauled down to the road. I then sat on the porch and watched car after car stop. In no time, everything was gone. Everything! It felt great. 

Best Wishes on your journey... :)
Yes! I'm so close, too. Aside from photos and my mom's china (things going into storage) everything else I own fits in my Chevy Lumina car. It's a tight squeeze, but several things in the car now, I'll be storing too, (haven't decided if I'm keeping my hand guns and ammo to take with me. I'm pretty sure I'm storing them too, because I want to travel to Canada and Mexico.)

Anyway, yeah - I ramble sometimes.

But, yes! I have itchy burning savage case of nomaditis it is almost a medical condition.

Then again, can't remember if it was this morning or yesterday that I woke up wondering, "WTF, Charlotte. Have you lost your mind? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you that you think you WANT to live in a freaking van?" My brain and I had some serious hashing out to do. Everything is sold or given away, the notices I needed to give have all been given and accepted. I'm 7 terrifying days from living in my car. How crazy is that?

Well, sorta living in my car. I'll be staying at my son's home so that I can visit my grandkids, and camping in his yard - one of a couple acres, in the country. While I try out my tent, and acclimate myself to it. Then in July, I'm going to be camping in the State Forests, about an hour away from my sons. I'm not sure if that is to ease THEIR minds or my own. I'll be close enough to send up a signal flare, but too far for them to ask me to babysit. :). I plan on doing the State Forest, National Forests in my home state through the summer as I save up for my van, so that when I do get the van - I have people who can help me build. Not to say I can't build on my own, I kept my basic power tools but I wouldn't mind the build looking pretty.

Yep, itchy feet - scared brain. But, I'm doing it! Now if June would only get here so I can help my roommates pack and we can caravan back to Michigan. Then I'm free of my final obligations and can hit the road.

(It's really hard to type with your fingers crossed! :). )

Loved your post....I am 4 years away from heading out, but am more inspired with every post. Thanks.
Sounds like you have a Plan. Good on ya! Nothing is permanent. Nothing is etched in stone. All the best to you. Have fun! Peace
GypsyJan said:

Loved your post....I am 4 years away from heading out, but am more inspired with every post. Thanks.

:blush: Thanks. So many people, and their videos have inspired me too.  It's really nice to think I might have been able to pay a little bit of that forward.
I have been waiting since I was 17. Itchy Itchy feet but knew then I had to wait so I spent a lot of weekends camping when weather was good. As work progressed and jobs progressed it was weekends and vacations that got me by. Met current hubby in 86 and he had/has the same itch. Jobs led to wait for retirement and the check so we could do it (we won't be working on the road like the young ones do today).

Been downsizing 10 years - all the tricks you all have mentioned.

I'll be 67 this year, that's 50 years waiting. We have about 340 days or so until take off. I want despirately to take off in the morning. Fortunately I have to work on the trailer we will sleep in so by the time it's done and the last of the belongings are gone (we also are not doing storage) it'll probably turn out to be the right time to leave. But oh yes, it is oh so hard to wait!
Chief said:
Sometimes I watch the videos, several YouTube authors, and the "message" just hits me between the eyes. I know the time isn't perfect, but I also know I could do it. I guess what I'm saying is I sometimes get real itchy to go nomadic right now and wonder does anyone remember ever feeling that way before you did it ?

To me it depends on the motivations behind anyone going nomadic in a van/RV. You want it bad enough.... You'll find a way.. In a hurry... I went from a house to deciding to live in a van, buying a van, and moving into it in 3 days. To me it was purely a financial decision where I was eye ball deep in debt.. Do it now, or stop complaining.
Hi steamjam1.
I've read and reread your comment and it's hard to decipher your exact meaning when you say-
"Do it now, or stop complaining."
At first I thought it was what you were feeling at the time of your move. Your self talk that motivated you.
Then I thought, no that sounds like he's telling us to "do it now or quit complaining", but I didn't think anyone was complaining. Now I'm just confused. Can you please clarify?

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Anytime I get the feeling that I must act RIGHT NOW, I remind myself that this feeling is really a sign that I should NOT act RIGHT NOW.
It took me about two years from when I decided I was going to do it until I was ready to actually do it. But during those two years was all the planning, designing, downsizing etc... So even though it took a while before I was full timing in the van I was still working towards my goal.

I think sometimes a big difference is weather one has the luxury of time to prepare or if circumstances make it happen sooner. If you have the time to plan and prepare then I think you will have a much better chance at success. I wasn't in a hurry building out my van. I could have done it a lot quicker if I knew I had to leave sooner then I did.

I was able to take my time and start using the van for trips and exploring while I figured out what I wanted and how I wanted to build it. Now that I'm actually living full time I find that the transition was pretty easy to make. I'm pretty comfortable with the setup I have. If I had rushed into it I might not have the comforts I have now. Ie. Hot water, heat, solar. Things like that.
Thank you for all the replies !!! Yeah I'm in no hurry. I have virtually no dept, I do have hopefully only 6.5 years until I can retire at minimum age. Retiring before that isn't out of the question but not as practical. I'm looking for a used raised truck cap for my Toyota Tundra 6.5 ft bed. Nothing yet the last few weeks. A new one is over two grand. I may end up with a new cap. Folding cot, heater buddy, storage, stove, etc, very simple. Just because I don't HAVE to do it now doesn't mean I can't sample and experiment in the meantime.....I'm not unhappy or complaining. Just EXCITED !!!

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