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The government of the USA along with the Cosmo-demonic Corporation helps my life as a rover to be reasonable to live. I travel from Calif, to Texas, to Georgia, to DC, to NY, to Maine and back around by a different route. I have no trouble finding clean water and safe food. Plenty of fuel is readily available. The paths I travel are reasonably well maintained and I have no trouble getting to where I want to be. I'm reasonably safe in my person with out fear of roving bands of criminals. I can say (post) my opinions with out fear of prison. That is a lot of reasonable from my point of view.

And what did I miss in Jeans post? I didn't see: "So jean, why always the personal snotty attacks? Don't think anyone has a right to an opinion if it doesn't agree with yours? I want to wish you a great..."
I was asked my opinion, I gave my opinion.
I was personaly attacked, but this just goes to show that Andrew Wilcow is wright when he says" The most intolerant people are the ones who claim to be the most tolerant!"

There is something big going on in our world, the groups who a few decades ago just wanted everyone to get along are now going to extremes to force others to act and live the way they think is best......very intolerant....look at the ways the Christians are being attacked, belittled and the comment I recieved for giving my opinion when asked!
The job of the federal government was military protection and to act as an overseer for commerce that would see to it that one state would not create a monopoly over another state.

All other responsibilities were to remain with the individual states (states were actually ment to act as independent countries). This is what Federalism is all about.

Our government is selling us a bag of goods in order to gain more and more power.....more power could lead to a tyrannical government who could do about anything it wants including taking away use of said road, parks and even fuels.
I'm old enough to remember the Soviet Union's people standing in long lines all day just for bread or milk, they often lived 5 or 6 families to just one apartment....power is like a drug.....our government is beginning to act like a drug addict.

Papa the shadow that follows Christians is that they don't really have a good track record for tolerance, nor do most of the other organized religions. I doubt that is going to change anytime soon. I would like to see them all abolished and start afresh with new names and new gods, something a little more progressive.
There's one thing it can do. Make available free and safe unused public land for parking in all major cities and suburbs for vehicle dwellers.

This issue transcends political nonsense. It also helps the local economy that sets aside space. But, it's the US. where any social net gets rigorous opposition and liberal demonization. It seems ingrained in many from birth that you need to tether yourself to the existing institutions and financial dependencies.
Kurbmaster: record on tolerance

Me: Tolerance is tough for most literal believers in any monotheistic religions. If you worship your volcano, you don't have a problem with other people worshiping their own volcano. But if you worship one particular version of god, it means that anyone else who has a different religion than you is saying that your religion is wrong. It can be hard to reconcile faith with tolerance. We have been making progress in the west, but some people are having a hard time getting there.
Intolerance is not just in Christianity, it is everywhere!

Our government even promotes intolerance to further its own agenda. At the moment a good example is's okay to bash a smoker because it is politically correct. We used to have closet gays, now we have closet smokers. But an alcoholic that may drink and drive ... they are seen as having a problem and possibly in need of help or intervention. I see that they both have a problem...and one is not more deserving of help than the other.

So yes, we need a government, or we would have anarchy in the streets. Yes, we need laws that protect us from others bad intent. But we don't need laws that protect us from ourselves or our own stupidity. We don't need laws that protect corporate profits. People are always going to make good and bad choices. Businesses are going to grow or fail.

Unfortunately, I believe that our government is no longer about WE THE PEOPLE. .....If you could take money out of politics... Politics would quickly change.
ice_maiden said:
Intolerance is not just in Christianity, it is everywhere!

Our government even promotes intolerance to further its own agenda. At the moment a good example is's okay to bash a smoker because it is politically correct. We used to have closet gays, now we have closet smokers. But an alcoholic that may drink and drive ... they are seen as having a problem and possibly in need of help or intervention. I see that they both have a problem...and one is not more deserving of help than the other.

So yes, we need a government, or we would have anarchy in the streets. Yes, we need laws that protect us from others bad intent. But we don't need laws that protect us from ourselves or our own stupidity. We don't need laws that protect corporate profits. People are always going to make good and bad choices. Businesses are going to grow or fail.

Unfortunately, I believe that our government is no longer about WE THE PEOPLE. .....If you could take money out of politics... Politics would quickly change.

