Don't Be This Girl!!

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Aug 12, 2021
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:rolleyes: This is  My Introduction to Van Life"/Though - "Trial By Travail"!  

After a Disastrous GIG, I limped back home.  Home was going to be "My Van" though?  I had TWO Advantages, I had a Job and My Van, but other than that it was Fall, when I returned and I was not (PREPRARED) for the coming Winter?  All My clothes were summer wear, was this a "Disaster" in the Making?

It was NOT a "Pleasant Experience", I did go a few nights without eating, sleeping was a trial, I made it through to the other side.  :shy:

Some friends helped me out with some (clothes, a jacket, hat, gloves, an extra blanket).  Others bought me some (food and water, couple of items to help with living in a van, like "Pillows" just to be comfortable)?  With some Moral Support and a Few Extra Bucks, I survived.  I worked, I saved, I made it through that experience. 

The POINT and MORAL of the story is to "PRACTICE PREPAREDNESS"!  I have seen cars on fire, a (Fire Extinguisher) is a good thing to have in your van/car.  Also (First aid kit, food and water, extra clothes, blankets).  You can ADD extra gas, oil, some tools.  We may not be able to cover EVERY "Scenario" but one can try!! :thumbsup:

Life is "NEVER FUN" when you're the ONE who drives out to the country for a "Picnic", ONLY to get a FLAT and Discover...I have NO "Jack or Spare" as your Companion gives you the "Eye"?  :rolleyes:

DON'T Be That Guy / Gal!!  :heart: :shy: :thumbsup:

"Practice Preparedness".
So you are saying you are the helpless female type? No problem, just be sure you have a cell phone and a credit card along and you will do OK. But just in case do wear comfortable shoes.
eh, you are fine and yes we do have to consider our next choices as we travel and super cool ya got friends to help you and it sounds like in the end, ya learned a few things and are doing ok and paying it forward on some knowledge that might help another........good post

no one can cover it all ya ya know..........just learn as you are and do a few things for 'what if' cause the 'biggie BS what ifs in life' that hit us you can't control so just enjoy life being smarter than ya were a bit ago :) on crap ya can got this!! Learning is a good thing!
maki2 said:
So you are saying you are the helpless female type? No problem, just be sure you have a cell phone and a credit card along and you will do OK. But just in case do  wear comfortable shoes.
come on her M
geez! ugh  :dodgy: too dodgy truly for your chat to this poster...bleck
OP, I am puzzled by your post. First of all, what is a 'disastrous GIG'? Was this a recent event? If so, why would you need winter wear? And if you 'went home', why didn't you have winter clothes there? And if you were traveling in your van, why didn't you have food and pillows along with you?

Flats are a simple fact of life, as most people who have been driving for more than six months know. If a simple flat could derail you this much...
We've all had hard lessons in life and as long as we learn from them and make any adjustments needed to avoid a repeat then you'll probably have a good story to tell later. Hope you have better luck next time you head out and be safe.
maki2 said:
So you are saying you are the helpless female type? No problem, just be sure you have a cell phone and a credit card along and you will do OK. But just in case do  wear comfortable shoes.

^_^ LOL NO what I tell my friends - DON'T be that girl!!  NO I'm the one keeps the survival gear in my van along with food, water, etc.
Good post, thanks!

Not all get the luxery of preparedness. Some are thrust immediately into vehicle dwelling due to unexpected circumstances. So my advice is for all to have vehicle dwelling as a backup plan and prepare accordingly, hoping they may never need to bug out on a moment's notice. Better to be ready and not need it than to be caught totally unawares. Also, AAA is your friend!
Funny how no matter how prepared you are there is an aspect that will cripple your journey. All you can do is your best and sometimes you will need the help of a friend or two. Be it your vehicle, your health or another unknown... that’s why a community such as this can be very helpful. Ive found its much easier to give then to be on the receiving end. But now facing a little physical challenge I may have to rely on some help. Who prepares for every what if out there. I’m good... not looking for such help. But when on the road it’s nice to have the resource of fellow people living on the road to get information and sometimes help. Now for me it’s will they drag this out delaying my departure...
Very truthful post.
Last year I got stuck in the sand.
In the dark.
In the desert.
I found my camper ok as I lugged several grocery bags with frozen stuff and perishables. A friend tried to help me to no avail.
I was no more than 500 yards from that truck and we could not find it.
IN THE DESERT. You know where it is FLAT.
The truck disappeared. I am convinced it was an alien abduction.
Next day with daylight and some help we dragged it out. Now I carry recovery boards, a shovel and a rake.
Note to self:- I must take down and inspect my spare tire. That is going to be a major league chore. 10 to 1 the hoist is seized.