Dear Hollywood.

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2013
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I just watched Star Trek Beyond on DVD because the last one sucked so bad I didn't want to fork out movie ticket money for the next one. Well OK so Star Trek Beyond was the best of the new Treks so far, and its the closest to the "Trek-ness" of the originals and I got all the little Trek references and inside jokes, but come on... Its time for the new trek to TREK its own path without all the nod nod wink winks to previous movies.

I'm going to go see Star Wars Rogue One with the G/F on Friday and all the reviews seems to indicate this is a fan service middle aged nerd hand job like movie like the Force Awakens was (is) Yeah OK its going to make you guys like a bazillion bux, and for that I don't blame you for giving us trek and wars fans a hand job at the theater. But come on!

Please quit remaking/rebooting/rebooting the remake/remake the reboot movies of the past! Or atleast if your going to do that, please make it new, and fresh. I just learned that they are making a "new" Twin Peaks with most of the original actors from the early 90's thats going to be out in 2017... Please no more.

Yeah I fit the demographic of the middle aged, pot bellied nerd who grew up in the 'burbs during the '80s. These movies are aimed at me. But I don't nibble on the memmber-berries like my contemporaries.

The Jam.

PS. The new Ghostbusters SUCKED. I rolled my eyes at the new Independence Day,
OK to be completely fair... I am enjoying the HECK out of ASH VS. The EVIL DEAD. Yeah its a fan service hand job... But it's new and updated in many ways that neither the new Trek and Wars hasn't been so far... :-D
I'm done with JJ Abrams movies. If he's a producer that's ok because he seems to be involved in everything these days, but if he's writer/director I'm out. I know it'll be predictable and quickly forgotten.

Most of the good stuff is on TV these days. I agree on Ash vs Evil Dead! I don't even like horror flicks as a rule but those movies and now the show have always been fun.
The greatest ironic truth about Star Trek, is who was responsible for it actually being produced.  

In 1964, Gene Roddenberry presented the concept to Desilu Studios as a space western.  Only one person approved of the concept, and gave it the development approval.  Lucille Ball. 

We have her to thank.
I'm not a big Star Wars fan, so I don't have the originals all memorized or have specific expectations, but man, The Force Awakens storyline was so incredibly disappointing. That movie could have been another classic. They got the action/suspense/general feeling quite right. But they might as well have just done a remake of whichever original they copied. I can see wanting to stick with what works, but that doesn't have to mean using literally the exact same plot and ending. I might not bother watching Rogue One at all, and if I do, it will only be for free.
As long as they don't make a remake of Mars Attacks.  :dodgy:
Cleaning the basement I found a complete set of the star wars films. I'm not sure what to do with them as I don't have a VCR anymore. I'm glad the special effects were good back then because the plots are horrible. lol
If you get the chance take in Hacksaw Ridge. Before you do, if you do, look up pvt doss on youtube. The unbelievable things in the script.....He did them. Me, myself and I all three thought it was an inspiring movie.


Forget it if this a strictly StarTrek thread. My Bad.
Just saw Rogue 1 yesterday and I enjoyed it.  Probably the best since the original Episode IV.  For the record, I enjoyed Episodes V and VI and thought Episodes I, II, and III were complete wastes.  And as for Episode VII, "The Force Awakens"  what the Hell is it with Lucas and his daddy issues?
my G/F just introduced me to the show: "Scorpion"... Its NERDERBATION... Its a double fisted NERD hand job.
Honestly I mostly watch 'kids' movies like the Ice Age anymore, there seems to be far more creativity directed at kids than at adults, and even when the plot sucks, there's funny stuff to laugh at
If you want to laugh, Masters Of the Universe.

It is much harder when you can't use shock value. Take the blood, guts, gore, and sex out of most grown up movies and there is nothing left.
There are still a few ambitious film makers out there. I'll go see anything by Charlie Kaufman or Alejandro Inarritu, I try not to even watch too many trailers. I didn't really like Anomalisa but I blame that on knowing way too much about it before seeing it so I'm going to try going in as blind as possible from now on.

Too bad Terry Gilliam seems to have a hard time getting projects going.

The weirder the better for me!
" The weirder the better for me! "

That is why a nickname for Hollywood is sometimes "Hollyweird."
I'm just posting to see how many instances this thread can accrue of the phrase "hand job."

Thanks, please proceed.
"I'm just posting to see how many instances this thread can accrue of the phrase "hand job."

Thanks, please proceed."

"SUCKED....4-5 hand jobs.... and many thumbs up in one thread is that?