Dog Theft!

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Optimistic Paranoid

Well-known member
Jan 12, 2013
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So last night, my local TV station ran a story about a growing dog theft trend.

People steal desirable breeds right out of fenced yards (They had several videos of people grabbing dogs, hopping in cars, and driving away.) and then selling them on Craig's List.

One woman recovered her beloved dog 7 months later when she saw what appeared to be her dog in an online advertisement.  She paid the guy $250 for her dog, then went to the authorities to have him arrested.

In her case, it worked, because she had had her dog microchipped, and she was able to PROVE it was her dog by the microchip..

Which leads to the question of the day.  How many of YOU have had your dog or cat chipped?

I am a huge advocate of having your pets microchipped ;but be sure your contact info is kept up to date. Sadly it is a much more horrible story here in New Mexico.Dogs,puppies cats and kittens are stolen from fenced yards,Craigs list ads and such.The breed doesn't matter as they are used in the highly profitable dog fighting rings.Animals not used for fighting are used as breeders and/or bait animals. Can't understand what lowlife would take pleasure seeing two animals tear each other apart in a fight to the death.Sadly pets stolen for this purpose are almost never found as these rings constantly move and often are out in remote areas so arrests are seldom. Keep a close eye on your pets and report suspicious activity.
Count us as a "yes," too. As often as he gets himself in trouble and goes to the vet, I would like to see online medical records kept by chip number. That would save me from having to bring a sheaf of paperwork to every new vet he sees.
It's not only is it important to get our pets micro chipped. Each year, when your pet goes in for it's annual exam it should be scanned for the microchip. The chips are inserted subcutaneously and sometimes float. When dogs are scanned for a microchip if may be missed if it has floated.
gramakittycat said:
I am a huge advocate of having your pets microchipped ;but be sure your contact info is kept up to date. Sadly it is a much more horrible story here in New Mexico.Dogs,puppies cats and kittens are stolen from fenced yards,Craigs list ads and such.The breed doesn't matter as they are used in the highly profitable dog fighting rings.Animals not used for fighting are used as breeders and/or bait animals. Can't understand what lowlife would take pleasure seeing two animals tear each other apart in a fight to the death.Sadly pets stolen for this purpose are almost never found as these rings constantly move and often are out in remote areas so arrests are seldom. Keep a close eye on your pets and report suspicious activity.

Oh my gosh! That is so horrid. I had no idea that dog fighting rings even still went on in today's day and age. :(

In regards to the original post, we have a Jack Russel Terrier that we got from a local animal shelter so happily he already came chipped. We always keep his chip up to date because since he is a can never know what trouble they are going to get themselves into. :rolleyes:
I know a woman who had her dog snatched from her yard, but not quite in the same way.

She was standing at her window watching her 15 year-old miniature in the enclosed backyard, when a hawk swooped down and carried it off. There was nothing she could do.
I don't like to leave my dog alone for long periods of time not only because of theft, but sometimes kids can be ornery and make a good dog mean by teasing it. Sometimes, people will poison a dog. (This is quite rare, though, yet is serious.) Having a chip will guarantee your vet will be contacted and that could make the difference in saving your dog's life. Side squeeze buckles fail easily, collars can be removed, but a chip is harder to remove.

Isn't the total cost around $60 to have it inserted then registered? Cheap insurance. You can also sign up for extra perks, too. For a monthly fee, of course.

Oh, and a big YES from me for chipping. That is one of the first things I would do.
Canine said:
Isn't the total cost around $60 to have it inserted then registered?
My daughter just had her puppy microchipped in NM on 7/17/2015. $51.30 for the chipping plus lifetime registration (for Avid). I told her when she got the puppy to have it microchipped ASAP. It's not like the puppy can tell someone who to call if she got lost. The puppy was also spayed as well. Another thing I firmly advocate. This puppy was a private rescue. We keep a close eye on her since pet theft is so bad in NM. If it's not thieves, it's coyotes.
Chip in the dog, clip in the gun...

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