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bigsallysmom said:
Do you have to pay for prime to get it?

The books I, personally,  post are free for anyone, at the time I post.
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][font=Arial, sans-serif]Simple Tips on How You Can Get Visually Stunning Images Using Your DSLR[/font][/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Free, for your Kindle for a limited time[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Free, for your Kindle, for a limited time[/font]
After spending his 20s traveling us all to enjoy life’s incredible journey.
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][/font]

"[font=Arial, sans-serif]After spending his 20s traveling the world and hopping from job to job, Gabriel Schirm was lost. At 32 years old, he desperately needed to find direction and meaningful purpose in his life. With no physical training, he decided his answers were waiting for him somewhere along the historic 490-mile pilgrimage route called the Camino de Santiago in Spain. From the physical high of crossing the Pyrenees Mountains to the mind numbing rhythm of walking through the endless wheat fields of the Meseta, the route was filled with many challenges. Accompanied by his “guru” wife Amy, Schirm faces setbacks like bed bugs and tendinitis, all in the pursuit of elusive answers. The lessons came from the serendipitous experiences and conversations with fellow pilgrims from all over the world. Sunrises to Santiago chronicles a wondrous journey of personal growth, physical pain, and outdoor adventure while teaching us all to enjoy life’s incredible journey."[/font]

I don't know wth is wrong, here. here's the link
Can't post the link, but Desertphile has several free ebooks on has to prospect in various areas. Just get the Nook app and do a search. Sorry, cannot post links.

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Free, for your Kindle for a limited time[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]"[font=Arial, sans-serif]Byron’s Prepper Humor and Survival Guide is for people who want to enjoy a couple laughs with their prepping hobby."[/font][/font]
67 Ultimate Duct Tape Crafts - For Purses, Wallets & Much More!

A craft we all have the space for and probably don't even need to buy supplies

Free, for your kindle, for a limited time
Every few months, I do a couple of FREE Kindle Book days for my first novel, Obliterated - Would You Know How to Survive? Today (Sunday the 6th) and Monday are two of those days where you can download the digital book for free (the free Kindle app works on almost any tablet, computer or smart phone if you don't already have it).

This is a post-apocalyptic novel about "everyday people" who must survive in world without modern convenience, so there are lots of camping tips woven throughout the story. So here's your chance to read it and risk no money -- LOL. Of course, authors do this hoping you'll enjoy the story and decide to buy the next books in the series, but this is a self-contained novel.

Here's a link to the Amazon page if you're interested. Thanks much!
It's an awesomely entertaining series. Great story line. Believable characters. Who'd of ever thought of using a billboard ad for shelter? Genious.
Free, for your Kindle, for a limited time

"[font=Arial, sans-serif]Emotions run high in this true polar adventure. It's a story of triumph, harrowing danger, and outright adventure. In 2012, Aaron Linsdau left his entire life behind. [/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]But before the expedition was to start, there was much to do. Linsdau trekked 100 miles across the Greenland tundra. He skied across Yellowstone in the winter, camping in -45 degree temperatures. Towing tires up mountains and eating 4000 calories a day was preparation for Antarctica...[/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Linsdau takes the reader to Antarctica. They experience incredible storms, skiing blind through whiteouts, crossing invisible crevasses, and skirting disaster. The book shows what happened every day of the expedition. [/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]The air is cold enough to freeze water in seconds and cause frostbite in minutes. Only outer space is less hospitable. Driven by passion, he sacrifices nearly everything to make his dream come true. This is a story about personal discovery, testing the limits of human endurance, total dedication to achieving a goal, and never giving up even when both body and equipment fail..."[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Not necessarily full-time/travel related. But, perhaps life-style related[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Free, for your Kindle, for a limited time[/font]

"[font=Arial, sans-serif]Henry, is a humorous exploration of the life of a nearly eighty year-old man with little left to live for. [/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Henry no longer bases his decisions on a sound mind’s judgment and jumps the moral fence of society without second thought or consideration. The story begs the question, “how do you fill your time, when you just want time to run out?”[/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]A very cynical Henry bides his time, doing what he pleases, knowing that there are no consequences to be imposed by a world that ignores and dismisses him as it moves on. [/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Two years after the passing of his wife, Henry gradually faces the realization that the relationships of his lifetime have disappeared to either death or senility, and discovers his place as a burden in the logistic and financial life of his now smaller family. [/font]

[font=Arial, sans-serif]With slipping morals and mind, Henry dabbles in the proliferation of potent prescriptions while he is relieved of his responsibilities and worldly possessions."[/font]
cyndi said:
[font=Arial, sans-serif]With slipping morals and mind, Henry dabbles in the proliferation of potent prescriptions while he is relieved of his responsibilities and worldly possessions."[/font]

ehhh...I've already tried that route, not really worth writing a book about :)
Free, for your Kindle, for a limited time

“It’s like Jack Kerouac meets a nicer, more whimsical Hunter S. Thompson...” -Chris Wagoner 

"Eighteen-year-old Shoshanah travels across the country by Greyhound bus, with only her Grace Kelly coat and her Elements of Style book to protect her. Original art work adds to this eccentric tale of travel on the cheap in 1993. Both terrifying and hilarious, this ill-conceived road trip is doomed from the start. It's funny because it's 99% true."

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