Going to Event in Arizonia ?????

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Nov 10, 2016
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Ok, this is probably crazy and nuts but what am I thinking.  I have never camped I do not have a van nor a RV, but I think it is time for a change of life.  Not knowing if I want to stay in the US, I do need to get out of NYC-I have had enough.  I do not know what I will do, but what I am thinking is somehow rent a van or rent a RV (which I have never driven) and drive to the event and camp out and speak to anyone that will speak to me-could this be something I want to do.  I am not good at maintaining a car never mind what is needed for an RV.

So, I am just putting it out there to see what others think, I found this site RV share where I could rent an RV in Arizona and drive from there.
Sure, it would be nice if I had a friend that would do this adventure with me, but I do not.  I looked at the option of doing a van rental which I know I can easily drive, could not find a pick up in Arizona and do I want to drive from LA.    Just looking for some thoughts, being alone, being a woman and of course doing something I have not experienced as a passenger.  I appreciate your feedback whatever it is.  

I have worked my entire life and lost my job did I think I would not find another job where I can support myself, well it is happening no job, there are too many recent graduates, too few companies that want to hire a seasoned employee, and no wants to hire and give someone a decent wage, you live in NYC you have to pay the rent and that does not happen by making $15.00 an hour-that is the going rate in NYC for someone that is skilled and experienced especially for someone that is handling your income and expenses.
Hmmm, I don't know what renting an RV costs, but i bet it's expensive
We've toyed with the idea here of renting a U Haul truck or van and doing a removable setup in it, but of course that depends on having stuff to set it up with
OTOH, I know U Haul rents trucks, and maybe vans, too, in Arizona, because I'm looking at that myself as a 'just in case' my truck set up proves too impractical, and I think Vagabound has found a good place to rent a van in Phoenix
What are you currently driving?
Oh and what is your skillset? outside NYC you might find employment
Welcome nadine to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

We look forward to hearing more from you. you have got plenty of friends here, just start asking questions and they will pop up by the dozens. I think it's a great idea for you to go to the RTR, it will give you a feel for what's it about and you will meet people doing it. lots of people, friendly people, knowledgeable people, people that are more than willing to help a newbie out. do what ever it takes and come to the RTR. highdesertranger
Welcome aboard Nadine!

Yeah , you're crazy. BUT we all are too so you'll fit right in !
The tribe is full of very friendly people that will be more than happy to help you figure this all out,,,,
If vans or Rvs are too expensive you could actually do the RTR in a car !
You won't be the only one there doing it either.
Do you even have a vehicle ? I know many in NYC don't.
If you rent one and intend to bring it back to the same place you rented from (called local rental) be sure to find out the charge for mileage as it can add up considerably......

Don't be shy ask all the questions you have and we'll get you set up !!!
I hope you can make it to the rtr. There are lots of women out her, solo, some with kids some with partners. You will be surprised to see so many single women, all ages, especially over 60 years old. We all make our way best we can.
Nadine - funny you should write. I've camped all my life, but never with a camper or RV. We live in the Catskills but my family is going to OK. I grew up in OK and I'm not! So, having nothing else, i'm remodelling my Honda Element as a micro-camper and going on the road. I was a scientist but ar 77 I'm trying to re-tool as a writer.
I've encountered a bunch of people like us, skilled or professional. Technically savvy. They live on the road, stopping where the mood strikes them. For want of a better word I call them "Techno-gypsies". Rhey maynbe the wave of the future. Bob and Friends are a similar group. I'd tell you "Don't go! It's potentially deadly!" But these seem like good guys (generic), so if someone will be responsible for help watch out for you - Do it! NYC is a death trap. Save your self!
If I can help, my email is [email protected]
Happy trails.   M.
Hi Nadine

I have rented the uhaul vans and if you rent for a week you get more miles included and a cheaper per mile rate  and while bare bones are easy to drive and I actually slept in the back of one on one trip as the hotels were all full and didn't want to show up at my sons house at 2 am. 

