Female Documentary Filmmaker at RTR this year :-)

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Sep 3, 2016
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Hello everyone,

I want to introduce myself and let you know that I am a documentary filmmaker and I'll be shooting some video at RTR this year. I'm very much looking forward to meeting people; I promise to be respectful and only film people who give me permission to do so. 

That said, I'd love to start some preliminary email conversations with folks who are planning to attend RTR this year and are open to being interviewed.
I've been in touch with Bob and he says that every year is different so I'm very open to shaping the documentary around who I meet and what happens the year. I'm very interested in talking to people who are new to VanDwelling; people who were forced into it for various economic reasons (i.e. - retirement, life circumstances) and how they feel about it now; and all stripes/kinds of folks. I am non-judgmental. I've always been interested in people who buck the system; people who don't quite fit into the norms of society so find their own way of thriving.

Please, if you think you might be open to being in my doc, shoot me an email and tell me a little bit about yourself. How long have you been a VanDweller? How did you get into it? What do you like/not like about it? 

A little more about me: I'm originally from Iowa, now live in San Francisco. I studied journalism in college back in the late 80s and worked as a foreign correspondent in Mexico City for 5 years. I switched from writing to video about 9 years ago when journalism started to die and haven't looked back. I won a regional Emmy for my first short documentary in 2013 which you can see here: http://video.kqed.org/video/2365137101/  I also make videos for non-profits and companies, some of which you can see here: https://vimeo.com/channels/paigebierma and my passions are hula hooping, travel, social issues and cats :)

I look forward to hearing from folks and to meeting you in the desert. I will arrive around Jan. 12 and will be there through the trip to Algodones on the 25th.

All best,

It kind of sounds like you're looking to spin the poor vandweller yarn.

If that's the case, it's been done, over and over.
True that, why not make the opposite spin, the happy, free living 'dweller and the positives of the lifestyle?
Maybe not a good idea. How many thousand newbies that figure that they are "entitled" will there be in the days after it comes out? If there was some way to teach them , it might not be so bad. But I see too many trash piles when I go offroad.
I'm new to dwelling, in fact I start in three days. Yes health forced retirement and divorce has me moving but what I am doing is not only by choice, it's a dream come true. One that I have been dreaming for decades and preparing for the last five years. Buy a house? Not a chance. I made a living taking care of houses, I sure don't want to do it in retirement.
Everyone, Paige is my invited guest here, she and I have discussed her documentary and we both agree it is a good thing.

I certainly understand if you disagree, I know many people think there should not be anymore documentaries made about it. You are 100% entitled to your opinion and even welcome to tell us here on the forum. BUT!!! Not in this thread, it's off-topic. The name of this thread is NOT "Should Paige make a documentary?" That has already been decided and is not open to discussion.

So, if you want everyone to know why making documentaries about vandwelling is a bad idea, I'd love to discuss it with you--but only after you go and create a new thread dedicated to that topic.
The meaning of life, is when you see the light go on in a child's eye, and you know that another generation will be OK. 

This is a major part of American History.  The lessons of society.  The new American dream.  Enough freedom to  follow spring.
Might be nice to see a comparison of today's migrant van dweller and those of the past as in the great depression. Is the van today's boxcar? In search for a better life. Some out of desperation, some out of adventure.
Who is the intended audience for this documentary?

Where will it be shown?

Does anything need to be signed? What does it say?

Is there compensation?

Is there profit involved with the completed documentary? Who is the customer?

Hi Lafnbug,

Thanks for the questions; I'll do my best to answer them here!

Who is the intended audience for this documentary? 
The intended audience is broad; my hope is to get this aired on PBS through ITVS or regional PBS affiliates, which is what I did with my other documentary. I will probably also submit to to film festivals.

Where will it be shown?
The truth is I just don't know where it will be shown until I come and meet you all see what kind of documentary I'm going to end up with.

Does anything need to be signed? What does it say?
Yes, there will be release forms that I will ask people to sign when I meet and talk to them at RTR. They will give me unlimited rights to use the video/audio of them in my documentary.

Is there compensation?
No, there will be no compensation. Paying documentary subjects is considered unethical and against the rules of most major networks. Otherwise, you're entering into the reality TV arena where people are more motivated by money and ratings over truth. I only want people in the documentary who want to share their story because they think other people may be helped out by something they have to share, or at least think that their story may help open viewers' minds to a different way of living and thinking.

Is there profit involved with the completed documentary? Who is the customer?
I don't know if there will be profit made from the documentary, but I highly doubt it. I spent two years (off and on) making "A Brush With the Tenderloin" and in the end sold it to the local PBS station for $500. Of course, I did win an Emmy Award (which I had to pay $100 to enter the contest!) so it helped bolster my professional credentials. It's very difficult to make money making documentaries, at least until you gain a certain amount of fame which I don't have. That is why I do corporate and non-profit video work to pay my bills; I do documentaries because they are my passion. It's possible I may try a crowd-funding strategy this time around to help raise money for post-production and film festival entry fees. I will certainly let the RTR community and people who are in the film know of any updates through my website and/or a email list.

All best,
well winning an EMMY for what you did is a great professional credential to add to all the rest. Good luck with the video.
Hi Paige!

Welcome!!! Many of us are happy to support your endeavor. Come and say hello anytime. 


Gray Tundra truck and small white truck camper. With a group on the road just to the south of the main camp road.
I love documentaries. They are my favorite form of TV. I never thought about what it takes to produce one or if anyone makes money on them etc, so I appreciate you answering the questions on that. I have a new found respect for the people making them now.

Even though I won't be there, I wish you the best of luck and look forward to watching the finished product once it's complete. I wish I was already out on the road and could be in it, I think that would be pretty cool.
Thanks Everyone! I'm heading out tomorrow and will be there Friday around noonish! I'm bringing my friend and assistant Phillip and we'll be in a blue Westfalia van :)
Very excited!
Ok, being in a Westfalia does ad some legitimacy, or at least a cool factor. I'm not there this year and not on the road full time so I'm not a subject for an interview, but I wish you the best and will definitely watch the film when it comes out. These things keep me inspired for "one day".
Please keep us all
Informed of the result Paige!!

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So what happened with the Filmaker at the RTR. She took tons of video footage. Would be nice to see the results. PBS or ?