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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2014
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Just wanting to introduce myself....

I'm a single empty-nester (but with grandkids nearby :D), age almost 59, employed full-time for probably 4 more years. Have spent vacation time for the last several years, on both short and long RV (travel trailer) trips,with my now EX boyfriend.

I wanted to go places that he didn't, and started casually looking at small RVs a while back. Now that we've split up, I'm definitely wanting to travel on my own. At some point there may be a grandchild with me, but most of the time I'll be traveling alone. I'm in Middle Tennessee, and plan to head south for part of the winter, way north for part of the summer, and lots of spring/fall trips in the Southeast.

After looking at all kinds of vehicle options, I've settled on either the Nissan NV or Ford Transit full-size high-top vans as best suited to my needs. Now they are a bit pricey, so it will take me a couple of years to save up. Which of those I buy at that point will depend on what's out there, and a more detailed evaluation of the finances than can be done that far out.

The plan is to start with a minimalist conversion, and then add as needed and affordable. I have a comfy cot, sleeping bag, Coleman stove, and several other items that we used for tent camping, that will be a good starter kit.

In the meantime, I'll be spending a lot of time mostly lurking here, but with some questions and possibly some input. I have a technical background and a pretty good grasp of electrical and water systems, plus a fair amount of experience with systems & appliances in the RV. So perhaps I can contribute something aside from asking lots of questions!

This is a great site, and I'm very happy to have found it!
Hi and Welcome!! Looks like you've got some years to plan it out well. Happy reading! :)
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Coolmom! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi, I'm new here too.

I'm in SC currently and will be working on organic farms in the SE starting around Jan '15

I also ride solo. If you are ever near and need anything you can reach out to me.

I'm looking to purchase a travel trailer soon. I'm sure I'll have some ?s for you eventually. Thanks in advance.

All the best to you in you adventures : )

See you around.