Glamping - glamorous camping

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2012
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Why no discussions about GLAMPING? Where you turn you camper van or car or RV into a palace on four wheels. It's almost summer and some have money to make it look great. Or others just have talent to make it look great. So show off!! Let's see what you have.
I know people who have done glamping. There are resorts that people can pay to do that. I would do it myself if stealth weren't an issue, haha!
glamping: when one has enough to buy a case rather than a 12 pack !
Drifted_Cowboy said:
For me it always comes back to "why?" and never makes it past that.

for comfort?
Cuz they can, and then to brag about the experience to others afterwards. :D

I forget which Hollywood celebrity couple recently had a wedding last year, but instead of putting their guests in hotels, they put them up in comfy fully outfitted tents on their property. That made news in Entertainment Tonight TV show. A good time was had by all.
Comfort -style -flare - pizzazz. When you are 75 you might like the little extras.

Why get hair cut? Why look good? It helps you relate. Might stop the local cops from rousting you. People might like you more.
I mean, seriously. Who wants to sleep in a sleeping bag on the hard and cold ground?? That's for the birds! Roughing it is for the 20s something.
Guy - that's a great example. It's really about attracting people to visit. If you had a bar and a dance floor nearby that would be cool. Lol.

Thinking jimmy buffet parrot head camping GLAMPING fun.
When I was hitting lots of SCA events, (Medieval re-creation) I used to have a 16-1/2 foot diameter green and gold knight's pavilion that was floored with oriental carpets and had a queen-sized bed and a couple of knock-down thrones and a fold up table in it I decorated it with lots of banners ad flew a home-made silk banner above it. All in all, pretty spectacular. And there are people who made me look like some kinda trailer-trash piker!

It's fun to decorate, it's like an invitation to people to visit. If you're feeling sociable, it's great! And sometimes it's just nice to enjoy nature on your own. Each to their own, when they feel like it.
OK...I've been reading this thread, and 'most' of you GUYS are way off to what 'Glamping' really is!

My wife is really into Glamping, and from what I've seen & learned, it's more about camping with a 'theme', and alotta folks use garage sale stuff and whatnot they find in antique stores. Some of it's quite clever and imaginative...(I think LughtheBard comes closest.) I think the gals are alot more into it then guys are. They like using the old Shastas, Aladdins, Adobes, and Scamp trailers (the 'canned hams' of the 60's).

There's a camping group called "Women on the Fly", which is an international women's camping group, and a good majority of them are into this Glamping. (hey....they're women!!) :p

It's got nothing to do with setting up a high dollar campsite...(any schmuck with a big checkbook can do that!!)
it's more about creating an 'atmosphere'...kinda like giving your campsite 'feng shui'.

I'm seriously into funky buses and house trucks. (ever see "Rolling Homes" or "Some Turtles have Nice Shells"???) The atmosphere they create inside these rigs is exactally what I'm talking about. The serenity they create in many of their rigs using natural woods, stained glass, and natural fibres is outstanding! You climb inside and suddenly feel right at ease, and comfortable.

We strive for this in all of our rigs. (including my motorcycle) :)

You can still easily do this and retain your stealth. Just do it on the inside where you live. I'd rather have a groovy interior like this over one of clutter and boxes.
Here at the KOA we have a pink t-shirt for sale with the word Glamping in sequins on the front. We rent cabins with big screen tvs, dvd players, and a full kitchen and bath. All 10 are rented every weekend by the New York City crowd. They consider it camping, we call that Glamping. Of course most of the employees are in nice class As, that's not really camping either.
Patrick, I like your, or should I say, your wife's take on "Glamping". I may have to develop my own style of Glamping, Rustic Geek! I think it'll certainly characterized by unpainted wood with geeky chotchkes festooned around. (Especially sci-fi stuff, though a few medieval things here and there will work too! OMG! I'm developing my own interior decorating style! Who da thunk?!
mockturtle said:
X2 But, to each his/her own.

You seem rather comfortable as it is! No wonder you don't think twice about more comforts.:D
What does comfort have to do with glamour? Comfort is jeans and a sweatshirt. Glamour is a Gucci ensemble, a Versace bag and stiletto-heeled shoes. No comfort there.