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Mac J

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2013
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What do the employers think about employees living in a vans?
From what I've heard, its not widely accepted.
It would be my hope that employers would judge strictly on job performance and not personal lifestyle choices.

I'm not into face piercings and lots of tats, but its not my place to judge on that if that person is right for the job in the ways that count.
Not sure but mine wasn't happy with it. Not my direct super but the owner. I heard that he told my super that he doesnt want me coming to work smelly and wrinkled :/ Which is funny cause I'm more maticulous now than when i had an apartment.

Also said i wasn't allowed on the property off hours, tho he's told me before i moved into van i can do just that annd use the net. Shame how attitudes change.

He tried to call me for who knows what but i just dodged his calls and he's too lazy to follow up in person.
When I was maintenance at the spa, we had a number of staff living in vans in the back parking lot. The owner knew about it, and told them which showers were open 24/7. The lot was kept clean the staff was happy, and we had free security.

It depends on the industry.
Half of the time its best not to tell them, because it's not their business and they don't need to know. People in the corporate world WILL judge you, and if they deem you not worthy of THEIR views, then you're in trouble. Regular people it doesn't matter so much, but employers control your career so it shouldn't even be brought up. Living in an RV might be a bit more acceptable to them, though.
I live in My RV....when I held a normal job I kept it to myself it just seemed like they find you a less than permanent employee with issues when they know..

Even on the road I keep my fulltiming to myself and those I choose to keep in the inner circle......again less problems and reasons to make myself vulnerable to problems brought on by others.
I think living in a van is a choice just like facial tats or piercings. You have to make the choice knowing that not everyone accepts it. It also depends on the job.

If I were an employer looking for an employee who would be interacting with the general public I'd take someone living in a van over someone with facial tats and piercings. If I were an employer hiring for a help desk or telemarketing job I would hire either.

With that said, I would not advertise it
Never tell a employer that you live in a van. When I go to temp agencies, I tell them I just moved to the area and have a small RV, so I don't have a permanent address until I figure out what part of the city/town I want to live in.

This has seemed to work fine for me so far. Might be harder to do working permanent, but even then I worked my last 3 months of my job living out of my truck and no one had a clue.
Vagari....Telemarket crews are some of the oddest mix of individuals you'll ever see. Nobody cares what you look like (just can't stink) or where you live, as long as the leads are rolling in and are good ones.
I had a phone room a number of years ago and most of the crew were rather freaky, but they were hot on those phones :)

(sorry if any of them bothered your dinner :D )
Yep. I've worked many a telemarketing job. We didn't like people who stunk due to the confined space, but it sure didn't matter how you looked or dressed. If you worked you got paid. If you were good you got bonuses.

bindi&us said:
Vagari....Telemarket crews are some of the oddest mix of individuals you'll ever see. Nobody cares what you look like (just can't stink) or where you live, as long as the leads are rolling in and are good ones.
I had a phone room a number of years ago and most of the crew were rather freaky, but they were hot on those phones :)

(sorry if any of them bothered your dinner :D )
Don't tell them. Ever. If you did. Now get a po box and change your address, while mentioning you found a place.

You will be stigmatized by the $2000 per month mortgage slaves.
I agree, don't tell employers. Unless you are planning to work for the FBI or CIA where they need to do an extensive background check on you, why bother telling? There is only downside, and nothing to gain. A lose-lose scenario.
Do employers need a changes of address for any reasons? insurance, benefits etc?
I have a PO Box address for all regular mail. For my physical street address, I have a rented UPS mailbox address for a number of years. Haven't had a problem doing this. Does it cost extra money to do this? Yes it does. But I consider that the price of admission for this lifestyle. :p
My employers (Home Depot) know I live in a conversion-in-progress school bus and that I live in an RV park (every one thinks it's "cool"). When I started, one of the assistant managers lived in a fifth wheel in an RV park. At least one other co-worker is living in an RV. I have my paycheck direct deposited to a Wal-Mart Moneycard. I have a cellphone only. Really, no need for them to know where I live but it doesn't seem to matter.

My daughter is an assitant manager at a Family Dollar in a small town. Everyone knows where she lives.
I am working at the "Golden Arches". Since it is in a small town, people are curious about where I'm living, etc. I'm not good at keeping secrets (nor really care to). The co-workers know I live in a van on a farm. Most of the crew is extremely low paid and worked very hard. They understand! One of the supervisors has to live with friends and is quite understanding.

The biggest thing to gain acceptance was to do a good job and come to work clean. I'm upbeat, help the co-workers when they least expect it, take extra shifts, and try not to complain... Not stinking helps, too! In return, the others seem to accept me and ask questions like how I do laundry, bathe, etc.

It's been a very fun endeavor. But I agree with many others who say to keep things low-key. A lot of employers don't want to hire what they think are transients. (Though we are happy, hardworking people!)
Way late to this topic. If you have the skills they need and do good work, you will find an employer who doesn't care where you live. I worked for 3 years in the accounting dept. of a mortgage company from a RV. They knew my address was the campground, but not know if I lived in a trailer or a tent. I did good work and they couldn't have cared less what I lived in.
I would keep your mobile lifestyle your own business. It would not give an employer a sense of your permanency.
I agree with jean o t road. It was a long time ago. I hit Denver with just a couple of dollars left. Monday morning I applied at a Exxon station and was asked if I could fix the carburetor apart on the bench. I could and did. Got the job, sleeping in the van in the next door parking lot, washing in the ladies room, and using the station's address for all things legal and pay checks from Corporate. In three months I had an apartment in town, in 6 I left for California ahead of the snow. Well funded.