owl said:
LOL, that's not stew that's dog food !
Ser Owl, clearly, you've never tried
Dollar Tree beef stew.
That (so far) is my low water mark in terms of canned stew.
Cheerful Threat: I'll post porn, if you need semi proof.
Dinty Moore has slipped in the last few years, but is still pretty dang good. During the summer, scored some of the plastic nuke-bowl versions at close to a buck each, and am still kicking myself that I didn't buy lots more!
I successfully "cooked" them using my van's dash.
Now that is easy!
Not fast, but it was out of sight, and was ready to eat when I wanted it.
Edit To Add:
Did I mention publicly that I finally got around to trying my thrift store crockpot?!?
It worked!

Even picked up a Library electricity meter & measured it.
First tested it with just water to make sure it worked and wouldn't 'splode.
Then scrunched down an MRE entree, added enough water to completely cover it, and ran it for an hour (ok, kind of forgot to check until one hour).
It was piping hot.

The pot says 75 watts, but the e-meter said 61 actual for the full hour.
Only downside is it's a little too small for Chef Boyardee & similar pastas (yes, I tried... with all 3 sizes I have).
Hmmmm... I'm pretty sure the Dollar Tree beef stew cans are a bit smaller. I'm now tempted to buy & try one, for the sake of Science.