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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
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Life can take some incredible twists and turns.&nbsp;I thought the only thing holding me back from the road to freedom was the rental house tenents tore up and getting it repaired to sell.&nbsp; I am close to finishing it out though.<br />I just got back this morning&nbsp;from a court hearing regarding custody of my 11 year old niece, my&nbsp;little sister's daughter.&nbsp;I have been given temporary, for a year, custody of her. Big Guy and&nbsp;I will be heading to Boston MA to pick her up in a few days. Her father refused to complete the custody process and requested she live with me, which is what she wants also.<br /><br />I don't need to say how this has torn my small family apart. I chose to side with my niece, my father and sister sided against me and her. I am pretty much dirt and it hurts a lot. I am always second guessing myself but saw no other way to keep my niece safe. Dad and sis really think I just wanted to take my sister's kid away from her. Logic made/makes no difference to them. Who wants to take on a child for 6 years? I was almost ready to fly. I raised 2 kids of my own, why raise another?<br /><br />I think I will be able to be a part time traveler. I should be able to give my niece some good experiences this summer when her school is out.&nbsp; Custody is for a year at which time my sister will be able to petition for custody. Lindsay will have a say in what she wants to do. Perhaps my sister will reach a place in her life that she will be able to care for her child and Lindsay will want to go back.<br /><br />Thank goodness for all of you and this site, I can live vicariously thru your travels.&nbsp;
I am so sorry you have to put your plans on hold.&nbsp; I'm sure glad you can be there for your neice. Sounds like she can use the love and stability you can provide.
And bacon. Don't forget the bacon Cyndi!<br /><br />
Dragonfly u did the right thing! kudo's to you! You can always take your neice out on short jaunts and maybe for the both of you a change is what's needed, now and then! good luck, look forward to your stories of this new path your on!
Dragonfly, I admire you.&nbsp; Touch choices you just made upset many apple carts, but with adversity comes opportunity, strength, and greatness.&nbsp; Just like when your kids were young, life was more vivid and exciting looking through their eyes.&nbsp; You get to do it again!&nbsp; I hope that this time it is easier as you have already practiced this life with your own kids.&nbsp; Don't forget to share the ups and downs of your journey this year.<br /><br />Rae
Bless your heart. I too am sorry that plans have to be rearranged, but there is not much greater in life than making the difference in the life of a child. You are investing one year, with a whole lifetime of gain for that kid. Big big hugs to you, and good thoughts to everyone involved for the best outcome possible.

Did I mention you're pretty amazing? That too :)
Diane, like everyone else I too am very sorry you won't be able to go right away. But you are really doing a VERY good thing for this child, it sounds like she really need's you right now and we can NEVER turn our backs on the children in our family. I too had custody of my 9 yr old grandaughter this year for 6 months and we had a wonderful time learning about each other and just being together. I am sure you will enrich each others life and she will be forever gratful to you for being there for her in her time of need. You are a wonderful person and I can't wait till we finally get to meet face to face, and we will, it is just going to be delayed for awhile.<br />I have also just found out that my exiting of this town is going to be delayed for awhile, but mine is because of my medical issues. I am going to be coming off of some of my strong medications in the next couple months and will also be going into some heavy duty physical therapy to try and build up my core so I can handle my pain easier after I change my med's. I didn't want to try to go out west and have to worry about trying to find places to fill my RX's, and the med's I take require that I see my pain management DR every three months. I might get out west and decide I don't want to come back to S.C. anymore, so this seems to be the most logical thing for me right now.<br />So anyway, we will both be bystanders this year, but just remember that you WILL be able to go sometime in the future and what you are doing&nbsp;for your niece is a very good thing.<br />I will be thinking about ya, and remember to&nbsp;take care of you!
I second everyone's view, Dragonfly. You did the right thing.<br />don't worry. The wandering life will be there when you are all set again.<br />It is wonderful to be needed and you will make a huge difference in the life of this precocious child. It may be that you may change her life for much, much better.<br /><br />Everyone has unique challenges and I am happy to read you are taking the bull by the horns and going for it. This isn't a setback. It's just an opportunity to spend time with people we love.<br /><br />I too, have my own situation.<br />I am temporarily putting my vagabond plans on hold next year.<br />I will sell my van and go live with my folks for a while. They need someone young and fit to look after them so being the only offspring without a family, I am the one on deck. Everyone in their house is a retiree (my grand aunt is also living there). My moving in with them will save lots of money for all of us as I can concentrate on supporting them rather than having me out here living on my own and then sending them money occasionally. When I am there, I drive for them, etc. So I know they are excited to have me there again next year.&nbsp;<br /><br />We can pick up our dream again when times are right.<br />Some of us will just have to live vicariously again through others' adventures.&nbsp;<br />Till then, I will savor every minute I have here in my small home on wheels.<br /><br />Take care and I am sure your niece will be happy to have you for a year.<br /><br />--Rod<br /><br /><br />
Thanks everyone. I need only look around and realize that many of us are carrying a lot. I am lucky that I am healthy and my setback is a blessing.&nbsp;
Yes, it can be a blessing. In that way, it isn't a setback at all...<br />More like you decided to stop and smell the roses, but just as you were about to move on, you see an even lovelier patch of them further along...&nbsp;<br />Is your Niece nicely settled in your place now?
