Fire alarm

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2012
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My fire alarm sounds off every time I fire up my propane stove. Is anyone else having this problem or do I just have a super sensitive alarm? 
Do you mean the "smoke detector" or some other type of alarm? If it's the smoke detector that's goes off you may have installed it too close to your cooking area. If this is the case you may want to consider moving it to an area further away from it's current location.
Hi Pikachu, Yes by fire alarm I&nbsp;meant "smoke detector". Thanks for the advice. My smoke detector is already about as far away as&nbsp;possible&nbsp;from the&nbsp;galley as you can see from the pic below (white,by rear doors near the&nbsp;ceiling). I went&nbsp;ahead&nbsp;and replaced&nbsp;the smoke detector with a new one. The thing&nbsp;actually&nbsp;went off the other morning from my breath. Talk about dragon breath <img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" />&nbsp;haha.
Rollin, since you've bought &amp; installed the new smoke detector have you considered using an exhaust fan&nbsp;like&nbsp;the ones in the "sticks &amp; bricks" houses? Just turn on the vent fan in your van to remove the&nbsp;heat/smoke/etc. You probably could partially open a window/door as well. That would reduce the amount of smoke built up while you're cooking.
I really&nbsp;haven't&nbsp;been "cooking" per say. Just boiling water with the stove. No smoke I can see. Opening a window or door would&nbsp;destroy my&nbsp;stealth&nbsp;so I can't do that.&nbsp;
No more problem. New fire alarm fixed the issue.
New alarm &nbsp;now sound off like the old one&nbsp;<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; Guess the steam sets the smoke detectors off. Live and learn I guess.&nbsp;
I have mine mounted on a section of wood with velcro, I will take it off and put it on the floor, or outside if I can't open a window while cooking....<br><br>I will say the velco tape kind doesn't stick that great and I did end up putting a few staples to get the velco to stay on the wood..&nbsp;
Yeah I know what you mean about the velcro. I have it on my window blinds and in the&nbsp;Florida&nbsp;heat they&nbsp;didn't&nbsp;say up for long, I&nbsp;ended&nbsp;up screwing them up too. Lately I have just been twisting the alarm off the bracket and moving it under a pillow. Sometimes I forget and it reminds me&nbsp;<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">
<P>Knowing just enough about electricity to be dangerous,&nbsp;i installed a cutoff switch in my smoke detector so i could turn if&nbsp;off&nbsp;each time&nbsp;i cooked. So&nbsp;i wouldn't forget to turn the detector back on&nbsp;i hung a small tag from&nbsp;it with a long string. The detector was above my entrance door so the tag was in my face when entering or exiting the camper. No way&nbsp;i would forget to turn&nbsp;the detector back on. After installing the switch i found out that some detectors have a mute button you can press when it alarms.</P>
Mine has a mute button on it too, I just don't want it going off period.&nbsp;Usually&nbsp;I&nbsp;end up&nbsp;setting it off at zero dark thirty, killing my&nbsp;stealth&nbsp;and making me jump out of my skin. <br><br>Nice idea about about the kill switch, a little impractical in my situation but I like the idea.