G'day, eh.....

Van Living Forum

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New member
Mar 19, 2015
Reaction score
Name is Gary Haupt and I have been a Rubber Tramp all my adult life, in one form another. From cars to VW Westies, to for real motor homes. I lived in my lastest for a year and a half. As life ofttimes does..I was thrown a curve ball. So..I became a full timing Rubber Tramp for a year and a half. As things evolved...decisions were made that saw me again take up residence in a house. Funny, how that all worked out. Anyway..I am still very much a Tramp of the first order. I am often away for a month at a time, coming home, only to begin planning my next sojourn.


Gary! Welcome to the CRVL forums! I hope you'll share your adventures and experience with us!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hey Gary! Glad to see you here.

We met Gary through another forum and enjoyed spending a few days camping with him on our way to Alaska in 2011. Great guy with a big heart. :)
Man, I sure know about those curve balls! Welcome, Gary!
Any friend of Karen and Tony's .... Welcome,Gary!
G'day Gary! Welcome to the forum! Hope to see you out there some day.