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nature lover

Well-known member
Dec 15, 2019
Reaction score
Hello all - I never started a thread and am new to this forum and not even very savvy with forums in general.  So if this is not in the right place or braking any rules let me know asap.  I want to be straight and within your guidelines.
I used to be part of a Google group - not an information forum like this but a "party line" conversation of people of similar interests.  I think something like that would be great for we nomads who stick to the right ;) coast.  We would have a place for our chatter without bothering all the other regions.  To get to know and encourage each other.  Here are several points about this idea-
1. Bob is coming to FL in February and I hope to be there.  I am not seeking to do anything that would adversely effect, or try to take over the work or plans of CRVL or HOWA  Stop me if that is the case.
2. At this stage I think an informal internet group would help us all know who and how many folks are in our region.  We probably are not ready to share much personal info so all can feel comfortable.
3. If any one of you techies knows of a better format than a "google group", I am open, please suggest. 
4. My name is Don.  My email is [email protected]  I am based in Lebanon County PA.  I have been part timing in a GMC Safari and a tent for many years.  I have plans to have my new rig on the road on May 1, 2020 and give up sticks and bricks (in my case stones - built in 1795.) I am know on here as Nature lover.  On past van-dweller groups I was known as Nature Nut.
5. I am not proposing we leave this forum but that we start our own conversation mainly to find out what our numbers are and where we hangout.  Leave a post here or email me with your thoughts.
Hello ; I tried hooking up some of the southeast vanners into the Florida Van Council ; they have several organized meets throughout Florida . maby we can try again ...they have a website that lists these meetings....they were welcoming of anyone interested in vans of any kind . 
Their meets are at regular campgrounds that charge by the day .

is any one in Florida interested ….

Note ; I have 13 years experience in the IBEW electricians Union and can wire vans for solar ; complete 12 volt ;110 volt shore power  and or inverter if any one in the St Pete area is interested
I am in Cental Florida and would be interested, though I am not full time or retired yet...in 2023 when that happens, I plan to snowbird in the NE for summers and winter in Florida, so any Western US chat doesn't pertain to me.
Hello GypsyJan - at this point I am just keeping a list using your name on this forum. If we do launch our own site or forum we will let you know. I plan to be in Fla for a couple of weeks in late Feb early March. Take care.
I heard that Bob is coming to florida for Febuaru 16....anyone have full info on where ???
$39 for the day to walk around and see a bunch of fancy RV's semes a little steep ...
but might be worth it to get something started in Florida ….
There is a new Pilot truck stop on Interstate 75 right near there ….is anyone interested in going to the pilot Friday night and then moving on to the rally on Saturday ...we could park together at the rally and compare Van notes and browse the show .
I wanted to add a note about the cost of attending this event .

EVERYTHING COSTS MONEY ...I was involved in organizing antique car shows several years ago...some people don't realise that there is EVENT INSURANCE that costs hundreds of dollars for our type of event and then there is a site rental to pay for the day use of the park for trash pickup and potties  and if you have a gathering of x number of people some places require you to have police on site......then there is ....ticket printing ….website …...phone calls......site layout...parking crew......vendors......sponsors......

This event is already organized and all you have to do is buy a ticket...

There are other van events organized by the Florida Van Council  . I have gone to one of these at a state campground in Florida and paid their fee which includes camping at their event....the Van Council is into weekend campers and van shows but again here is a set of already organized events that we can piggyback off of and maby have our own mini RTR off in a corner...

IS anybody else interested in any of this ??

I am buying a one day ticket for the Rally and coming up to the Pilot on Friday late afternoon .
might stay at Pilot Saturday eve as well and drive 3 hours home to ST. Pete Sunday
I got my schedule cleared and have my ticket ; the Pilot Travel Center is off of I-75 exit 460 in Jasper Florida .
I plan on being at the Pilot 4:30 on the 14th......Going into the Rally for all day Saturday

If there are too many people for the Pilot there is a Loves travel stop at I-75 exit 451 and a rest area off I- 10 mile marker295
I’m in South Carolina. Although, I travel in a minivan and plan to purchase the “real deal van” this year. I’m planning on keeping my place in the country as home base for winter and traveling NE for the summer. Meeting others doing the same would be fantastic.
grandpa pete:

Just the opportunity I was hoping for. Thanks. I got the 1-day ticket but did not notice a dates section and got one for Wed Feb 12 in error. I sent emails asking for transfer of dates to both RV Village and Eventbrite, so we shall see what the response is. If they fix the date for me to Saturday, I will meet you at the Pilot at 4:30 on Feb 14th. If they won't fix the date, I will just skip it all.
Update: All one-day tickets show the Wed 2/12 date as that is when the event starts, but the ticket is good for which ever day you use it, so I can use mine for Sat. 2/15. All is good...see you soon.
Grandpa Pete

I’m very interested! I’m currently trying to work my schedule around to meet you in Florida in the 14th.

I’ll let you know by the 12th one way or the other.
Nature lover wants to be there too. Today I put a deposit on my new rig and I hope to have it on the road asap. want to test it around here before trying the 20 hour trip to Fla.
Happy Valentines Day! I wish I could meet you all in Florida. Couldn’t change my schedule unfortunately. Please keep the Eastern Nomads group going. Hope to meet up next time. Have fun!
Sorry you won't be there....I was looking forward to meeting you....see you next meet up, hopefully.
hello East Coast Nomads - I am having some problems here and although I still want to be in Fla for the meeting on the 22nd things are not looking good. I am now planning to leave the sticks and stones I live in by April 1 instead of May 1. That is if my family stays out of my way. They never visit or even call but they still want to control the old man. I will know if I will be making the 2/22 meeting by the middle of next week. I am "crossing my fingers" (as far as an old man with arthritis can) No matter what happens I will keep in touch.
The southeast spring GTG happens every April at Raccoon Creek WMA by Stevens Alabama. Cuzzen Dyck is the guy to contact & he is on facebook. The Vandweller group is where I'd start looking, a search for SE GTG should turn something up too.
There is nothing there but space to park next to the Tennessee river so you must be self contained. If you need it you have to bring it.

This is people getting together around a campfire to BS so bring a chair. There have been people who show needing help with solar or hooking the house battery to the vehicle alternator, brakes have been fixed.  One year there must have been more than 15 vans at one point.

Nothing formal, just friends hanging out around the fire. There is a fall SE GTG too, it's at Tumbling creek not too far from Ducktown Tenn in Sept.
Just thought I’d check in and see what connections I could make through this thread.

My name is Pete and I am a Social Security retiree traveling in a 1987 Class B with my canine companion of ten years. I am on my first snowbirding season here in Florida on what I call my “Cracker Barrel Tour” because most nights that’s where you’ll find me. 

I have visited a number of places in Florida north of Orlando since embarking on my journey last November and am currently in the Florida panhandle, so if there are any gatherings our my way in the next few weeks - or even if someone wants to meet for coffee to exchange stories, tips and tradecraft - just give me a shout or let me know where and when.
Nomad X said:
I have visited a number of places in Florida north of Orlando since embarking on my journey last November and am currently in the Florida panhandle, so if there are any gatherings our my way in the next few weeks - or even if someone wants to meet for coffee to exchange stories, tips and tradecraft - just give me a shout or let me know where and when.

The SE roving GTG is going on somewhere up that way in Florida, ask about it on the FB group vandwellers or look for Cuzzen Dyck.