Generators: A Scourge!

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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I decided to purchase the New Mexico state parks annual pass, thinking I'd stay in the parks enough to get my money's worth. At first, late winter, early spring, it was great! Not many people out and about.

But now, within twelve hours of arrival at this one, I have had to listen to the rumble of generators for several hours. Bleh!!! Pooh on generators and those who can't live without their TV's/computers/microwaves/etc! Sissies!! And I don't care if you're running it during daylight hours! I was sitting outside, beautiful sunny morning, cool and crisp, watching birds fishing in the lake and enjoying their morning songfests, breathing in the pine scent of the trees, sipping my coffee, and someone fires up their damned generator.

Hmmm...too bad I don't carry sugar. A little sugar in the gas tank would take care of those nasty generators...

Back to boondocking!

And yes, I would like a little cheese with my whine. Thank you.

Nothing beats getting up to the quiet of the morning to coffee out in the wilderness and hearing only wildlife and wind. I understand Stargazer.<BR><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #ff00ff">Dragonfly</SPAN></STRONG>
I couldn't agree more!<BR><BR>Only thing I hate worse than a generator rumbling away is someone thinking their musical taste is 'universal'.<BR><BR>Don't get me wrong, I like Bob Seger as much as the next guy. But I like the wind through the trees, the birds singing, and the simple quiet of nature too.&nbsp; A time and a place...<BR><BR>Perhaps we are asking too much, but at least we don't have to put up with these rowdy 'neighbors' for a decade or more like most people. We just drive to a different spot.
Stargazer, that is the very reason i had bought a Honda genny. <br>I am LUCKY to be an early get-er-upper.<br>Really enjoy that time of the day, fix a good strong cup o joe, watch the day unfold.<br>Most are still comfy in bed, fast asleep. A few, others up.<br>All ot once, someone starts up a gen-set. <br>Arggggggggg.<br>never could understand that one.<br>Good thing bout the Honda, one can be right beside it and carry on a normal conversation.<br>I do use it to charge my batteries, not before i see everyone around me are all up and about.<br>Hopefully where ya are, most will be gone by Sunday night.
As with anything. Consider your neighbors as well as your own desires.<br>I don't recommend vandalism.
I understand what you are saying but to ruin a 1000 dollar generator is a little extreme for some birds chirping <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<p>That Argo-A website spun me around quite a bit.<br><br>A decade ago, I used to aggressively&nbsp;hunt down and bookmark&nbsp;defense contractor websites like that.<br><br>Now I might have to do it again...<br><br>A net gun in a flashlight? GIVE ME NOW.</p>
I wouldn't really vandalize another's property. But I can daydream about it!

I am learning though, that in NM parks at least, if there's a lake, expect the Big Boys with their Big Toys! Boats, jet skis, ATV's, big trailers with twin gennies! Pull throughs. It's a dead giveaway. I should know this. I think I'm more angry at myself because I didn't really research this park before coming here.

It is a weekend--maybe it'll quiet down on Monday. I can outlast them! Maybe I'll relocate. Maybe I'll fix myself a little nip and listen to a little soft music--through my headphones.

While I also prefer the sounds of nature, I agree that staying in campgrounds that allow generators will usually mean generators.&nbsp; And I find people's music even more offensive than generators.
At least the CGs have a limit to gen. hours. I've found the most annoying thing about some Walmarts is people running gensets late into the night. You gets what you pay for...
I bet it will be pretty peaceful on the work days.&nbsp; Tho some guys knock off fridays to hit the lake <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; (I work at a motel near a lake/fishing tourney area).
well I agree that generators are annoying.&nbsp; I also understand they serve a useful purpose.&nbsp; there should be no reason to run a gen&nbsp;more than once a month or so unless you are running ac.&nbsp; there is the problem.&nbsp; here in so cal I run into these enviros all the time.&nbsp; they go from their ac house to their ac car to their ac work&nbsp;back to their ac car and back to their ac house.&nbsp; then they try to tell every body else that they are ruining the planet.&nbsp; talk about hypocrites.&nbsp; there is nothing green about air conditioning.&nbsp; such a waste, &nbsp;and it's just for the satisfaction of the moment.&nbsp; wow did I go off topic or what.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Does the campground that you are staying in not have elec. hook-ups?<br><br>
Yep, the music, too. What a shame all I could hear last night was the boom boom of the bass. Lol! U
It didn't play for long, maybe 10 minutes? Then it was shut down. Perhaps somebody complained?

Joey: there are sites with electric and water hookups. They're up the hill, in a separate area. I've found that's usually the case--the hookup sites are away from the "developed" sites. They don't want us to ruin the neighborhood. Well, not really. It's much cheaper to run all those utilities to one small area, this I understand. And the showers are always near that area; same reason, I'm sure. Those who have inside showers and water hookups are the closest to the campground showers. I've become so used to basin baths in my van (or outside, weather/locale permitting) that I rarely use the public showers.

Ranger: yep, I'm a recovering AC junkie. Now I see climate control as a challenge. Park in shade, move up, etc.'s 6:00 am and the sun is peeking over the horizon, and it's oh-so-quiet outside. Okay, birdies! Time to start up the choir! I'm coming!

&nbsp;Hmm.. maybe time to turn on the loud polka music when the genny starts, and maybe when it isn't on too! ..Willy.
Oh! The polka music was this morning. I'm thinking a bad opera? The one in Italian where, when translated, the guy sings, "My best friend ran away with my wife and I miss him so much!"
