Dog in Hot Van Question

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Feb 18, 2019
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I'm new and have not started traveling yet and don't even have a van yet but I have been worried about traveling with my little shih-Tzu. If I become a workamper and have to leave him in the van, how do I do that? I mean, I can't leave the van running? What is the solution? Thank you so much for your kind responses!
Rita :heart:
Most people living on wheels try to stay where the climate is nice. If it gets hot just start climbing. Get cold? Go down south.

I had a friend whose dog died in her van. She was gone ten minutes.

If it’s not comfortable to you sitting in the van then it’s not ok to leave a pet either.
Thank you,  I guess I was just wondering how people handle this. I mean, a lot of people travel with pets. Even if you just stop to go into Walmart or to somewhere to get supplies. What if you have to go somewhere for an hour or two? I would love for others - who travel with pets - to chime in on this.
I'm new and have not started traveling yet and don't even have a van yet but I have been worried about traveling with my little shih-Tzu. If I become a workamper and have to leave him in the van, how do I do that? I mean, I can't leave the van running? What is the solution? Thank you so much for your kind responses!

I guess I was just wondering how people handle this. I mean, a lot of people travel with pets. Even if you just stop to go into Walmart or to somewhere to get supplies. What if you have to go somewhere for an hour or two? I would love for others - who travel with pets - to chime in on this

Thank you, Brian, yes, I finally found the right forum to post the question. I also did some search within the forum and saw that it has been discussed before.
Never leave a pet in an unattended vehicle. Pets die here every year due to their humans who don't think about this. It can take only 5 minutes for a dog or cat to die in the heat inside a vehicle.
Most people who travel with pets do it on vacation, when they can take their dogs with them. Leaving a dog to go to work is completely different.

First, you can't really control your hours if the boss needs you to stick around. Who knows when you'll be able to return for the day, much less check that your pet is okay. Or what if you get hurt and can't return?

But also, a full day without pooping or peeing, or a water refresh on a hot day, is a heck of a lot to ask of an animal, especially an older one. I doubt I've ever in my life been able to last that long. It's unkind to subject an animal to that ... or to your resentment or anger if the animal lets loose out of desperation while you're gone. Plus, boy oh boy will your close quarters stink if that happens.
Rita, if you Camp with others you can always ask a friend to watch your dog while you are gone. There is a lot of that going on.
A Extra large dog crate outside of the van, but in full shade with plenty of water, and cross ventilation. They make one that we used to use for our Wolf Hybrids that was collapsible heavy gauge wire, that can be covered with a small tarp/blanket on the top, and one side.
Hello GypsyRita, I'm also new to this group and also new to RVing. Recently I have purchased a travel trailer, I and my husband planned to travel across AZ with our 2 Dogs So I was worried about my Rojer&Jem because while traveling heatstroke may affect my dogs But in another group, one person had suggested me Pet temperature monitor. Finally, I found a good product to monitor my pet's temperature while traveling or leaving them alone in the van and also I ordered one for me currently. Have a safe trip with your Shih-Tzu.
I understand but as a member and pet owner, I would like you, especially as a brand new member with no posts, to test out the product before you recommend it multiple times.

I would also prefer you not to provide links related to purchasing immediately as you appear in these forums.

I understand that you may be among the rare people who do these things without malice aforethought. As a gesture of goodwill, though, and to ensure you are a respected part of the community, I believe you owe it to all of the people here or anywhere who have never heard of you to both test out the product and not provide product links until you have done so.
Thanks for posting that Jessica. I don’t think many people are aware that they can purchase such an item. Could have pet lives.

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Try running your errands after the sun goes down. I do that if I have to bring my dogs with me. I purposely have a camper so I can leave the air on or windows open if I'm gone for short periods of time. I would never consider leaving my pets in a vehicle if there was any chance they could overheat. It's not worth it, and traveling isn't worth it if I would have to put their lives in danger. I have heard of some people that wear a lanyard rope around their necks with a card that has their identifying info, vehicle info & the fact that they have a pet in their vehicle, just in case they have a medical emergency while away from their vehicle.
3caninekids said:
Try running your errands after the sun goes down...

If I become a workamper and have to leave him in the van...

I believe she means if she's gone to work all day, not just running errands.

You can run solar AC, but that's a pretty hefty solar setup and you wouldn't want something to fail and the AC not to work. I personally wouldn't workamp with a dog, unless I had someone travelling with me to watch my pup while I'm gone.
We have t0 figure this 0ut t00   We are c0nsidering being careful t0 b00k sp0ts where we can find a day kennel when he can't c0me in with us We are trying t0  figure a back p0rch f0r the trailer we wi be w0rking 0ut 0f s0 he can sn00ze 0ut there if he wants
Self employment that happens in your own RV is a good thing to aim for as you will always know that you can have your dog right by your side.
Firstly, put a roof rack on whatever van you get. Cover it in solar panels or something to shade the roof under it from the sun.
Second, make sure your van is white, so the sun does not cook it.
Third, go to a welding shop to make door inserts for your windows in the front of the van.
("Cow fence wire" panels can make excellent inserts for the front doors that keep the van secure and the dog cool. Any local welder can make these for you for less money than they get for pre-fabs.)
Fourth, put a solar powered fan in one of the windows.

Even in 95 degrees, the dog will be fine then
I’ve done lots of traveling with my dogs in the back of my truck in the cap.

I spend lots of time searching out deep shade and generally set a timer on my phone so I’m not gone longer than I intended!

I open up the windows and the back of the cap and many times pour their dish full of water.

Parking in the sun or just cracking the windows is not an option! Being gone longer than a couple of quick errands during the summer in many places isn’t an option either with animals inside a vehicle!

I've been rubbertramping for over 30yrs and, save for a few months between my last dog and my present one (Coco), I've always had a dog. I've also made it a point to have solar and at least 1 12v extractor fan. Having room to stand up in a rig also stratifies the air (hotter near the ceiling, where the fan is) and it can be quite comfortable down low. I also insulate my rig rather well. ..Willy.

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