Getting VA health care

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offroad said:
Charleston SC VA hospital is in the top ten nationally for hospitals it's size in most reviews compared to public hospitals. It's where I work some times. And the location is terrific. If you are on the east coast make sure you visit here as a veteran. The associate director got promoted to director because of his great national recognized work with success in this hospital.
If I am back there I will make a point of visiting Charleston, I have fond memories of SC...
The VA is haunted by the stigma of the "homeless vet" so they are working hard to get every vet into a home. Unfortunately, that doesn't include vans! I had a friend who suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury during her service and she had to get a lawyer to fight the VA to let her live in a van. They put her in an apartment and she couldn't cope with it but the van is perfect for her limited abilities. They relented and now she happily lives in her van and goes in regularly for her rehab.

In many places the VA is doing wonderful things!
Andrew, sometimes my written attitude toward the VA comes off as angry, for that I apologize. I would not be alive were it not for a cardiac surgeon and the Pacemaker Tech who got me in to see the surgeon. There are some good people working for the VA.

Your Primary Care Person, it can be a Physician, Physicians Assistant, or an RN, they are the person who will handle your care and set up your referrals. As busy as they are sometimes they become complacent and, to me, uncaring. Just make sure the one you get will actually listen to you and follow through with appointments with Specialty Clinics.

I do suggest you join the DAV and use them to assist you in your claims. They will help even if you are not a member. And if you are indeed registered as an Agent Orange claimant then you will be "Fast Tracked" in regards to your claim(s). My last, and hopefully final, review only took two months. In the land of the VA that is at the speed of light. My DAV Rep was impressed.

Best of luck to you and good health. You deserve good care, hopefully the El Paso VA is one of the good ones.

Safe Travels ..Bob J.
akrvbob said:
The VA is haunted by the stigma of the "homeless vet" so they are working hard to get every vet into a home. Unfortunately, that doesn't include vans! I had a friend who suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury during her service and she had to get a lawyer to fight the VA to let her live in a van. They put her in an apartment and she couldn't cope with it but the van is perfect for her limited abilities. They relented and now she happily lives in her van and goes in regularly for her rehab.

In many places the VA is doing wonderful things!

Lawyers are needed with any decisions not in the canned formula for benefits. Brother in law had to sue for SS due to crippling hip problems. Bob, you had a lawyer (I believe) for your injuries while managing camp. Government action requires courts some times. But another trick is to call your state senator office (federal senator) . They can initiate a "congressional investigation" upon demand for any constituent veteran. Things move fast when that happens.
Well I've had success with my application for compensation for both my Agent Orange claim and my hearing, and subsequently I'm covered in the VA health care system. I'm on a 50% disability which puts me in class '1' for medical care. That means they will pay for everything including prescriptions, and since I got 30% for my hearing, they've given me new hearing aids, ones that are much better than my old ones. It's a shame I couldn't get the dental care too, so I signed up for the VADIP with Delta Dental. Things are looking up...
Andrew, I am happy for you getting your rating. I wish you good health and Travel Safe... Bob J.
I'm registered with San Antonio, went there last Tuesday to get my ID. Their parking area is something else. It took me about 30 minutes to find a parking spot and you have to fight off other cars. When I was walking to the hospital, a security guard told me there is a lot of mugging there. That wasn't no surprise, San Antonio has a high crime rate.

Here is my question: I'm hard of hearing on a phone, maybe someone can answer my question, before I call them. I thought about using the Kerrville,TX hospital. Do I have to registered there also?
Yes you will have to register. I am not sure if they are trying to change this or not but as of RIGHT now you have to be a registered user of that hospital or clinic. 

For me to get my monthly bloodwork done at another VA I have to give a temporary address and sign up as a temporary patient. I do not for the life of me understand this but to our fair VA "rules is rules".
I am currently living in my van traveling.... I was until recently being seen at the Loma Linda Va facility....But, I wonder if the VA wants me to stay in one spot....
I got three months meds from my gp... but when I am about to run out can I just stop at a local hospital and get my meds refilled? please advise.
I want to travel the great loop.... up the Atlantic coast in spring, summer in the great lakes, fall down the Mississippi, and winter in the south...please advise
I recently had this issue with getting my Warfarin refilled at another VA. I had to Register at the closest VA (Temporarily), Get a Primary Care to write a prescription or call my Primary Care in Ft Worth. A huge pain in the ass. This may change with the new system that is being implemented but I will believe it when I see it. I have seen others write that it was easy for them but it was an all day process for me.
VA healthcare has been great for me.I've had an operation and free hearing aids plus an annual physical every year.My only comment otherwise is I think all US citizens should be covered,not just vets.
Bob Dickerson said:
VA healthcare has been great for me.I've had an operation and free hearing aids plus an annual physical every year.My only comment otherwise is I think all US citizens should be covered,not just vets.
I agree, I haven't been on the VA health care for long, but I too have a new pair of hearing aids, a yearly exam, free prescriptions, and doctors I can go to. It is a much better system than Medicare which was what I had before. I found that the doctors abused the Medicare system, putting me in for many unwarranted, time consuming, and expensive tests. The VA doctors don't do that since they don't make more money if the prescribe more tests. I also agree about the health care for everyone. I used to live in Scotland where everyone has health care through the NHS, no matter how poor or how rich you are. People should not be denied basic health care because they don't have the money...
elkinjohn said:
I am currently living in my van traveling.... I was until recently being seen at the Loma Linda Va facility....But, I wonder if the VA wants me to stay in one spot....
I got three months meds from my gp... but when I am about to run out can I just stop at a local hospital and get my meds refilled? please advise.
I want to travel the great loop.... up the Atlantic coast in spring, summer in the great lakes, fall down the Mississippi, and winter in the south...please advise

Hi John     I think you can go to any urgent care and explain that you are traveling on vacation and need your meds refilled.  You can call your primary care for instructions if you need to.