Do you do dope in this van? What!

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Hell yeah, man. Throw out the hook with rock & roll on a raf! Kin dig it. I'm on a Joan Jett Kik rite now myself, long wit Cheri Curry & The Runaways....... Joni bay bee jez turned 60 - bit still rox!

Blackheart Fetish & CHA CHA CHA CHAH CHERRIE BOMB!.................INTJohny Luzsha
All joking aside, until today I didn't know marijuana possession in ANY amount is a FELONY in AZ. I don't have any felonies and I don't want any. AZ has a medical program for residents only but they honor medical marijuana cards from other states. So, there's that

Edited to add:
They'll honor MM cards from other states but you can't buy it from a dispensary in AZ
Whoa. I thought PA was bad. I'm not complaining about that anymore.
"All joking aside.........." haha

Well since you've taken all the fun out of it. Truth is I've never smokt a joint, done weed in mah lyfe. I've always lived a very healthy lifestyle but I do gotta have mah gin.......... & weed jez aint healthy or most other drugs including many legal ones.

Moz murahkins don't live anykind of healthy life style, period so don't matter to me if day smokin or not. Buh - since "all jokin aside" - and if I conclude some1 doesn't live a healthy lifestyle I doh wan m n mah life or anywhere near me. Medical studies have concluded that only about 3% of murahkins live a healthy life style. Most are fat obese cig or dope smokin unhealthy kreeps; complete lack of proper diet nutrition & exercize - 97%!! We're not talkin marathon runners & 6 pack abs - just simple basic recommendations.
I have so many young people ask me, "JOHN" what we gotta do to be like U to get win we're ur age?"
I tell straight up: Proper diet & nutrition; exercize, no dope illicit drugs.

Fresh fruits & veggies mixt with a nonred meat dead animal .

And I've always drank premium gin.....
Jez sayin...........INTjohn
This has gotten a little far off the original intent of this thread. Namely that, if you're gonna be spending a lot of time driving all over the country, especially in a rig that stands out from 2 miles away, and you're also doing or have done drugs in the rig, then all I can saw is, ya gotta be dumb as a post. Maybe with an MM license from another state, you can get off. I don't know.

When I drove through the big ICE facility in Ajo, they did have a drug sniffing dog there, as well as 5 armed muchachos (sitting in chairs behind a concrete barrier) who didn't appear to have a sense of humor between the lot. That place is huge and is not a border crossing, but 50 miles or so from the border.

I imagine the famous last words of many a card is "I've always been lucky". It might just be a matter of time.
One more story. I've not had any real experience with drug sniffing dogs, but they're pretty good at what they do, I think. Once I was taking the train from Marseilles to Genoa, and our coach got detoured to a siding at the Italian border. A bit later some gendarmes with a drug sniffing dog came onto one end of the coach, and the dog literally went wild. It pulled them 50' down to the other end of the coach, and 2 seconds later a couple of guys were in handcuffs.

I prefer to stay out of trouble.
Qxxx said:
This has gotten a little far off the original intent of this thread. Namely that, if you're gonna be spending a lot of time driving all over the country, especially in a rig that stands out from 2 miles away, and you're also doing or have done drugs in the rig, then all I can saw is, ya gotta be dumb as a post. Maybe with an MM license from another state, you can get off. I don't know.

They can also take your rig (at least temporarily) and your cash (maybe permanently). You'll have a place to sleep but I don't picture it as very accommodating..
that cops full of caca. mj smell doesn't hang around for months! they just say that
to get some dumbass to confess. driving that bread truck must be almost as bad as
driving while black :dodgy:
txmnjim said:
that cops full of caca. mj smell doesn't hang around for months! they just say that
to get some dumbass to confess. driving that bread truck must be almost as bad as
driving while black
She also asked him if he had large amounts of cash. They would have been more than happy to relieve him of it if so. I was proud of him for not allowing them inside his rig. Recording everything is a game changer
"She also asked him if he had large amounts of cash".

What was that about? Veiled attempt asking for a bribe?

"Cash" plus "pot" equals "intent to sell", which is a felony. It also allows the coppers to confiscate the money (and also the van) as an "asset forfeiture".
Civil forfeiture laws are how police literally steal and pocket your money. They get busted a lot for using these funds for personal use.
No drugs are needed either. Just the simple fact that you have cash is enough to get it confiscated. You then have to prove in court the money you obtained the money legally. Usually the police will settle out of court if you let them keep half. Most people do this. The rest of people who are victims of the police usually do nothing because they can't. They can't afford the lawyer, can't litigate themselves, or the cost is more than the money seized. This is usually when police just put it in their pocket. Write your congressman right now and pressure them to abolish civil forfeiture laws.
Ha, given your view of how cops make their livelihood, all the more reason to not be dumb, and not bring anything stupid down on your head. The best line in Top Gun the movie was when Goose says "the DOD regrets to inform you that yours sons are dead because ... They Were Stupid".
HalfShadows said:
I viewed the Idaho border crossing video of this individual.  It is my belief, that it is not uncommon for law enforcement agencies to receive elevated alerts of other nefarious activities coming their way.
30 years ago the Police in Seattle became aware that I had an antique pistol, (cap and ball). I was going into Canada to Visit B.C. so I rented a box at the bus station to store it in for the weekend.  Crossing into Canada they tore my car apart looking for the gun. Where is it they asked. I said where is What? They asked where is the gun. I told them and showed them the locker key. Even back then, your license plate gets put into a data base, you can expect to stand out from the crowd.
"Ya know, I have had a lot less trouble with the cops since I stopped doing things that are illegal".

--my high school friend

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