Flu Season 2025

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Well-known member
May 31, 2015
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Wayne National Forest, Ohio
This 2025 Flu season is reported to be one of the worst since the Covid 19 pandemic or prior to 2017. You can still get a Flu Shot to be protected but it takes a couple of weeks for it to be fully effective. But CDC reports this year it may linger on until the spring season. Only 48% of Children have gotten one so far and 54% of Adults. With the 2025 weather (and flooding) there is speculation that the Flu Virus is aided in it's spreading.

So far there are reports of 24 million have the Flu, 310,000 are hospitalized with it, and 13,000 have died from it already this season.

This map reports the levels state by state. The darker the colors the worse it is.


This year there is a three in one home test kit that will determine if you have Covid 19, Flu types A & B.


CDC estimates the Flu Shot is 43% effective overall this year.

Do you take a Flu Shot each year ?

Don't take a Flu Shot ever ?

Insecure with vaccinations, don't like needles, etc ?

Will you be planning to attend meetup's such as the RTR or other such events ?
Actually I think it's red/purple = high and green = low. Either way that's a sobering picture. It would be interesting to know where that map came from.

I never got flu shots before Covid but now I get both. (I used to get in a car with drunk drivers and I never do that anymore either, even though it never did me any harm.)

With the high levels of respiratory illness right now, I also feel like it would be smart to wear a good face mask if spending a long time in a crowded place -- especially for us olds with wonky lungs -- but boy it is hard to get back into that habit once you've stopped.

I feel like, with current feelings what they are, a lot of people are going to refuse to take precautions, and there's no way around that, so as individuals we need to do our best to protect ourselves and any vulnerable loved ones.

PS Wash your hands a lot, too, because the puke-and-cr@p bug known as norovirus is also making the rounds. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/health/norovirus-hand-sanitizer/3814503/
I’ve been reading about how bad the flu season is this year.

I had the pneumonia series, all my Covid’s and get the annual flu vaccine because my PCP tells me I should,

I’ve never had the flu, and not one to even get a cold, particularly since retired, but, ya know, getting older it is good to take the precautions that are available.
Morgana, the map image came from a Google Search where it shows TODAY com (NBC)

Speaking for myself, I've had about every shot possible when I was getting ready to work as a cook on a River Boat. (Covid stopped that) One of my friends at one of the fraternal lodges I belong to was a Captain on one of the boats and explained when anyone got sick with a cold or flu that it tended to go all thru the boat. So I took precautions anticipating that. I'd hate to be living out of a van and down sick with the flu....much less a cold.
"Four ways to boost your immune system during cold and flu season"

tl;dr = get exercise, get rest, eat right, and keep up the basic contagious-disease precautions.

It's an article from 2022 that they're re-running b/c of the high flu #s right now, so it mentions covid more than a new article might. If you don't like all the steps in point #4, skip the bits you don't like. None of it will hurt you and lots of it could help.
"According to MainStreamMedia, this's TheWorstEver© season for seasonal season-type stuff... so be very very afraid!"
Let the six-foot antisocial-distance follow-grocery-aisle-arrows lock-step begin again [runs in tiny circles, pearls clutched]!
In other news:
* U.S.A.I.D. quit funding fauci and friends, so this ought to be the last we hear of bio-labs and bio-weapons, and that particular skim-scam.
Unless, of course, pigeon-birds and eagle-birds are involved.
Oh, wait, the latest chinese "Bird! Influenza! Epidemic!" only infests chicken-birds, but not buzzard-birds nor owl-birds?
How [strokes chin, suspiciously] is that even possible.
Keep all your vaccines, you can have my share. The medical industry is a joke at least the clowns I usually draw.
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I have a friend who got FOUR flu shots.

