GIRLS' ROOM: Cracker Barrel, truck stops, rest areas, etc

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2016
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I think I saw the question asked about truck stops recently askwd somewhere about do you need to get permission before spending the night there and the response was no, but how about Cracker Barrel and other places like rest stops?  Also, i wonder if it matters if you are in a car, van, or RV?
I have only ever asked permission once in all the years that I've been using all of the above.

One Cracker Barrel in the middle of town that had no signs forbidding it. It was the first time I'd ever stopped at a Cracker Barrel. BTW, they said yes.

I regularly use W/Ms, Flying J/Pilot, Casinos, and rest areas.

BUT I also use to research which W/Ms. I have the Flying J/Pilot RV guide and use it to tell me which ones have RV parking. Even if I don't need the length of the RV parking spots it lets me know which lots are big enough to have a quiet spot to park. I use Casino Camper - to find which casinos are okay to park, and which ones either don't allow it or charge for overnight stays. Cracker Barrel also puts out a location guide and can be found on line as well but there is no listing included of which ones are okay so I tend not to bother with them because I can't find out ahead of time. For rest areas, the information can be a little harder to find because a lot of states and provinces do not publish their overnight stopping regulations. Here's the website that I use to check on rest areas -

It doesn't matter what you're in. I've seen as many overnighting in cars at Flying J as I've seen big rigs and I've used them all when travelling in anything from a Plymouth Grand Voyageur to a 35' Class A.

The most important things is that you don't overstay your welcome, obey any rules posted, keep your vehicle and the area neat and tidy and be discreet about it...lawn chairs, barbecues and stuff left outside your vehicle overnight is not the way to keep us all on the good side of the merchants who kindly allow us to stay!!
I've stayed at flying J's and Cracker Barrels in both my van and Class C with no problems. The last CB I stayed at in Florida actually had a seperate rv and truck lot. I wasn't alone either, there were several other rvs and vans there overnight. I stay away from most rest areas although I have stayed at open all night ones complete with gas station and fast food eateries.
It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

I've only be enough rousted once in 21 years. It was in a hotel parking lot in Berkeley , CA. We tried to pretend we weren't inside but the security guard would have none of that. We were in our old Nissan Quest minivan with curtains and there were no signs of habitation, so maybe they saw us pull in. We drove off and found a place parked on the street somewhere.
Curtains are a sign of habitation. Just like closed drapes in a house during the day means no one is home.

Rest areas: some allow overnight parking, and others don't. Look for signs as you approach. Some that say 'no camping' WILL allow you to stay for up to 8 hours, but look around for sign info. If the place has people from a non-profit (Eagles, Moose, VFW, etc) serving coffee, ask them. If you see a cop cruising through, wave him down and ask. The rules that AlmostThere posted about parking lots apply to rest areas, too.

If you're staying in a rest area and have a decent-sized dog with you: all of the signs say "No pets in restrooms". But I've stayed in some rest areas that have guys standing around smoking at 3 a.m. when I have to pee. Maybe nothing to worry about, but...... So I take the dog (shep type) with me into the rest room. I had a cop cruise through once as we headed back to the car, and he slowed down beside us and asked if everything was okay. I said yes, thank you. He said to take it easy. TWICE, I took the dog, and TWICE women have popped out of a car and asked if I minded if they went with me.

Men laugh and say we're paranoid. I prefer the word 'cautious'. I pay attention to my surroundings, and who is nearby. I will bend the rules for safety. And my dogs are always well mannered.

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