<p>Good morning my friends. Big Guy and I made a whirlwind trip to Boston and back for Lindsay, 18 hundred miles round trip in 2 days. We ain't as young as we used to be and it was tough.<br />She is settled in, all paperwork is not back from the court but Children's Services is leaving her here. There was (and still is) a possibility she could go to a foster home for a few weeks until everything is processed.&nbsp; The magistrate gave CSB permission to leave her with me.<br />I still had hopes of my sister and Lindsay reuniting but I think there is to much bad blood between them. I feel like I've entered a really bad reality show. On the way back from MA. I got a call from someone claiming to be an Officer Driscol from the Ket. police department. He said my sister reported me for the theft of her rocking horse and it needed to be returned or I would be prosecuted. The rocking horse is Lindsay's.<br />Having driven hard for 2 days straight and being stopped in a traffic jamb on I80 I was getting in a bad mood. I explained if she wants it so bad, meet me along the highway at a rest stop. He then told me I had until 2pm Tuesday to return it or I would face prosecution. <br />I suddenly thought, this guy has a southern accent, I bet its my sister's boyfriend Jeff. I then lost it and told him to tell my sister to go take a 'flying f...&nbsp; Not one of my finest moments.<br />Jim and Lindsay look at me in horror because it was obvious I was talking to a policeman, or someone who said they were the police. I just busted out into hysterical laughter. <br />Jim said I better call the Ket police dept and report someone impersonating an officer. As you guessed, yes indeed it was a real call. I asked that dispatch have him call me back. I apoligized when he called me but he seemed to have a bad attitude towards me. Go figure.<br />You all may see me and my dysfunctional family and officer Driscol on the Jerry Springer Show before long.</p><p><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong>Dragonfly</strong> </span></p>
You have to feel sorry for your sister.&nbsp; She has so much hate and&nbsp; bitterness in her to make such nonsense allegations...My ex was the same way.&nbsp; I'm glad your niece has you.&nbsp; She has a chance to experience the bright side of life!&nbsp; Hang in there!&nbsp; Take a deep breath and let us know if they take you to jail...We'll mail you cigarettes and dirty magazines!<br /><br />Rae
Thank you so much Rae and everyone else. I don't smoke but can trade the cigs. The dirty magazines will be treasured.
&nbsp;Oh my! Sorry to hear about your rocking horse troubles, Diane.<br>That is really messed up, though. Theft of a rocking horse! I send happy thoughts your way. May peace find its way to your household.<br>Hope all will turn out well.
Just a little update. My 'mental health' issues are under control. That means I am accepting that life is going differently that I had hoped. The courts gave me temporary interim custody of my sister's girl who is 12 now and has the emotional needs of a five year old (this is not unusual for kids to revert back to happier times but is very draining). I thought I had custody before but it was a 'relative placement'&nbsp; I&nbsp;get scrutinized by children's services once a month and will have another hearing in April. <BR>I had hoped that sis would get it together and we could work to repair the damages done to this child and reunite them. I don't know&nbsp;if&nbsp;she will ever get away from the drugs and alcohol.<BR>I am amazed at the destruction one person can do to their family.<BR>Diane
Dragonfly...many prayers for you and all concerned! i have to add though, that as a parent now..your mental health will always be challenged! LOL<br><br>this same sort of thing happened to my youngest son, lived with dad for a year. when i finally got him back, he was glued to my hip for awhile. he was 8 at the time. it took awhile and i got him some fun activities which helped. he is now 19 and a well adjusted wonderful young man.<br><br>i feel for the addict mother, as i have been a friend of Dr.Bob and Bill W. for many years. the recovery rate is so very low. she won't get help till she chooses it, and i hope she does. but the real concern is over helping the child. mine was from divorce and not wanting to pay CS. i actually went and with the help of my other children, "stole" him back. but thats another story.<br><br>doing service work helped much more than i could say for my young'uns. got them out of themselves. just like in "The Program"..the best way to help oneself, is to help someone else. <br>it was a rough few years for us to put our lives back together. but they are all grown now and all are doing well. i have 3 grandsons now who are gorgeous examples of Gods triumph.<br>May all your efforts be mightily blessed Dear Sister. Some of us have been there, and we understand!<br><br><br><br>
Thank you Aunt Meg. Yes, the more we look ourside ourselves and do for others, the better we become. I know my trials are not bad as so many others have had&nbsp;to endure. It helps to be reminded that others have succeded.
two months ago drama. just reading this. just tell the fine officer. its not stolen. its owned by the girl. you will provide an affidavate as such. and you will be willing to go to court about it. &nbsp;its a false theft claim and you wush to file a false theft claim.<br><br>hope two months later its all working. &nbsp;