Durango Colorado up in arms against boondockers

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AreWeLostYet said:
Opposing what they are calling "non-recreational, long-term camping" is a constant issue in this newspaper. And it seems a hot topic in many small towns near boondocking areas. I've felt the heat myself from locals who think of the local backroads as their own local playgrounds. They eye other than locals as "invaders" into their own private preserve and exert pressures to get that message through. I recall a youtube by Carolyn where she had a pack of off-road vehicles enter her camping area, engines roaring, doing donuts, pealing out, stirring up dust. She hightailed out of their. That was likely locals exerting their feeling of self-entitlement to that place.
The Durango Herald is, or was, a pretty good paper - small town family, very classy.  It did sell not too long before this piece.  Journalism as a whole is under attack.  I used to be a van of the Sunday news shows, they are now completely unwatchable, save maybe for Fareed Zakaria and the CBS show.
John61CT said:
You can't. The white hats just need to clean up after the bad ones.

And just being clean &  neat, even Leave no Trace good citizens will not IMO help much politically, those full timing in vehicles will always be a very small step above street living panhandlers in the eyes of mainstream S&B dwellers.

Edited to remove unnecessary quoting and pictures

We just had some a-hole boondocker in Colorado open fire on BLM police. And paid with is life.  I'm sure there are those who'll make him out as a martyr. And picking up his empty beer cans won'd wipe away the stain this kind of aggression leaves on government agencies managing the land. Not against leaving a place cleaner than you found it. Just probably won't be enough to make up for the actions of some.
RVTravel said:
There are alot of half empty glasses in this thread..lol...THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!

I bet a lot of Native Americans had discussions about the trends of society not going well in their favor when the white man arrived in force. Were they Chicken Little? The things mentioned here about areas being closed, stay limits being enforced and time limits reduced, litter and public opinions are real. You can pretend that they matter not, but the truth is sooner or later they will have an impact on you. Laws and regulations are written to deal with bad apples, but they apply to the good ones once written.
That article couldn’t be talking about a more opposite group of people that VanDweller’s! This has been a concern of mine that more people start takin advantage of this beautiful land we have available and messing it up for the good. I don’t know what the answer is, these types of people will find a place to hide out and they happen to be similar places we like. I can only think of avoiding the areas these people tend to gravitate towards. Personally, the main reason I’m content with my truck over a van is that I can go further if need be. I’ve been in such rough terrain I don’t think a ranger would risk damaging their truck and getting stuck of that it takes so long to get there it isn’t worth it. I do feel it’s a bit of a risk though. If something does break down it’s going to be very bad if you’re the only vehicle. I like to think there will always be plenty of land for everyone who is willing to respect nature and everyone else who feels the same.
Our nearby national forest has closed down most of the free camping sites because a group of snowbirds came through and trashed it. There are still piles of trash and junk out there, but they don't have the funds to clean it up. So now, there is very little camping space for vehicles at all, and you have to make a reservation to get one of those.

One bad apple can spoil a whole bushel, and with all the young, privileged, people taking up this lifestyle, some of them thinking it's someone else's job to clean up after them, it's only getting worse. The bad part is, it's just a fad for them. They do it to be cool or to make money on YouTube. Not all of them, mind you, but you can tell which ones they are.
I think we can help, part of that is insisting the white hats do their jobs and also not overdo them.

I'm certainly not going to make a martyr out of that guy in Grand Junction, but I'd be most certain that he has seen some 'white hat overdoing' in his life. We also do not have body cam footage of the actual interaction, what actually set him off. In this day and age just assuming the police are right is not called for - even if in this case more likely they were.
That article couldn’t be talking about a more opposite group of people that VanDweller’s! This has been a concern of mine that more people start takin advantage of this beautiful land we have available and messing it up for the good. I don’t know what the answer is, these types of people will find a place to hide out and they happen to be similar places we like. I can only think of avoiding the areas these people tend to gravitate towards. Personally, the main reason I’m content with my truck over a van is that I can go further if need be. I’ve been in such rough terrain I don’t think a ranger would risk damaging their truck and getting stuck of that it takes so long to get there it isn’t worth it. I do feel it’s a bit of a risk though. If something does break down it’s going to be very bad if you’re the only vehicle. I like to think there will always be plenty of land for everyone who is willing to respect nature and everyone else who feels the same.

