Well, I have come down with a bad cold (although they did not test for the Plague, so we don't know for sure) so it's going to be a few days before I get back over for more pictures, etc.
To answer a few questions, it is a Weather King model. It is 12 by 24 and the two lofts are 8 by 12. Even with the lost space due to the front porch, there is still plenty of room to design a home with functioning bathroom and kitchen. The two lofts will be the kids rooms, of course.
I do have two electrical plus that I can use that are literally feet away from the cabin. I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible and am wondering if simply running a heavy duty extension cord inside to a heavy duty power strip will power everything I need, dorm size refrigerator, wall unit ac, TV and some lights. I think it would and if so, there would be no need to worry about wiring or anything else.
For plumbing, I'd like to use some sort of water container with an on demand propane water heater for showers. It wouldn't be a big problem to fill the container every couple of days and that would be a simple system with no need for any complex plumbing.
For a toilet, I'm thinking of going with a camping toilet. Sure, it will have to be emptied but again, no need for plumbing.
The way I'm looking at it is that if it can be done in a van, that's how I want to do it but with a bit more comfort built in. This way it would also keep me under the radar since I don't want to draw any attention to my ummmm 'workshop'.