Do I need an inverter?

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2015
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I'm looking to add a very simple solar system to my van with enough power for lights, music and charging laptop/cellphone/camera. I'm thinking a 100w solar panel and an AGM deep cycle battery. From the research I've done, I thought I would need an inverter but my buddy insists that these are a waste of power and unnecessary and all I need is an ac/dc power adapter. I've had a hard time finding information on such a thing, any advice or input would be truly appreciated! Is there a general ac/dc adapter, or would I need a specialized one for each device I want to charge? Thank you!
I have a small 200W inverter that I use to charge my electronics. It was not expensive and I use it nearly every day but only plug it in when I need it.
Thanks mockturtle, what electronics do you charge from it? Can you explain your system a bit? Thanks!
Inverters are only around 85% efficient though some claim to be more so.  I'd not believe them.

DC to DC conversion is less wasteful than DC to 120AC then reconversion back to AV, which is what happens when one plugs in the original power laptop power brick into the inverter.

Most people see an inverter as the solution to all household power needs, but have little concept of how much electricity those household devices require.

Plug your laptop make and model number into amazon electronics and add 'car adapter'.  make sure the results show a ciggy plug.  This will save a lot of battery power.

Any USB charged device only needs another ciggy plug adapter as USB is 5v DC. So running an inverter, just to power a transformer for 5vDC is truly wasteful.

It is easier to use less electricity than it is to have enough charging sources  and battery capacity so one need not worry about electrical consumption.

Sometimes the inverter is required, when no DC to DC converters are available, or the device itself is 115vAC.

Inverters make it very easy to overdischarge lead acid batteries, and without a true full recharge, the battery is punch drunk, and remains so.  Further discharges without a full recharge cause battery capacity to diminish more and more, at which point the human needing electricity then freaks out, usually blaming the battery, rather than the person in the mirror for their ignorance about how batteries work and how little energy is actually stored in that lead acid battery.
marigold said:
Thanks mockturtle, what electronics do you charge from it?  Can you explain your system a bit? Thanks!

I have four 12V outlets in my RV:  Two in the cab [engine battery] and two in the coach [coach batteries].  The inverter [200W] plugs into a 12V outlet and it has two three-prong, two USB and one accessory 12V outlets.  When my computer, kindle, cell phone or jetpack need charging I just plug them in until they are charged.  I also use it to plug in my Wilson Sleek antenna booster while using it.  It can actually accommodate all components at once, if necessary.  Mine is a PowerLine and I think I got it at Walmart.  Before this, I had a smaller, 100W inverter with which I could charge items one at a time.
I too have 12VDC car chargers for all my portable electronics. Each seems t need a different tip, so I have different charger units. But the good thing is, I can charge two gadgets at once while driving. I use the ones for my cell phone and two different GPS units the most.
marigold said:
I'm looking to add a very simple solar system to my van with enough power for lights, music and charging laptop/cellphone/camera. I'm thinking a 100w solar panel and an AGM deep cycle battery. From the research I've done, I thought I would need an inverter but my buddy insists that these are a waste of power and unnecessary and all I need is an ac/dc power adapter.  I've had a hard time finding information on such a thing, any advice or input would be truly appreciated! Is there a general ac/dc adapter, or would I need a specialized one for each device I want to charge? Thank you!

First off all the above advice is just fine and I'm just putting my own thoughts in here for ya. 
Lights, Shop for 12 volt lights and they can be connected directly to this additional battery. Problem solved. 
Music? Ipod, portable Boom box? Existing stereo in the vehicle? Need to know to offer an answer. assuming Ipod then as mentioned above can be pluged into a cig socket with the right cord, or into a USB adapter that plugs into a cig socket. Boom box? If it's battery powered and can use an external power source you could be in luck if it's 12 volts as that could be wired direct to the battery. Existing stereo could be reconnected to the house battery instead of the starting battery no adapters needed. 

Laptops you have options, 1 a small inverter will do it as like the one mentioned above although you need to take a look at the power adapter you have for it and find out what it is rated at. Example lets say it says 90Watts on it, the one above would be to small, but a 200 watt inverter would be fine and there not that expensive. Or you could purchase a 12 volt power supply made just for that laptops power requirements. Eliminates the need for an inverter. 

Cellphone camera etc, if each of these has a adapter that can either be plugged into a USB port your good with the USB adapter. If you have to use the AC adapter supplied with the product, then the you might just consider the 200 watt inverter and not even bother with the dc adapter for the laptop.

100 watt solar panel and an inexpensive PWM type solar charge controller and the deep cycle battery will work. 

Good luck. 
If you're driving much, I certainly wouldn't waste money on solar, I'd just charge your house battery while driving. I use quite a bit more power than what you're describing and just charge while driving.
Look at the things you have and see if they all will easily convert to 12v, if even one has to have the inverter you may as well get it and run everything on it. I kept the phones, TV, DVD, net book, GPS, etc all on 12v until we got a tailgater satellite and the receiver required a inverter. A tiny 150w inverter handles all of them with ease just not at the same time. The parasitic draw is so low that I don't even turn it off at night as it keeps the receiver from needing to be reset in the morning.

Once we got all of the solar and extra battery in place we got a BIG inverter for bigger toys but that one is turned on and off as needed. The little stuff stays with the 150w.

Run everything you possibly can as native 12 volt (usually through a cigarette lighter plug) but even so there will be a few items that are only 110.
Good morning, I have a question. I just picked up a 400 watt inverter. I am just going to use in my cig lighter until I can afford good marine battery. Do I unplug it when not in use, or is shutting it off fine? Is there any draw from just being plugged into the lighter? Any help will be very much appreciated. Have a great day today! Peace
Mine are hard wired to the bank so we just shut them off when needed.
An excelent cigeratte lighter plug in an excelent socket wired well can handle up to 200 watts. If either gets dirty or worn, you will have problems. The higher the power the more the wire size and length matters.
so should I unplug it? Unsure of how good or clean they are. That van of mine has 4 cig. lighter sockets! I was surprised. peaceful afternoon everybelly!
thank you everyone, I understand a lot more about my power needs and options now. What a great wealth of information you all have.
Cigarette lighter plugs are very handy, but they're easily subject to wear and failure. I try to unplug mine the minimum I can. . Since you have four you'll be fine with leaving it plugged in and just turning off the switch on the inverter. Hopefully you can find a 12 volt adapter for most things and use it very little

You can buy a little voltmeter that plugs into a cigarrette lighter plug. I'd get one and watch your starting battery very close--you don't want to be stranded. Here is one on Amazon, but Walmart sells them as well in the auto section.

If you have to replace the starting battery, get the biggest marine battery you can stuff in there.