floor and window ideas...

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Active member
Oct 27, 2018
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hey all, i was wondering if i could get your take on an idea or two ive had for my van. my first idea/question is what are your thoughts on DIY double pane windows? i kind of like the insulation aspect of it, plus i dont have to keep my windows covered all winter. (i like my window views) found a few DIY instructions, usually involves double sided tape and a piece of acrylic. any and all feedback is welcome. second of all, ive recently come across decorative wall panel made from tile board, with an acrylic coating that resists stain and mold/mildew. im thinking of using this on my floor. durability, and it looks pretty cool. if you want to see what im talking about, go to homedepot.com and search decorative wall panels. again, any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated!   much love and mni wichoni!
beast said:
...my first idea/question is what are your thoughts on DIY double pane windows?
Hey beast,  My idea also.  I covered the 'insulating windows with glass' a bit on my Methuselah thread.  The windows on the unit I'm now looking to buy, are larger and more numerous than those on the van I first looked at.  However, I do not like the idea of being cooped up with ugly insulation staring at me, so I'l have to spring for the glass.  I'll speak with my glass man to see what he recommends.
3M make kits to double insulate your windows. I have never tried them. I would never use any glass that wasn't automotive safety glass. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
3M make kits to double insulate your windows.

Hi High, Are those the heat-shrink plastic ones?  I'm not sure how clear those are, but at least there would be light. :idea:
oh im definitely not using plastic. or glass. acrylic (20 times stronger than glass, fyi) is going to be my material of choice with double sided tape. i hear good things about magnetic tape with a silicone bead on the outside. im not using plastic because its not clear enough for what i want. and glass doesnt have the insulating properties that acrylic has.
Did the DIY include how to fill the space between the panes with argon or krypton, as with real double pane windows?
beast said:
oh im definitely not using plastic. or glass. acrylic (20 times stronger than glass

Beast, what thickness acrylic will you use.  Also, do you have access to a chart showing R values of acrylic as opposed to glass?  I hadn't thought of acrylic.. thanks for the clue :D
MrNoodly said:
Did the DIY include how to fill the space between the panes with argon or krypton, as with real double pane windows?

Noodly, I plan on ONE layer of glass or acrylic, added to existing windows, with the most separation possible under the circumstances.