... hire a professional...
How about:
* hire a professional to tutor you.
Your hands do the work, the tutor guides them the first few times.
And then:
* hire a different professional, with a different vocabulary and background and tutoring skills.
I think the tutorials of YouTubers such as Will Prowse are certainly worth the investment of time.
For me, a big 'plus' is the ability to slow/stop/re-play the tutorial.
These work with my learning style; your learning style may require throwing money at the professional while you do something unrelated in a different area of the rig.
For me, the ability to trouble-shoot some issue while boondocking in the forest is worth the hands-on experience.
That unspecified issue could be with a buddy's rig... giving me the opportunity to tutor, paying it forward.
Why hire two sequential tutors?
I think different teaching styles activate different learning areas of the brain... and muscle-memory.
I have aspirations to sing opera.
Some vocal coaches come at it through repetition.
Other instructors allow the learning to evolve organically.
I received the most productive time from a busy male piano student in the Master's program at the Music School at the Eww of Oregon, Eugene.
I received the least productive time from a nice lady band-leader student -- in an identical self-directed program -- with a 'pleaser' personality.
Both of these examples were prepping to go straight into a teaching position, probably at a high-schools level.
Each contributed, although my preference sides with the slightly cranky dude because of his clearer understanding of the worth/cost/value of time.
And, as always, I suggest avoiding believing:
* 'this rig is my forever rig'.
I am willing to bet you are going to fiddle with whatever photovoltaic ends-up on your rig.
That is one of the downsides to YouTube tutorials... somebody is always fussing with something and calling it an 'up-grade'.
A couple weeks ago, I did a solo, took the rig from Oregon to Redding California for a rendezvous with some of our caravan chums headed to Baja for the winter.
Inevitably, I got to touring different rigs designed for extended boondocking.
And, inevitably, I saw some nifty-neato Gizmos and 'system' 'up-grade' potentials.
Must-have must-do.
Is this some kind of addiction?
Should I seek professional help?