I could not have said it better.
Ice maiden -- what she said. I would add "obese people" to smokers and drinkers. Beware! Those who are obese will be next on the list of intolerances. It's already begun.
Stargazer said:
Ice maiden -- what she said. I would add "obese people" to smokers and drinkers. Beware! Those who are obese will be next on the list of intolerances. It's already begun.

Health care/over weight. Conform or else.
Well, I guess you could claim that the gov'ts desire not to have a large portion of it's citizens die early deaths from lung cancer, diabetes,heart disease,COPD,cirrhosis,etc. would be a noble cause. As they say though,"You can't legislate morality". Is an unhealthy lifestyle is amoral? If it is, it's not just the gov't that is concerned with us changing our ways. It's pretty easy to condemm alcohol or meth because the bad things are more apparent. Innocent victims of car crashes,spousal and child abuse,more crime,etc. It's harder with smoking and gluttony but it's not only the individual that suffers from those either but also family members.

Actually,the present administration's ACA just may make matters worse. Some in the healthcare business feel that it will encourage unhealthy lifestyles. They fear that people will be more lax in watching their health because now they have insurance!
As they say though,"You can't legislate morality"

There's one of the problems... That is exactly what they are trying to do.

IMO they could care less if a large potion of the population dies from lung cancer, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, cirrhosis ,etc., especially if they are lower income. What they care about is if it cuts into the insurance companies profits margins.

Where is it anyone's right to change another persons ways? Even if they are not good ways. Anyone thinking their RIGHT is the only reality, is where intolerance begins. It is also where freedoms ends.

Yes, we have laws that protect you from another, and rightfully so...we would be in a heck of a mess if you could just go and shoot another without consequences.

But as for families suffering because of an individuals choices... It is their choice to do so. example, I have a brother who chooses to live his life altered by every drug he can get his hands on.... This is not my reality... I tried to help... he did not want now I choose not to associate with him....end of story! His bad choices are not effecting my life what so ever. He is more than welcome to his way of life if that is what makes him happy. When he dies of an over dose, we will bury him. If this sounds's not. Its is just me exercising my freedom of choice.

Freedom is about being able to choose...even if it is a bad choice.
ice_maiden said:
As they say though,"You can't legislate morality"

There's one of the problems... That is exactly what they are trying to do.

IMO they could care less if a large potion of the population dies from lung cancer, diabetes, heart disease, COPD, cirrhosis ,etc., especially if they are lower income. What they care about is if it cuts into the insurance companies profits margins.

Where is it anyone's right to change another persons ways? Even if they are not good ways. Anyone thinking their RIGHT is the only reality, is where intolerance begins. It is also where freedoms ends.

Yes, we have laws that protect you from another, and rightfully so...we would be in a heck of a mess if you could just go and shoot another without consequences.

But as for families suffering because of an individuals choices... It is their choice to do so. example, I have a brother who chooses to live his life altered by every drug he can get his hands on.... This is not my reality... I tried to help... he did not want now I choose not to associate with him....end of story! His bad choices are not effecting my life what so ever. He is more than welcome to his way of life if that is what makes him happy. When he dies of an over dose, we will bury him. If this sounds's not. Its is just me exercising my freedom of choice.

Freedom is about being able to choose...even if it is a bad choice.

OK, recreational alcohol is legal. What recreational drugs should be legal?
Well,it's too bad that you don't see it may be a noble cause to try and do an intervention (with the help of others) but I do understand and wouldn't judge you for that as it is a hard thing to do. It's somewhat done by the gov't through the criminal justice system but then some have hard heads.

Your brother isn't the best of example though. If he were your abusive parent or an abusive spouse, you would be affected much differently and your feelings about it would be a lot different. You may actually be glad that you were removed as a child into protective custody. Or a restraining order kept you from being regularly beaten to a pulp.

