Inverters are only around 85% efficient though some claim to be more so. I'd not believe them.
DC to DC conversion is less wasteful than DC to 120AC then reconversion back to AV, which is what happens when one plugs in the original power laptop power brick into the inverter.
Most people see an inverter as the solution to all household power needs, but have little concept of how much electricity those household devices require.
Plug your laptop make and model number into amazon electronics and add 'car adapter'. make sure the results show a ciggy plug. This will save a lot of battery power.
Any USB charged device only needs another ciggy plug adapter as USB is 5v DC. So running an inverter, just to power a transformer for 5vDC is truly wasteful.
It is easier to use less electricity than it is to have enough charging sources and battery capacity so one need not worry about electrical consumption.
Sometimes the inverter is required, when no DC to DC converters are available, or the device itself is 115vAC.
Inverters make it very easy to overdischarge lead acid batteries, and without a true full recharge, the battery is punch drunk, and remains so. Further discharges without a full recharge cause battery capacity to diminish more and more, at which point the human needing electricity then freaks out, usually blaming the battery, rather than the person in the mirror for their ignorance about how batteries work and how little energy is actually stored in that lead acid battery.