Do you LOVE coffee?

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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I have had very few great cups of coffee in my life.

I bought green beans and roasted them, etc., yet the best coffee that I could make was never as good as the few great cups that I bought.

(Please do not recommend Charbucks! )

What coffee do you make and where do you buy it?

Do you grind?

How do you brew it?  I use pour over.

If it is great coffee, I drink it black.

Less than great, I have to doctor it up with lightener and with sweetener.

Any recommendations?
I drink instant....20 Years in the Army made it an acquired taste. My philosophy is there’s no such thing as a bad cup of coffee, just some better than others. :)
^ Haha, I served in the army too and I was never happy with either the chow hall coffee or instant packs in MRE bags.

For a fast food place when I don't have anything else, Chick-fil-A has a decent coffee imo. I drink black mostly, so I could really tell (vs say, McDonalds). I used to also work for starbucks and I agree that most of their flavor is "dark" ish for most folks. There are flavors which doesn't taste charred. Forgot which. Been almost 12 years since.

For coffee shops, I've had great experiences with local coffee brewers.

For every morning before work type, I usually go with Green Mountain(for taste to cost ratio) on regular brewer, French press when I have time. I've also tried old percolators, but taste wise I like French press better. I've tried Death Wish brand for that extra Kick. had similar charred taste you are talking about, but woke me up alright. :D

For the Kcup folks, Costco big boxes are good value and taste better than Walmart brand.
GsFish...Maxwell House is my instant of choice :)
I have to have coffee! I make it in a percolator on the stove. I use a regular coffee filter in the percolator to reduce grounds. Then I sprinkle cinnamon on the grounds before percing. A lot of times after the coffee has been perc'd, I will add one packet of hot cocoa to the pot and stir it good. Perc'd coffee is best for me when it has percolated about 2-3 mins. Much more than that and it gets to bitter.
I worship at the altar of coffee, but like many things in my life, my devotion follows a pendulum swing where I'll go from roasting and grinding beans and measuring water temp... to using a $30 Mr. Coffee and pre-gound Starbucks Espresso Roast. It's never quite made the swing all the way back over to diner coffee, but I could see it happening.
Queen said:
I worship at the altar of coffee, but like many things in my life, my devotion follows a pendulum swing where I'll go from roasting and grinding beans and measuring water temp... to using a $30 Mr. Coffee and pre-gound Starbucks Espresso Roast.  It's never quite made the swing all the way back over to diner coffee, but I could see it happening.

Been there, done it,  and I completely understand and agree.

I have made some pretty good espresso using a Gaggia machine and home roasted coffee but my success period was short.

I am currently using 8 O'clock ground that smells great in  the bag but a million miles away in the cup.

How do you brew Starbucks Espresso Roast as far as measurement goes?
Sorry--I have always hated coffee. Can't drink the stuff. Tried it every way imaginable: cream, sugar, more sugar, more cream, more sugar....... Still undrinkable for me.

I can't even stand stuff like coffee-flavored ice cream.

LoL @BobBski !

That MRE instant, warmed up on tank's turbine exhaust (with hints of Kerosene) is the best cup you'll ever have when you're cold, tired and miserable!
I consider myself a minor coffee snob. Even at the house, I now use the Stanley camp French press. I use the Costco organic whole bean medium roast and commit the heresy of grinding the entire bag there. I used to use K-cups (and really liked it), but I switched over in preparation of going on the road, to not use the electric coffee maker. This is much better.

Charbucks is out of the question. I do like Einstein Brothers coffee, though.
An Aeropress Coffee Press.

I know the man who invented it.

He also invented the ring Frisbee.

BTW I am now 24 pounds lighter. lol

The best cup of coffee I've had is anything someone got up earlier and made.

In the camper van it's Bustello brand coffee made in a moka pot. I grew up on this stuff. Cleaning the moka pot is easy doesn't require a lot of water. Tried a coffee press but for me it was too hard to clean without using a lot of water.
Boyntonstu said:
Been there, done it,  and I completely understand and agree.

I have made some pretty good espresso using a Gaggia machine and home roasted coffee but my success period was short.

I am currently using 8 O'clock ground that smells great in  the bag but a million miles away in the cup.

How do you brew Starbucks Espresso Roast as far as measurement goes?

I tried the 8 O'clock and agree with your assessment.

I like thick dark coffee, so I use two heaping 1/4 cup scoops in a 10 cup coffee maker, makes a nice tasty cup.
clover valley breakfast blend boiled in camp perc for an hour then loaded with creamer. I just feel Im above cowboy style.
slynne said:
I like Tim Horton's coffee a lot but alas, the chain isn't as popular here as it is in Canada.

Loved Tim Horton's in the US, Dunkin Donuts has a pretty good cup.  ;)
I might be able to choose a coffee better if I could settle on a method.  I use espresso roast pods at home because it's so convenient and tastes awesome but in the van?  Great to hear what you all are doing.  Was thinking of just a small electric coffee pot (the $10 variety).  I need to run my genny a little to help charge the battery each day so I thought I might be able to get away with this.  Does anyone do this?