Haiku poetry game!

Van Living Forum

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Palm trees and birdsong,
Flocks shoot to the bright blue sky.
Jets scream overhead.
Hostages go free
Buddha brain, rest, eyes open
Intelligent field
Even sky’s can see
when the earth cries for love.
It too shall pass
It too shall pass
that words predicted will be forgotten. Actions prevail
Actions prevail

Vital link with infinite

mans missed perspective
As the world turns

Why are we on this spinning

rock? programmed buyer.
Rock? Programmed buyer

I spend my hours skirting

you, predator you
You predator you.
The micro who kills, I pray be gone
In the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus
Where there’s two or more who pray
It shall be done
It shall be done then
A Lion in the room, makes
ones digestion slow
Ones digestion slow......

Low wage people have to work

more now, no options
No harsh rules binding

All we want is struggle? I

want, I want, I want
Want, I want, I want

Lifeforce flowing through , accept

Stop blocking wisdom