If you get that far into the boonies, you should watch Bob's video on emergency beacons which can call for emergency help from anywhere since they use satellite phone technology. Cheap insurance if you don't want your skeletal remains found in ten years on some arid hillside too many miles from any road or cell tower.
LathrenJames said:
There's also the problem of young people who pretty much live in the park at Salida for incidence. Locals, though fairly tolerant, pretty much do lump "it" all together. The availability of drugs has not helped. We have friends who have lived in Salida for many years but they are selling because of it "all". We were never accosted by any of the youth but they are very present and do ask for money. Many have dogs who also live in the park and under the walkways and this is a source of contention, as well. Then you have boondockers around and near town and it can begin to seem a bit overmuch to the locals. Our friend literally said to us that "Colorado isn't Colorado, anymore." I imagine that is a fairly common judgement which will only grow. Playing nice is all each of us can do. And being supportive of one another.  :heart:

I wouldn't single out "young people". The worst I see are boomer age. And the young these days are facing difficulties boomers didn't. Finding a job that will pay rent (if you can even find a vacancy) is much more difficult than 40 years ago. Oftentimes drug use is a much a result of bad living conditions as a cause. Almost all the young, able-bodied young people living in parks would much prefer a steady job and a roof, whether it be stationary or mobile lifestyle. Their "begging" is as much a protest as a necessity. Their presence outside a store is a reminder that something is wrong in out society and out ec0n0my.
AreWeLostYet said:
Almost all the young, able-bodied young people living in parks would much prefer a steady job and a roof, whether it be stationary or mobile lifestyle. Their "begging" is as much a protest as a necessity.

A lot of young people flock to States where weed is legal and then can't get a job because they can't get past a drug test.
What are they protesting, Mom and Dad are done with their lazy behinds?
DannyB1954 said:
A lot of young people flock to States where weed is legal and then can't get a job because they can't get past a drug test.
What are they protesting, Mom and Dad are done with their lazy behinds?

Weed is about to become legally nationwide. So now young potheads won't have to flock . I have to tell you though. I've worked with people who are on traditionally prescribed meds that seem more hampered by it's effects than they probably would be on weed.
Better stop doing drug tests soon or only immigrants will qualify. :cool:
John61CT said:
Better stop doing drug tests soon or only immigrants will qualify. :cool:

You are probably correct. I volunteer as a supervisor at an established Christian church foodbank (even though I am secular). In my observation and experience *immigrants* by far are the best workers. People born in Canada are much more likely to have an attitude of entitlement, be lazy, unwilling to follow instructions, etc. However, the recipients are another story. Don't get me started...
DannyB1954 said:
A lot of young people flock to States where weed is legal and then can't get a job because they can't get past a drug test.
What are they protesting, Mom and Dad are done with their lazy behinds?

Can we please stop ragging on young people or folks that smoke pot?  :(
AdventurousAdriana said:
Can we please stop ragging on young people or folks that smoke pot?  :(

Didn't rag on anyone. Just relaying what was told to me by someone that is there. Every application they fill out for work has the question do you use any substance that is illegal under Federal law. Even the people who pedal the pot are not hiring pot users. I don't think there is any question the change in their pot laws have attracted a lot of people who use the stuff. Well they are finding it difficult to get a good job because of it.

> What are they protesting, Mom and Dad are done with their lazy behinds?

The point is there are few jobs where being a recreational pot head should be a barrier, any more than being a social drinker of alcohol.
John61CT said:

> What are they protesting, Mom and Dad are done with their lazy behinds?

The point is there are few jobs where being a recreational pot head should be a barrier, any more than being a social drinker of alcohol.

Well then, what are they protesting?
The point being the world isn't the way you think it should be. I just stated the way it is.
Many companies have interstate business and don't want problems with the Feds. Some I imagine just don't want them on the payroll. Maybe it has to do with getting insurance for their business, like workers comp. Business can choose who they hire.
DannyB1954 said:
Didn't rag on anyone. Just relaying what was told to me by someone that is there. Every application they fill out for work has the question do you use any substance that is illegal under Federal law. Even the people who pedal the pot are not hiring pot users. I don't think there is any question the change in their pot laws have attracted a lot of people who use the stuff. Well they are finding it difficult to get a good job because of it.

It is especially the people who "pedal the pot" that don't want to hire pot users. There was a predictable change that took place with legalization. Business interests with deep pockets saw the opportunity. They would have moved in if opium, meth or fentanyl, contract killing, child prostitution had been legalized - anything to make a buck. And the last people they want on their payrolls is anyone with a police record - especially drug (any) related because they don't want law enforcement sniffing around and discovering their extra-legal business dealings.

Cannabis, like alcohol, has to be properly managed and responsibly used. Someone who tokes a bole before bed and a few on the weekend may be a superior worker because they wake after a good night's sleep. Someone who tokes up every night, morning, break, lunchtime - every time they get the chance - is probably going to be a problem. Ask police. Alcohol is the drug they hate encountering. Drunk people are often violent and involved in domestic violence, child neglect etc. more than pot smokers. Not to mention the huge percentage of fatal car accidents attributable to alcohol consumption.
AreWeLostYet said:
opium, meth or fentanyl, contract killing, child prostitution
are you really putting these in parallel with pot?
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