Equal length + and - to terminals

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
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The negative terminal of my bank is 30 inches farther away from my inverter and controller than the positive terminal. I understand keeping wiring between separate banks equal but does it matter if the negative wire is longer than the positive?
I certainly hope not... :D 

No, it doesn't matter! Just make sure you leave enough extra line to pull the batteries for service and a little extra at the inverter end to allow for slack.
I was actually just wondering about this today...good timing!

So when/where exactly does equal length matter? I know the jumpers between batteries should all be same...what about the +/- lines from batter to bus bars?
when you are connecting your batteries in series all the cables should be the same length. highdesertranger
Cariboocoot over on the Wind & Sun forum summarizes it like this:

If you have just two batteries in series the consideration is the over-all length of the negative, positive, and connecting cable in respect to it all adding resistance to the circuit. The connecting cable should be the same size as the (+) and (-) and kept short to avoid adding resistance.

If you have battery strings in parallel then the length of the connectors between batteries should be equal. This is particularly important on 3 or more in parallel where the (+) and (-) leads go to bus bars and need to be kept equal length.
Your pushing electrons so wire size, distance and connections all add to your systems resistance. So yes, it does matter.
highdesertranger said:
when you are connecting your batteries in series all the cables should be the same length.  highdesertranger

frater secessus said:
Cariboocoot over on the Wind & Sun forum summarizes it like this:

Yes, but connecting the batteries to each other is NOT what was asked.

Jim asked about connecting his inverter to the battery bank, not wiring the banks themselves.
Darn free wi-fi...lol.

Running short on my own time, so trying to use the freebie. Maybe I should just ante up and get more time...sigh!
The only time I can see cable lengths being an issue is when charging parallel battery banks. Even then I don't completely believe it if the wires are thick enough.

Many of us don't even run a cable straight to the battery for things like inverters, we use a chassis ground. That effectively makes the negative cable longer than the positive.

You're fine. If you'd like to make them equal that's fine too, just not necessary.
I appreciate the answers. I knew it isn't the same as separate banks but with the pills they have me taking I thought it better to ask. The cables are 1/0 welding cable.