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Jul 20, 2017
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Greetings Everyone! Today is the first day that I am posting here! My apologies again, but I had started this post and it disappeared somewhere and I couldn't find it. So if you find one that was not finished, please disregard... :)

I am very excited to be here and hope to meet you all at the 2018 RTR, if it all works out that I can attend.

I found Bob's YouTube Videos in the feed line from watching Tiny House videos. I had been interested in tiny homes for the last 4 years. I have been watching Bob's videos for about a year now. And I have gone from wanting a Tiny Home to wanting a VAN.

I live on the east coast in an expensive state and find that I cannot work enough or long enough to pay the taxes and bills. It all is very stressful and a little depressing... But I have hope that there is still time to change trains and paths!

I love camping but have not been able to go for years and years due to the volume of work and responsibilities I have. When I did go camping, I did tent camping. Love it. I have all the basics on Bob's list for van dwellers...

I find inspiration in Bob's videos and healing in listening to all his interviews with real people, valuable - kind hearted people! All learning from each other, and forming a genuine community of warm folk.

I love nature, all animals, my daughter(who has become my mother- some of you out there must know what I mean LOL), God and people, and this Great Country. I am a Veteran.

This is my one day off so it might take me a while to answer replies during the week but I will do my best.
Peace and Joy to you all!
Welcome from another veteran Regina. There are several of us here on this forum.

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Welcome Regina to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Thank You Cammalu! And thank you for your service and sacrifice! Takes one to know one!
Thank you and I have printed out instructions and have read them! :)
Welcome Regina,
  And I too thank you for your service.  Lots of good information here and very kind people that I hope to meet someday.

Thank you RobndaHood.
And from your quote, I would like to say Thank you to you as well, for your selfless service for our country. Know that there are more that are grateful and have not spoken up than those who are not.... Peace to you!
Thank You gapper2! Looks like you have a good looking Van! Hope to meet everyone at the RTR!
Welcome aboard !
If you have any questions......we got answers !

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