Dreaming of 'the life' but have a question about the desert

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hugemoth said:
One critter to lookout for is the velvet ant, aka cow killers. It is said the sting is painful enough to kill a cow. I've seen several of them in the Quartzsite and Bouse area.
If it's stinging you can call it a she devil cos only the females have stingers, males can fly but are harmless. I have seen these also but never been stung. Link to more info.


Somehow the zoo makes all animals look cute.
This was MY BIGGEST fear lol We rented a van to see how we would like the lifestyle and I was terrified of snakes and bugs getting into the van. 1. small space where would I run lol and 2. what do you even do to get them out ? we stayed 2 nights in the desert tho and had no issues! We were just outside of Joshua Tree, CA and they say that this area has a lot of critters so maybe that's a good sign? If you want to see that whole experience its here . hopefully that helps! My motto was fear cant stop life! :)
Oh yeah Hawaii I was shocked at the size of the plants and bugs. I saw a a moth a couple of feet across. I could never live there as beautiful as it is. I’ll take a few rattlesnakes over giant bugs any day! Some critters don’t bother me others I’d sleep in my car again.
So www.outdoorsey.com was your source for the rental van, looked very nice, but so funny when you hit those bumps and hearing the dishes fall.  Too funny. Good cabinet latches are a must.