Fading away

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
Reaction score
After my little fall yesterday and the resulting difficulty in regaining the effective use of my leg or hip I have come to the conclusion there is no chance I will be a van dweller.

For reasons I won't go into I am not a candidate for surgery to repair my hip so it is what it is. 

I've asked the Moderator  to close my account. If I can't contribute to van dwelling on any level it is time for me to leave.

I've made a lot of cyber-friends (and a few not so much) but to all I wish you all the very best in your travels and your dreams. 

Fair Winds and Following Seas, Gunny.


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Please send me a PM with a email. I would like to keep touch if you are up to it.

I do understand your frustration, my doctor thinks I have no business out here and should be getting treatments. I hope you feel better soon.
hey,if you are content with dying on that couch so be it




i am calling you out rob,i am calling you out
pick up the pace marine
Gunny, There are a lot of us that should know better.  

I should not be out there either, But I have to keep up my dream. 

Stay strong.

So sorry to hear you are leaving this fine group Gunny!!!
You and your humor will be sorely missed, by all I am sure.
Take care, and Be Blessed.
There are a lot of members that aren't out on the road .
You contribute plenty right where you are.
Stick around and keep us in line , post cool pictures or whatever else you want to .
If nothing else , it's something to do among friends that care about you.
Now , what was that motto??????? Semper Fi
Yea, Stick around.

I've made some bridge breaking bad decisions when hopped up on pain pills that I regret.

She won't  acknowledge me anymore, but this forum will always acknowledge you.
rvpopey said:
There are a lot of members that aren't out on the road .

I'm one of them. I'm not living on the road, I just enjoy road trips. I stick around because I like the people here and enjoy what they have say. Your posts are absolutely worth reading. Your living in stick and brick home won't change that.
Do what makes ya happy Rob. I enjoy your posts and spirit. Hope to hear again from ya sooner or later, if not, take care of yourself and enjoy the ride.
This keeps me looking forward

Dreams-Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams,
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

You know my deal, Gunny. If I wish to be out on the road I feel like I'm wishing death on my parents. So I hold onto my dream.
I'll call tomorrow. smashed my damn phone today. have to get the screen repaired
Add me to the ones that don't think you should leave the forum.

I don't judge based on whether a person is on the road or not.

It is about the caring, the dreams and being a real person.....near as I can tell, you qualify.

Hang in there.
All the best to ya, whatever you decide.

I value your perception and thoughts. You are an asset here no mater what you are living in.

I hope that the pain subsides.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to start moving...so stick around.

(a phone or PC is probably another requirement)
Hey Marine!

I  truly do feel your pain!

Godspeed, fair winds and following seas!

"There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion."

Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Army

You may not be able to contribute as you like on this forum because your health and life won't allow you at this point to do so.

However if you are able you can give advice for things on this site that you are knowledgeable about pertaining to this lifestyle.

You can also give advice about your life experiences and the tell it like it is "Marine Speak" in different threads and posts....

“When you are up to your ass in alligators it’s difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp”

Best of luck & Semper Fi!
This decision is very unfair to the rest of us. You were destined to cross paths with us and we are all better because of it. I for one have been excited to meet you. This too shall pass, stay strong and overcome.
Gunny said:
I've asked the Moderator  to close my account. If I can't contribute to van dwelling on any level it is time for me to leave.
Don't do it! Damn Dude, I've only read a couple of you posts, but you seem to be a stand up person.
Remember, you don't necessarily have to be living in a van to be a member of the Tribe. Stick around.
And just who are we supposed to pick on now? You can't leave until you find a replacement.
And maybe not even then.