Fast Food

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2015
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Coeur d' Alene Idaho
Why do people like it?! I mean, I understand that it's cheap(ish) and is fast(er) than normal food, but don't you realize what it does to your body? I'm not going to rant here, but I just want to state what I know. If you eat fast food a lot, then over time your digestive system is weakened, and your body cannot do the daily functions as well as it could if you didn't eat fast food. I do realize that it's cheap and sometimes a little flavorful, but is that worth your overall health? My opinion is no, but I'll leave the rest up to you. You have been given the information on it. I obviously cannot make you or not make you do anything, but think about your health! I'll just leave you with that! Leave a comment on what you think, and what your opinion is!
I think this post is prob your most hilarious one yet. :cool: But I'll bite and ask you who told you all this about McDonalds?
It's nice of you to support her on this. I gotta say, McDonalds is 125% flavor and the rest of it must be magic! It's really freakin' good sometimes! I do try to practice moderation in all things, most the time I succeed, but not always.
All food is carbohydrate, fat and protetins. It all digests the same. Fast food just typically has more fat and more calories per ounce and that is why you may gain more weight if you don't eat it in moderation.
Not all fast food is bad.Moderation and reading the nutrition labels plus knowing what they mean is key.
HarmonicaBruce said:
McDonalds sells oatmeal and salads, orange juice, milk, if you want them...

Just to be crystal clear on what I said about 125% flavor food mixed with magic, I was not talking about these
HarmonicaBruce said:
My point is that just because it's fast doesn't make it bad, and just because it's slow doesn't mean it's god.

I understand what yer saying, I was just being a smart-@$$... :cool:
To me Fast Food means they do the work! I love it! If i want to replicate a Famous Star 1/2 burger from Carls Jr. I would have to buy hamburger buns, meat, lettuce, tomato, onions, cheese, 1000 Island dressing and then I also have the 'clean-up'...Also I cannot charbroil. I would rather they cook it for me...FAST! Hahahaha! I don't eat at McDonald's because I am sure they don't clean their grill after breakfast when they are cooking all that pork which I don't eat. I do like their iced coffee. Taco Bell's tostadas are great too! All Fast Food has too much sodium but who cares! I don't eat it everyday...! It is a nice change from me cooking my own food and tasty too!
I don't know why but after being in the bush for any length of time(month or more) I get a craving for a big mac and fries from the clown. on the other hand I agree with others about moderation. I eat fast foods maybe 20 times a year, mostly after coming out of a long stretch in the bush. I don't see a problem with fast food, I see a problem with eating it everyday as your main source of nutrition. highdesertranger
I'll never eat Mac dads again. It used to be good back in the day when they advertised "two ALL BEEF patties special sauce..." They don't say that anymore. Those shit patties have beef by products that used to be for dogs. They get away with it now. FDA and USDA lets them. Things are so much different now and you have to pay attention to everything. I can remember as a kid shopping with my mom and seeing usda prime meats for sale at the supermarket. Everything is choice now and maybe not even choice. A gallon of ice cream that isn't. A pound of coffee is only 12 oz now if you are lucky. Ice cream injected with air to make it lighter and because air is , you know, free. "Takes two hands to handle a whopper..." Yeah? Not anymore. Our food is getting screwed with and our government not only let's it happen they help with it. Size and ingredients being modified (don't even get me started on GMOs) we are being poisoned by our government and the corporations that control it. So yeah, fast food is bad but so is a lot of the food we are eating. The worst fast food is probably the instant food packages that are loaded with chemicals to preserve it (ramen noodles, pasta roni, et. al. ) so eat up. The bad shit is everywhere. I know I will never eat at another fast food joint. It just isn't the same anymore and I am tired of getting indigestion from it. Oh and BTW check out the process that mac dad's French fries go through just to become edible. The dreaded Russell Burbank potato used because it makes a long blemish free fry. Also needs an insane amount of pesticides. But don't take my word for it, Wikipedia probably addresses better than I can. Ok. I am done ranting. :)
cdiggy said:
...The bad shit is everywhere...

Your post was hilarious, but finding this line in the middle of I will be chuckling all day as it really hit my funny bone.
Double Double with cheese well done and a Chocolate shake from In-N-Out Burger....but not everyday! Hahahaha!
Sameer said:
 If i want to replicate a Famous Star 1/2 burger from Carls Jr.

mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! Carl's Jr.!!!!
Now I have that IN~N~OUT urge.

Everything (almost) in moderation.
I eat fast food sometimes, just to improve my diet. Can't live on beef jerky and pork rinds all the time.