Do you do dope in this van? What!

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Ran across this guy, have not watched his videos before. He drove his big step van across the border into AZ, and quickly was pulled over. Three different agencies checked him out. 

What is interesting is that, at 3:55 in the video the trooper starts questioning him about marijuana. He said "the smell lingers forever", and he was "getting whiff every time a semi went past". Interesting observation. Must be a moral there. Youtubers are a hoot. He was also pulled over a day ago or so crossing into Idaho, in another video.

FWIW, I had similar fun, but less hassle, at the huge ICE station in Ajo last winter. Dogs, guys with mirrors looking under the van, etc. They are very well trained. One guy was engaging my attention in very friendly conversation, asking about the van and whatnot, and on the other side the guy was checking out everything with mirrors. 4 more guys were sitting right there with nonexistent smiles on their faces. Ain't it fun.
Just take a ferry ride in Seattle. The drug and bomb sniffing dogs and the guys with mirrors check the vehicles waiting for the boats. It has been situation normal since 9-11.  Not every boat load gets check but many of them do. Crossing the border coming back to the USA from Canada they have sensor machines doing the sniffing.
yeah it almost passed for recreational use last election in Arizona, you don't want to get caught with it there. everyone must remember no matter what state you are in, even in a state were it's legal, at this time it is NOT legal on Federal land. that is ALL BLM, Forest Service, National Wildlife Refugees, Corp of engineers, National Park, etc. highdesertranger
I viewed the Idaho border crossing video of this individual.  It is my belief, that it is not uncommon for law enforcement agencies to receive elevated alerts of other nefarious activities coming their way. Utilization of random drug interdiction could be employed for that reason. When the officer communicated to the driver, not to think he was singled out for any reason other than randomness, I thought to myself, maybe she meant every other Step-Van.
"she meant every other Step-Van".

I was in and out of Idaho 4 times in June, had no problems, but I have a plain old white cargo van.

Seems like a bad plan to smoke dope in your van and then travel across the country, as many states have harsh laws on such activity.
Yeah the qwicker Az passes a rec weed law the better.........

Its a major pain in the ass to park the van straddling the Cal Az border having to have the weed on one side of the truck and the guns on the other.

Sheeesh Life's jez to damn comp a kated...........intjohn
INTJohn said:
Its a major pain in the ass to park the van straddling the Cal Az border having to have the weed on one side of the truck and the guns on the other.

There's a solution to every problem. I don't know why I didn't think of that
Bob Wells interviewed that guy not to long ago on one of his video's. I think at the last RTR.
I grew out of pot + beer when I got married and had to buy diapers. I do not miss it either.
Was never a heavy user, and diapers cost a lot back in the 70's. Give me another decade and
I'll be buying them again for myself.
Depends aren't so cheap nowadays either. I buy them by the cases (yes, plural) for my wife.
We don't have legal weed on the east coast. I went to Colorado last summer and stockpiled on my way to Nevada. This place sold me some weed that was so strong and fresh it almost made me gag when I smelled it. I bought an ounce of it. And like 300$ in edibles. I stopped at a couple was weird being legal. The guys laughed at me cuz I was acting all shady about buying it. They kept telling me to relax, it's ok lol
I've watched both videos. His top speed is 60mph so maybe that's why he gets pulled over.
Natgreen said:
Utah was scary. Miles of nothing.
LOL, welcome to the west. Miles of nothingness with a city scattered around here and there. And maybe a tree. Some of us call this True Love. Brought up on old cowboy movies.
so where do you straddle the CA and AZ border where you are not in the middle of the Colorado river? highdesertranger

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