The situation would be something like all the anti-gov't people suddenly welcoming with open arms FEMA, the National Guard, the local police,etc,etc. when they are affected by some disaster.
I think what some are misunderstanding is that those of us concerned about where we see our country heading are not anti-government. We are anti over reaching government. Maybe there are things the government can do that the private sector can't do better, that's another argument. What concerns some of us is the government trying to force cultural issues on the population as a whole. This isn't one culture and what works for some does not work for others. The interference in private lives that has become the norm for government today is excessive. They cloak it in being for the common good. Anything can be forced on you if it's for your own good is the thinking in some sectors today. I have zero interest in what anyone else, government or otherwise, thinks I should be eating, reading, thinking, doing in my bedroom, smoking or worshiping. Now I'm going back to my plotting of taking over a south american country. I have to hurry because the NSA may beat me to it.
slow2day.... I really can appreciate helping others...And it truly is noble when that person wants the help... But when they don't want it or are forced into it, then there is nothing noble about it. And if you read all of my post you will see that I am not against the government. Yes we need laws that protect children, Yes we need laws to keep anarchy from our streets, Laws that keep people from killing each other. We need the government programs that help the less fortunate. Just as we need people to be responsible for themselves. I am not anti government. I am anti self serving, big consumerism government. I am against a government that tells me what to wear, what I must living in, where I must live, I am against a government that tells me what I must eat and when to eat it, all for the sake of a corporations profit line. Do you see the difference?

slow2day said:
Your brother isn't the best of example though. If he were your abusive parent or an abusive spouse, you would be affected much differently and your feelings about it would be a lot different. You may actually be glad that you were removed as a child into protective custody. Or a restraining order kept you from being regularly beaten to a pulp.

Slow2day... I am not offended but I am curious to know why you assumed I did not have an abusive parent? Or have never had even one relationship where someone thought they could be abusive? I think my brother is a perfect example ....You would not know this but... he was raised by his father, who even wrote hot checks to give him everything he wanted. Now he can't figure out why all of society doesn't do the same thing. I rarely mention this because it's past and over but, I, on the other hand, was raised by my mother, who has been known to sit on me and use my ears as hand holds to beat my head against the floor (I think I was 9) and this was not an isolated incident for behavior like this. Would you call that abusive? Would I have chosen foster care. No, simply because your luck can be just as bad in that situation. Yes, there are many wonderful foster parents, there are also many that are after the money and have no care for the children entrusted to them. I don't sit around and bemoan the fact my childhood wasn't the best....I survived it. What I CHOSE to do is be a stronger better person, I chose to parent my child much differently. I chose to use adversities in life to strengthen me, not weaken. I have the freedom to choose, just like anyone else. If we let the government keep making ALL of our choices then some day we will have no choices left.
Hey honey. no one is making you stop smoking tobacco. I just want clean air in my space.
Zil said:
Hey honey. no one is making you stop smoking tobacco. I just want clean air in my space.

Zil... smoking is not really what the subject is about but I can respect that you don't want to breath it.... for example, I really find the smell of pot offensive, but I can respect that someone else might like it, even though I don't know why anyone would like the smell of stale urine.:D... to each his own

"Hey, honey"??? Really? How offensive! What word would you have used if she had been a man?

I'm done with this thread if it's stooped to name calling.
Stargazer... thanks for coming to my defense, but I really was not offended by that.... Yes, it was a bit sexist, but I just took it as Zil trying to lighten the mood.. Sometimes I can be a bit intense.

And if Zil really was trying to be offensive... he missed the mark with me because I am not easily offended. Better to be called honey than arshole or byotch :D
the sad reality is that people like your brother IM smokers, potheads, unhealthy eaters, drinkers, people who love Jesus all affect us. I think we have come to expect too much from government so instead of balancing budgets they have to borrow from those that are not very ethical, and pay back with favors or interest, to quell the cries for fix me, fix this.
I think there are a lot of miss informed people out there. however the state cant change laws unless the majority of people agree, this apparently takes 40 years, perhaps in the future this will be less, The seed talk about smoking/seconhand smoke, compromising ones health started in the 60's, but you would have had a hard time telling someone to butt out in your 63 Pontiac over the Malborough adds praising how sexy it is. The truth about,meat milk, or fast food is out today but it will be another 30 years or more before any type of legislation in is place to stop the damage. A lot of people have to die from lung cancer before tobacco is taxed to extinction and a lot more people will have to get sick before we fix the issues with our diet. We are slow learners and don't like to be told what to do...:-/ on the up side information is easier to come by today so if we make an effort we can be informed.