I am ready to begin , as soon as the Battle Born 12 v battery arrives. The first step is to install wiring between my truck’s starting battery, using either an isolator or continuous duty solenoid. I had purchased this Keyline isolator: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00WTAFR84/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I am now second guessing this - should I install a continuous duty solenoid instead? I intend to fuse both before and after whichever devise I do use. I will use #4 wiring back to the house battery. Hopefully next year I can add a second battery.
Off the battery, I have a Blue Sea 12 circuit panel with ground bus, and will fuse between the battery and this panel. What size fuse and wire should I have between the battery and panel? I would also like to use some kind of battery monitor. Recommendations?
I have a 2000 watt Yamaha inverter generator ( would love to trade it for a smaller 1000 watt unit) that has both 12 and 120 volt outputs. Can I also charge the Battle Born battery directly from the 12 volt outlet of the generator?
In Feb, when we visit friends in Phoenix, will pick up supplies to add the solar panel , a 400 watt from Santan Solar, to the roof of the camper shell. I have decided to downsize, only installing one panel.This is the one I was planning to buy:
Also, I planned on using this controller, any thoughts? Is 30 amps enough for the panel?
Later, I intend to add an inverter to have 120 volt power.
Thank you for any help.
I am now second guessing this - should I install a continuous duty solenoid instead? I intend to fuse both before and after whichever devise I do use. I will use #4 wiring back to the house battery. Hopefully next year I can add a second battery.
Off the battery, I have a Blue Sea 12 circuit panel with ground bus, and will fuse between the battery and this panel. What size fuse and wire should I have between the battery and panel? I would also like to use some kind of battery monitor. Recommendations?
I have a 2000 watt Yamaha inverter generator ( would love to trade it for a smaller 1000 watt unit) that has both 12 and 120 volt outputs. Can I also charge the Battle Born battery directly from the 12 volt outlet of the generator?
In Feb, when we visit friends in Phoenix, will pick up supplies to add the solar panel , a 400 watt from Santan Solar, to the roof of the camper shell. I have decided to downsize, only installing one panel.This is the one I was planning to buy:
Also, I planned on using this controller, any thoughts? Is 30 amps enough for the panel?
Later, I intend to add an inverter to have 120 volt power.
Thank you for any help.