She got the flu FOUR times.
Flu shots many times only reduce the severity for a person. Most people that die from the flu were not vaccinated. Did your friend get so sick they had to be admitted to a hospital? Did your friend live?
Maybe the ***** I had yesterday was the flu or something... all good today, anyway. Fall of '23 (day of the eclipse) I got sicker than :poop: . Really high fever, thought I might die... but at least the torture would be over! I know I haven't had anything like that since I was a kid. Fever broke after about 12 hrs and then a slow recovery. Bird flu, the other flu, covid, something else? Who cares? I get sick, I get better. I got shingles last spring and that was an ordeal and long recovery! I get arthritis in my thumbs and after a couple years the nerves give up on informing me. I got a clot in my calf and I took aspirin for a few months, and it went away. Currently my right shoulder goes numb randomly for a 10-20 seconds at a time. Not worried about it at all. I don't go to the doc for this stuff, because I've found it's a waste of time.

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Maybe the ***** I had yesterday was the flu or something... all good today, anyway. Fall of '23 (day of the eclipse) I got sicker than :poop: . Really high fever, thought I might die... but at least the torture would be over! I know I haven't had anything like that since I was a kid. Fever broke after about 12 hrs and then a slow recovery. Bird flu, the other flu, covid, something else? Who cares? I get sick, I get better. I got shingles last spring and that was an ordeal and long recovery! I get arthritis in my thumbs and after a couple years the nerves give up on informing me. I got a clot in my calf and I took aspirin for a few months, and it went away. Currently my right shoulder goes numb randomly for a 10-20 seconds at a time. Not worried about it at all. I don't go to the doc for this stuff, because I've found it's a waste of time.

Flu season in Arizona has had the highest number of cases in a while. It is starting to taper off though. I believe over 50,000.
There’s also been a noriviruss going around. Lots of people have gotten it and sometimes it’s quite severe.
Life is sooo eazy when one is just plain antisocial & avoid people & crowds spreading their diseases to each other like a great big aerial germ, virus, bacterial kluster £uk orgy.

condum or mask; mask & condum.
It’s just the forces of nature exerting their will to power. Life’s a bitch; then u die.

watch out for that swollen nose u sik £ukers.
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I've had a bad cold, cough and ear infection since Christmas and it's only now just starting to go away
A friend of mine just got exactly that. It's really got a long tail, even after antibiotics. Aching ribs from the cough. Pretty nasty. Hope you get better soon!
Roll the clock back to spring and summer of 2020. When you learned how to avoid catching a respiratory virus.
I had MRSA, another gift from the medical industry. Because of a quack I was in the Hospital twice. I fired him while in the Hospital the 2nd time. What cured it was canine MRSA drug & 6 weeks 2 hrs daily of Bariatric Hyper Oxygen tank treatment used for scuba divers with the bends. Anyway I had a gum or tooth infection a couple months & the dentist woulnd't prescribe antibiotics which anyone that's had MRSA must take for a week to 10 days before any dental work kill My wife gave me garlic pills which fixed it so no dentist needed.😁 I've had 2 friends get MRSA from dentist, one died. Going into the hospital is the 3rd likely cause of death.
Modern Medicine

The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about​


Over 700,000 people die in hospitals every year. While not all these deaths are preventable, many are the result of errors in medical care. These wrongful deaths impact families, including spouses and children, for generations. Healthcare providers have a responsibility to provide an acceptable level of care Diagnostic Errors: A Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. One of the most recent and comprehensive studies on diagnostic errors found that medical misdiagnoses— overlooking a disease or diagnosing it erroneously or late—lead to an estimated 371,000 deaths and 424,000 permanent disabilities every year. This is a massive issue that impacts over 800,000 people, some of whom will suffer serious harm, death, or become permanently disabled.
While it seems high, the 800,000 number is only considered the tip of the iceberg by medical experts, who estimate that the number could be as high as a million due to cases that go unreported. In all, considering unreported and minor cases, there could be as many as 100 million people impacted by diagnostic errors in the U.S. every year.
1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Keep hands away from face, especially mouth and nose.
These 2 items will help prevent most communicable illnesses.
Additional preventative actions:
3. If you have a cough or just generally don’t feel well WEAR A MASK when around others or in public areas. Really people, it is the courteous thing to do.
4. A healthy diet, exercise and possibly daily multivitamins.
Just these 4 items can prevent most communicable diseases. If we especially do 1-3, no flu or covid vaccinations should be needed for the average person.
Special needs are extended and individual.

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