Don't Park Your Van Just Anywhere

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So she smashed windows on a van because she heard someone cussing inside?   :huh:
I agree what she did wasn't very bright.. and she even admit this.. The point here is.. park your van anywhere in this day and age.. someone will take matters into their own hands and someone will get hurt.. If you see a suspicious vehicle cruising or parked in your area, don't take matters into your own hands, call the police.
Two idiots collided.   Or play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

"I feel violated that someone put their hands on me. And I don't remember," Nelson said. "Everything hurts. I want my headaches to stop. I want my nightmare to end. I want to feel safe when I got outside," she said.

She broke the windows of someones van to "Get their attention" and is surprised when she gets hurt?  She wanted to feel safe outside? 

No one should be assaulted, but when you do something stupid and violent there is a solid chance you will be.

If I had to guess the woman probably did more than she is admitting to or was high or something.  Something is fishy with the story.
ToasterVan said:
I agree what she did wasn't very bright.. and she even admit this.. The point here is.. park your van anywhere in this day and age.. someone will take matters into their own hands and someone will get hurt.. If you see a suspicious vehicle cruising or parked in your area, don't take matters into your own hands, call the police.

Wait, what?  Call the police over a "suspicious vehicle?"  What kind of nonsense is that?
She's lucky the person wasn't armed. What she did, is a shooting offense on the west coast.
Wanderer said:
She's lucky the person wasn't armed. What she did, is a shooting offense on the west coast.

Castle doctrine.  Many places in the world will accept that attack as a reasonable defense for killing someone.  She got off lucky.
nobodyG17 said:
Wait, what?  Call the police over a "suspicious vehicle?"  What kind of nonsense is that?

I can guarantee you that if one shows up uninvited in Baltimore County or any other surrounding counties in their van/car etc, your van/car will be reported to the police and may even be towed while your in them.. just how our neighborhood watch works.. We know each other, see everything thing and we'll not hesitate to contact our friends, the police officers.. The police in our area does not tolerate these types of traveling tramp car/vanners. So finding a stealth spot to sleep at night or for several nights is risky.. I doubt I would have done what this lady did.. but I would have been on the horn about this vehicle parked outside out home for weeks on end. More than once I've exited our "Home" and took note of the car/truck or van's licenses plate and once I was noticed they drove away. There is the correct time and place for everything.. and it's called a camp ground..
ToasterVan said:
I agree what she did wasn't very bright.. and she even admit this.. The point here is.. park your van anywhere in this day and age.. someone will take matters into their own hands and someone will get hurt.. If you see a suspicious vehicle cruising or parked in your area, don't take matters into your own hands, call the police.

Call the police? Why?   Hobojoe
Number one. The cops cannot tow your vehicle while you are inside. What state is Baltimore county in? And you used the term "traveling car/vanners" as if its a bad thing? What site do you think you are on? I admit to being somewhat confused. What is your point here? The car/banner tribe seldom uses a Campground. We believe in "Freedom" , maybe you"'ve heard of it? Hobo Joe.........Vanner
ToasterVan said:
I agree what she did wasn't very bright.. and she even admit this.. The point here is.. park your van anywhere in this day and age.. someone will take matters into their own hands and someone will get hurt.. If you see a suspicious vehicle cruising or parked in your area, don't take matters into your own hands, call the police.

Call the police? Why?   Hobojoe
It is what it is.. and I'll not debate the issue. Merely pointing out that when tramp vans show up in our neighborhood they "will" be towed at the owners expense and promises this. Nothing more to say Van Tramps you're not welcome in our neighborhood.. Period.
Nelson said she smashed several of the van's windows hoping to get the person's attention.

UH~~~ Toasty, We are vanners, and one thing the members here always say is to not trash your landing site.  At RTR everyone keeps their area clean.  I have yet to see anyone leave needles lying around.  

If someone smashes my windows hoping to get my attention, they will.  They will end up hogtied and at the end of a nasty lawsuit.  Other members here might take different actions.  I am a peaceful person. but even the bible allows for death to an intruder.  One of the few allowances to the "not kill" rule.  

Thou shall not mess with my personal space.   :cool: CAPICE?
That news story has issues on both sides. It's basically confronting city stealthing, which is always going to be a mixed bag of experiences, differing from neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city, state to state.

Toaster, I, personally, would never choose to park in a neighborhood with 'neighborhood patrol' signs all over, but if I were hustled by the cops on or after one day? I'd move on. Your S&B statements and attitude are totally contrary to the stated goals of this site. Why are you even here?
lol...We may have found a candidate for the strange person who subscribes to Enigmatic Nomadic and issues a "thumbs down" vote on every video :D
BradKW said:
lol...We may have found a candidate for the strange person who  subscribes to Enigmatic Nomadic and issues a "thumbs down" vote on every video :D

Looks like it.
Wanderer said:
She's lucky the person wasn't armed. What she did, is a shooting offense on the west coast.

Here in the Southeast too.  "Stupid is as stupid does".  It also often hurts.  I feel no sympathy for her.
Why does the article say the woman was attacked? She even admitted attacking the van and its occupants first, and then the occupants defended themselves. If someone started breaking into your house and you ran at them with a baseball bat, you would be clearly in the right.
dhawktx said:
That news story has issues on both sides. It's basically confronting city stealthing, which is always going to be a mixed bag of experiences, differing from neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city, state to state.

Toaster, I, personally, would never choose to park in a neighborhood with 'neighborhood patrol' signs all over, but if I were hustled by the cops on or after one day? I'd move on. Your S&B statements and attitude are totally contrary to the stated goals of this site. Why are you even here?
He's trolling you guys [emoji57]