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Aug 27, 2017
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Not here to discuss "should you or shouldn't you". Here to chat with those who have already made the choice to do so.

As a retired LEO of 28 yrs in So. Florida, I became quite familiar with Glocks. Seems most cops love or hate 'em. I must admit  i was quite suspicious of their durability at first, but have since evolved to trust them for reliability. But as in all things in life this is a personal choice.

I have owned a M36 (a compact .45) that I purchased from a local police supplier about 12 years back. Have recently bought a M19 (a mid-sized 9mm) from a police supply depo here in the middle of the state.

As my land, 29 acres of mixed wetlands and flatwoods, is prime venomous snake habitat, I generally carry the CCI snake shot in my chamber, while hiking or doing my chores. The snake shot is effective up to about 15 ft. in the .45, slightly less in the 9mm. If you choose to do this in a similar autopistol, be forewarned that this load does not (in my guns, anyway) cycle the action for a follow-up shot.

For personal defense against "venomous" two legged critters, I load my Glocks with Federal Hydroshoks.

Again, these are just my selections...YMMV.

In 28 years, how many times did you fire at someone?
Thanks for your service Steve!!!!!

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Have you discussed with your armorer lightening the spring for the snake shot? We had the same problem in our service weapons when we started training with live Simunition in our H&K p2000's. Still lots of IA's required but they cycled more often than they didn't. Just a thought.

For me in BC Canada. I always carried an 870. Can't beat that sound for pucker factor. Loaded in Mag chamber empty. Blank, super lite bird, SSG, SSG, BRI ballistic sabot.
well you answered my question about snake rounds cycling the action. I use a revolver so I don't have that issue. highdesertranger
Hi Steve, thank you for your service. I think the best parting gift for retired LEO's is the right to carry in all 50 states, man that sure must make traveling with a firearm a lot easier.
Steve in Micco said:
 "venomous" two legged critters

it always disturbs me when people de-humanize other people. 

ESPECIALLY when it is a LEO.
lenny flank said:
it always disturbs me when people de-humanize other people. 

ESPECIALLY when it is a LEO.

Fact of life, there are people that are toxic and dangerous. Another word for that might be venomous. I'm sure an LEO has had to deal with more than his or her share, so might be more so inclined to use that label. Hey, it was polite.
Ballenxj said:
Fact of life, there are people that are toxic and dangerous.

People who de-humanize other people, are toxic and dangerous. 

There is no place for it in a civilized society.
You could cry foul; Thin Blue Line. But I took as levity, and an attempt to be non offensive.

I usually use the term Bad Guys/Gals. Children understand it and so do adults. But some have reacted poorly to the term. Sometimes the term LEO is used to dehumanize. "Oh he is a LEO he'll be fine..." Press does it every other day it seems. "New York cities finest save a kitten." "Several LEO's were caught in a sting operation today...."

I don't think the OP intent was to dehumanize. But, I guess we will have to wait and see.
Hey Steve, Thanks also.

Out in the wilderness I carry a S&W 329PD Alaska Backpacker IV in .44 Mag, 4 cylinders hold 300 gr. hardcast and 2 snakeshot (think of it as a crude select fire).  I carry big for large preditors (2 & 4 legged).  In civilization I usually carry a Ruger LCP loaded with Normandy Critical Defense.

I competed against a number of LEOs in USPSA when I was younger.  I have lots of respect for you guys on the front lines.

 -- Spiff
lenny flank said:
People who de-humanize other people, are toxic and dangerous. 
There is no place for it in a civilized society.

But calling others that you disagree with for whatever reason, and who you feel superior to, 'goobers' is OK?
Scott7022 said:

Have you discussed with your armorer lightening the spring for the snake shot? We had the same problem in our service weapons when we started training with live Simunition in our H&K p2000's. Still lots of IA's required but they cycled more often than they didn't. Just a thought.

For me in BC Canada. I always carried an 870. Can't beat that sound for pucker factor. Loaded in Mag chamber empty. Blank, super lite bird, SSG, SSG, BRI ballistic sabot.

Thanks for the heads-up. I did consider this, as Wolf makes lighter slide springs. But my concern was that it may not reliably cycle with full power loads, or worse, the higher pressures of full powered loads might damage the weapon. Can't say for sure on this one. While 870s are truly an awesome bit of machinery...I tend to favor the Ithaca M37... just my preference...a bit lighter to lug in the field whilst dove hunting...hey, some guys like blondes, some redheads, some love to squeeze a Marlin levergun, they just don't break. But far be it from me to speak I'll of that Remington. A bud that retired to  farm in Ohio uses those sabots for deer in his 870 and seems quite pleased with the results.
Steve in Micco said:

Thanks for the heads-up. I did consider this, as Wolf makes lighter slide springs. But my concern was that it may not reliably cycle with full power loads, or worse, the higher pressures of full powered loads might damage the weapon. Can't say for sure on this one.

Yeah we would swap them in for training and swap them out after cleaning. Simunition gets messy. So easy to remember. You get really proficient with IA's this way too.  :D snake gun right hip NON snake cross draw left hip. LOL!
I have 4Glocks myself, with a shirt and a lanyard to match. Thanks for your service. Late nights at dunkin if I see an officer/deputy/trooper getting something other than free coffee, I usually tell them Ill pay for...Ive done that as well to an older gentleman at Walmart. While only $8 worth of stuff, not nearly enough to payback what they've done, regardless of feelings on war/politics.
slow2day said:
But calling others that you disagree with for whatever reason, and who you feel superior to,  'goobers' is OK?

Sorry you can't tell the difference.

Also sorry you don't like me.

lenny flank said:
Sorry you can't tell the difference.

Also sorry you don't like me.



Stop and think about this for a second. If someone has it within his heart to do you ill in a physical way, said individual has already dehumanized you. He does not care that you have places to be and family to attend to. Perhaps he can be reasoned with. Perhaps not. I understand your belief system of violence begetting more violence. I would hope that you would, if necessary,  beget your attacker, the same one who thinks so little of you as to do you harm...enough violence to stop his assault.

This goes back to one's self esteem. If in effect, you first dehumanize yourself, you make your assailant's goal so much easier.
lenny flank said:
it always disturbs me when people de-humanize other people. 

ESPECIALLY when it is a LEO.

Some people have the courage to stand between the innocent and helpless and those who would do violence to them.  Unfortunately, this often requires counter-violence.

This is a dangerous thing to do.  Empathy for these Violent Criminal Actors can slow the protectors reaction times and increase their personal danger.

I would say that dehumanizing those you know you will have to deal with violently is a normal and healthy reaction by our protectors.