I am going to the RTR myself to hopefully learn as much as I can before jumping full time. Am very excited and hope you will be there to meet. I lost my job for medical reasons in Oct and decided rather than worry about the situation to downsize more and live life. So don't think you are the only crazy one come join the fun!
rvpopeye said:
If you rent one and intend to bring it back to the same place you rented from (called local rental) be sure to find out the charge for mileage as it can add up considerably......
Don't be shy ask all the questions you have and we'll get you set up !!!

thanks, no I do not own a vehicle.  I wanted to rent in Ariz and drive to the event.  The thing about the van rental is I have to figure out what to buy - to sleep on - to keep warm- but the biggest challenge is the use of the bathroom which of course there are none.
michaelc said:
i'm remodelling my Honda Element as a micro-camper and going on the road.

thank you, how do you remodel a Honda Element---what about the bathroom situation.  I could rent a car in Az but making food and keeping warm and of course the bathroom.
There are a couple of motels in Quartzsite, you could commute to the RTR.
If you're ok for money I would suggest a small rv. Going from NYC to crapping in a bucket out in the desert would be a hell of a shock for most people. The staff at the rv place will give you a run through on the systems and should questions arise, you'll have plenty of help at the campsite. Make it the least shocking/most enjoyable experience you can and it just might take.

MichaelC are you referring to "digital nomads"? You'll find a lot more of them in SE Asia than in vans, me thinks. They live frugally and move from place to place. There might be a fair few in South America too.
Hi Nadine, welcome to crvl. I've only just joined myself. I'm not on the road yet but i'm in practically in the same boat as you (having lost my job), but in San Francisco. I too have worked all my life (in IT) and now find that the only thing employers want are the younger, cheaper employees.  This seems to be a common and recurring theme in today's America. I'm a couple years shy of early retirement so have to find a bridge from here to there. I know my eventual goal is the full-time RV life in either my van or a small, ultra-lite travel trailer.

I think you are on a good path. There seems to be a huge rv community, so you won't be alone.

If you haven't already discovered his Youtube channel, go in search of Bob Wells (owner of this site). He has many excellent, helpful videos that you might find inspiring. I know i have.  

Another channel to look for is Enigmatic Nomadics. Again, lots of insightful interviews with new and old rv'ers.

Although i haven't been to an RTR gathering yet, i've heard that the tribe is friendly and helpful so i think it might be a life-changing event.

Have you checked out cruiseamerica.com? There seem to be pickup spots in phoenix, flagstaff, and tuscon. There are different prices for different sizes. Maybe you can find one to fit your budget.

Good luck on your journey to your new life.

Good stuff ArtW with that link. Nadine see what a cargo van would cost to rent and maybe pick up a camping pad and sleeping bag and other supplies in AZ. Keep all the boxes and then ship them back to NY before you leave. Try that for a couple days and worse case you could get a room at a hotel. I'm staying for 2-3 days because I've not boondocked before and I'm very used to the amenities that a city has to offer.
Someone else turned me onto that link, I'm just payin it forward
Welcome Nadine,
I am sure you have found the right place to find a lot of information about what it takes to go camping.
I would think that if you were to go Yard selling, i.e. check out all the yard sales you can find, you   would find a bunch of items that you will need for camping. Sleeping bags, cooking utensils, small stoves, all the mandatory things that you will really need to camp.
Keep reading on this forum, all the links that interest you, and all the ones that you think you won't be needing right now, because you will need all that and more.
It isn't hard to go camping, a good blanket, some easy to cook food, your blankets, your pots and pans, don't forget that portapot, because it is a necessity, especially for we women.
Can you possibly go out in your back yard, and try cooking out there? We do  a lot of that here at home, on an open fire. I   have cooked lots of meals outside in our yard, and they aren't nearly as hard as anyone would think.
Just remember when it comes to "stuff" less is more. No not down to the one pan, one skillet,  but don't take a whole set for you probably won't need them, just a couple of them. But you really need to learn a bit about camping, what you expect to do and what you will be doing.
These folks here on this forum, are full of great information, but experience is a great teacher. So consider going to the outdoors to start learning a bit about your new chosen lifestyle, so it won't be such a culture shock when you get to the RTR, and you will really have an idea about what to expect and what to do.