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IanC said:
Russian dudes and their helmet/dash cams capture some crazy footage.

Yeah, the Russians do seem to capture a proportionally high number of strange occurrences for posterity ....
The road makes a hard turn to the right just a bit after the first rider turned around. I wonder if the bear had cut the corner to catch him. The second rider definitely confused me as he basically was riding up the bear's behind. First sign of a bear no matter how big -- and this one looked very big -- and I'd a turned around on a dime.
lenny flank said:
They were that way hundreds of thousands of years.  :)

(As an aside, I happen to know one of the marine scientists who is monitoring the Pacific Coast for radiation levels. The data shows that the level of radiation reaching the US from Fukushima is barely measurable above background rate. Nearly all of the released radiation has stayed in Japan.)
WHAT!??  WRONG!  Here are a couple websites to show you.   AND    AND   if you need further proof Fukushima was and is currently unsafe EVERYWHERE and affecting YOU in North America, please let me know.  EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE U.S. and surrounding areas SHOULD BE EXTREMELY CONCERNED.  I cannot believe how many people who don't live on the west coast think they were protected from Fukushima! 

People, the problem affected and still affects YOU even if you live on the east coast!  Do you understand trade-winds, etc.  The fall-out from Fukushima DID NOT just stay locally!  Please do your research!  Whomever says Fukushima is safe is being paid or is in fear for their lives.  There are Japanese whistle-blowers  who have come forward about this tragedy.  Even the Prime-minister admitted to lying.  I don't get it.  Look at all the currently, dead, starving, etc. sea-life still affecting the west coast.  OK, i don't have time to go on.  I really hope you research and don't take someone else's opinion.
I found this chart was helpful when I was explaining to some Californians how Fukishima radiation is not really harming them. People seem to think that detectable levels of radiation = harmful levels of radiation but that isn't true. As I mention to them, their granite counter tops have detectable levels of radiation but that doesn't mean granite counter tops are generally harmful.
Indeed, it always amazes me when seemingly intelligent people are utterly unable to grasp the relatively simple concept of "dosage".

Bananas are naturally radioactive. So is kale. In fact, ANY food that is high in potassium is radioactive, since a proportion of that potassium will be the radioactive K-40 isotope (there's no way to remove it). Why don't bananas or kale kill us? Dosage. The radiation level is barely measurable.

I worked for a while as an organizer for Greenpeace, and was always annoyed when people pee'd their pants at the mere mention of the word "radiation", without understanding that it's the DOSAGE that matters.

The dosage in the Pacific Coast from Fukushima, as actually measured, is barely measurable above background levels. That is a simple scientific fact.

(And when people tell me that "science" is just a big conspiracy against them, I stop listening to them.)
It isn't just dosage. People get scared if you give something a scientific sounding name which is why I *still* see this meme about Dihydrogen Monoxide* even though it has been circulating for over 30 years.

Dihydrogen monoxide:

is also known as hydroxyl acid, and is the major component of acid rain.
contributes to the "greenhouse effect".
may cause severe burns.
contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

as an industrial solvent and coolant.
in nuclear power plants.
in the production of styrofoam.
as a fire retardant.
in many forms of cruel animal research.
in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

*That means it has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom aka H2O aka plain old water ;)
I also know a nuclear engineer who has been to Chernobyl a couple times. If you wanna see dangerous radiation levels, THAT is the place to go. That whole situation was one big ginormous clusterf*ck. Wow.

Had an online discussion with someone about whether cigarette butts disintegrate. I thought they probably did. Some young lady said "But, they are made of CELLULOSE and that goes into the environment"
IanC said:
Had an online discussion with someone about whether cigarette butts disintegrate. I thought they probably did. Some young lady said "But, they are made of CELLULOSE and that goes into the environment"

Wait till she finds out where nicotine comes from............


EDIT: As an aside, whenever someone gives me the "natural equals safe" baloney, I always point out that strychnine is entirely natural, and so is botulin toxin.
lenny flank said:
EDIT: As an aside, whenever someone gives me the "natural equals safe" baloney, I always point out that strychnine is entirely natural, and so is botulin toxin.

and sharp pointy sticks
When someone told me that I shouldn't eat anything that I couldn't pronounce or didn't know where it came from or what it was, I was like "Dang. and I really like quinoa too!"
Many people think there is no radiation out there except from nuclear accidents.

Many people panic when they see the butt of a handgun on a plainclothes detective.

The one day I needed my knife, I didn't have it (in Goodwill). I had found plastic blinds in the a barrel (for use as plant pot markers) and the cord was all tangled down inside with all the other junk (I didn't need the cord). I asked out loud if anyone had a knife. Two young women looked at me in horror and hurried away toward the front of the store. Two men looked at me blankly. One old geezer reached into his pocket and pulled out a folding knife and handed it to me. America, Land of the Fearful.

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