Getting rid of more possessions

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2012
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In the past nine months that I've been vandwelling, I've gone through my stuff three times and divested myself of things I wasn't needing after all. I did it again yesterday. I was hoping to do away with one large storage bin of things. I did better than that.

Most of it is clothing, but there are some redundant silverware, extra towels and other things. Funny how our priorities change once we've been doing this for a while. Each time I get rid of things I get closer to understanding how full time backpackers manage. And maybe that's the way to approach vandwelling. Rather than trying to recreate an apartment in a van, maybe we should start with the minimal backpacker style necessities, then add the next level of comfort and convenience as needed. Sure, each person's idea of "minimal necessities" is different. I'm surprised by what I can easily do without now that I don't have them. For example, I've been visiting with family and I no longer care to watch TV. I used to watch at least four hours a night. If some had told me, "Noodly, as of August 28th, 2013, you won't be watching TV anymore. And you'll be okay with that," I would have laughed.
For about $40 you could be watching AND recording free broadcast HDTV on a portable computer.

Why go a day without the Days Of Our Lives?
I found the same to be true. I watch little TV nowadays. Used to watch at least 2 hours nightly. I've went to Goodwill store yet again to donate more stuff. I really don't need my many heavy winter coats anymore. I now prefer to dress in layers.
I haven't seen anything on TV that is worth $40 to me.
-- Spiff

Today, 11:15 AM Post: #1
MrNoodly Offline
And maybe that's the way to approach vandwelling. Rather than trying to recreate an apartment in a van, maybe we should start with the minimal backpacker style necessities, then add the next level of comfort and convenience as needed.

Excellent idea MrNoodly.
Were does one store your extra gear when fulltiming. One you sell the house, you just get ride of it all or use a storage unit.
Trekking...We decided early on that we wouldn't store anything.
Since moving out of the RV, we've done a few purges.
In Flagstaff, we sold the TV, DVD player, and digital antenna...along with kitchen stuff, clothes, and some other junk.

Feeling better all the time.
I have outdoor gear for the 4 seasons I would like to keep some, maybe worth getting a small trailer.
Trekking, in van life there are only two seasons; Warm and Cold

I have clothing for warmer weather and it is the majority of what I have. I carry a small duffel bag with some extra gloves, beanies, thermal underwear, and wool socks for colder seasons/locations. This bag is usually packed away and only comes out when needed.

The reason you will not need (or MAY not need) 4 seasons of clothing is because your home (a van I presume?) moves. You will more likely move to ideal weather rather than sit still in less than ideal weather (job permitting of course)

A small trailer will add expenses (registration, wear and tear, MPG, etc) so most try to avoid one. If you have some family, they might have some space in a garage for a few boxes.
Keep in mind as the seasons change that there are thrift shops in every town. In terms of space, its not worth it to me to store all the clothes it takes for 2 people in winter.
Oh wait....winter in the desert only calls for a few warm things :D
I try to take us where the weather suits our clothes :)
bindi&us said:
I try to take us where the weather suits our clothes :)

Many of us have noticed that the weather has been getting crazier in the last couple decades, so something like a freak blizzard in an area which traditionally doesn't have them doesn't surprise us.
PastTense said:
Many of us have noticed that the weather has been getting crazier in the last couple decades, so something like a freak blizzard in an area which traditionally doesn't have them doesn't surprise us.

Yup, there has been some strange weather.
I'm in the process of purging to move into my van. This is familiar to me since I had to purge before to live in the bus years ago.

Fortunately, I remember the lightness of being that I felt in divesting myself of all that stuff. In this case, I have a much smaller space and need to be more draconian in my purge.

As I get further along, I'm feeling a little anxious because my jobs are requiring me to have some stuff. This year's Medieval Summer Camp is higher stakes for me. The school is deciding if they're going to be doing more of these every year. And they are considering an after school program (with me running it!) for the school year. Basically, this year's summer program is my audition for doing a full school year after school program. It's both exciting and frightening.

This would be my ultimate dream job! Doing medieval arts and crafts, singing and storytelling during the school year, then helping to run the summer program and having time in the summer to travel in my van sounds lovely! But I've gotta figure out how to take care of the musical instruments and where to keep the medieval garb. Anyone have ideas to protect a harp, a guitar, and some drums from the AZ heat in a van?
If they offer you the job, ask for a storage area for "your" equipment exclusively.
Good idea, Bdog! They like me enough, they might just do it! Especially since they have a nice new, HUGE campus. Still have to figure out how to keep the instruments cool while I'm not working at the school.
LughTheBard said:
Still have to figure out how to keep the instruments cool while I'm not working at the school.

maybe you'd need to require that the storage area has an electrical plug so you could keep a de-humidifier running in there. After all, humidity is the arch nemesis to your instruments, and not the actual heat. (am I right on this??) Plus, if it's a dark place with a de-humidifier running all the time...that'd keep it cool in there anyways...........perfect!! could stick a acouple boxes of your own stuff in there too!! :D
The heat (excessive heat) will cause certain glued pieces to come apart (like the bridge) assuming they are acoustic instruments. Storing them on campus is your best bet.
Here in AZ, the heat and lack of humidity take a terrible toll on wooden instruments. Most are put together with animal-based (I.e. hide glues) adhesives. These have a tendency to soften in high heat. We actually have to use humidifiers (some are not much more than a damp sponge in the case!) to keep the wood from cracking!

Renting a storage unit (if it were climate-controlled) could be a solution, but I'm hoping to keep my instruments close so I may practice. Campus storage may be my only option. Thanks for the suggestions!
Now that we have officially sold the house and are in the van the freedom is great. A big part of this is the freedom from stuff. We stored some small furniture and our books with family but we also gave away a lot of stuff. It felt great. As we went through what we stored we realized we still had more than we needed or wanted. We will purge again when we return to the east coast.